Friday, 19 March 2010

Feeling Springlike

It was sunny this morning, honestly it was. Ok, so it then descended into wind and lashing rain by about 5pm but at least I was dressed for the weather for half of the day! This is probably the girliest outfit I have worn since I was about 6 years old but you know what? I love it. There's something about cute pumps and funky tights (I am seriously smitten with these cornflower blue beauties) and a dress with a double layer hem that makes me want to twirl round in the sunshine smiling at random strangers. I didn't actually take it that far as I'm way too shy for that kind of behaviour but the spirit was there.

Dress & cardi - Primark
Tights - Dorothy Perkins

Pumps - Schuh
Bangle - Shared Earth
Locket - allthingsyummy @ etsy

Some of the little touches that perk my mood up just to look at them:

And just because I'm in a whimsical mood and it's Friday, a couple of pictures of me pratting around at work today. In my defence, we have an Alice in Wonderland event on this weekend and my office ended up full of hats and costumes. Who could resist donning a silly hat?

I really don't like profile shots of my face, bleurgh


  1. I love this outfit! The shoes are gorgeous and I loved Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, although if you say the book is better then I'll have to find it and read it. Thanks for the tip and I shall also check out the other book you mentioned too. xxx

  2. What a fabulous outfit, Alex. The print on the dress, blue tights, pretty pumps and perfect jewellery = Divine. The hats are so fun but I'm in awe of the view from your office window, where on earth do you work, it looks like heaven?

  3. Alex your outfit is beautiful. I remember you posting those shoes and they are just fab!!! Who wouldn't have some Alice fun!?! x

  4. Those shoes are gorgeous x

  5. You look utterly gorgeous, Alex! I love, love, LOVE the dress and the shoes, and together they are sheer perfection. I might just copy this entire look! :D xx

  6. Aw this is wonderful! I neeeeed those tights as i have that dress to and will just have to copy your look :D x

  7. What a beautiful, whimsical outfit!

    So sad that we have no Primark in Manila!?

  8. Absolutely divine outfit,sweetie!!!Such a cute pendant,and shoes,and frock!!!
    I loved Miss Pettigrew too-I didn't realise it was based on a book!!Must find it!!x

  9. Gorgeous outfit - I really like everything, especially the shoes!

    Poppy x

  10. Such a gorgeous outfit Alex, you look so pretty. Why didn't I see that dress in Primark???
    I hope you have fun with the Alice thing this weekend.
    Vicki xxx

  11. Love the shoes and the dress together, particularly with the yellow cardi! Very springlike and pretty! x

  12. You really know how to wear colored tights - love this!


  13. Girly= so so so cute! Love those pumps!

  14. Wow, love these colours on you Alex and those shoes..just divine x

  15. Loving all the blue! The print on the dress is so fun.

    Just found your blog and can't wait to see more.

  16. that dress is so pretty, and I heart the shoes. Next time I think you should twirl around in the street, unleash that inner child xx

  17. Such a pretty and vibrant outfit! Love the tights!


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