Monday, 8 March 2010

Keeping it simple

Dress & pumps - New Look
Bangle - Shared Earth
I do like this dress very much. Simple, but with enough detail for it not to be boring, and quite flattering over the problem tummy area. It doesn't appear to be draping very well in the photo but that's probably due to the fact it's about minus 1 outside this afternoon and I was shivering when the photo was taken! Brrrrr, I must stop mistaking sunshine for warmth.
I do think I'm a bit too clumsy/accident prone to wear things like this though. I bet you not one other person who's bought this dress and worn it has managed to get the crochet detailing on the hem stuck on a chair and then proceeded to not notice and drag the chair along the room with her. I managed it quite easily. Dearie me, I'm not safe to be let out sometimes.

A little closeup of the detailing on the neckline (not the pesky hem!)

And curses to my hair for not being co-operative! I had fabulous plans for slightly 60's hair today to go with the dress but instead my hair was obviously of the opinion that it wanted to be a)greasy and b)stupidly flyaway. With no time to wash it, a bun was in order. Ah well, the beehive can wait till next time.


  1. that dress is gorgeous and look beautiful on you, one of my fave of your outfit pics xx

  2. I do love that dress (and the bangle) but had to laugh with the thought of you dragging your chair along behind you.
    Your hair looks perfectly lovely but be like moi and keep a can of Batiste on you at all times. The slummy girls secret to clean(ish) looking hair.

  3. Love that outfit - I want that dress!

  4. Ahhh I love it! You look fab!

  5. What a lovely dress. I adore the collar!

  6. I love how well you dress for your shape - something I often fail at! This dress is so lovely - would have loved to see it with a sexy beehive. Post some pics when you do it?

  7. I love that dress on you. I often favour simple dresses with just a little versatile x

  8. Lovely detailing! Really pretty :o)

  9. The dress is so pretty - very 60s, like you say!

  10. The detailing on the dress is very beautiful!


  11. Hello again, Alex love! There's an award waiting for you on my blog. Come and get it! Vix

  12. Very pretty dress, love it and thanks for the comment! xxx


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