Saturday, 27 March 2010

A Saturday in the life of an undomestic goddess

Today was all about the housework. Usually cause for much grumbling by self but I started the day off in a good mood (had a lovely lie in and then woke up to glorious sunshine outside) and it continued, so I didn't mind doing the chores today.

I braved Asda to get the food shopping done - the world and his wife were in there which usually causes me to get extreme trolley rage but no, today was all very chilled out. Shopping done, I headed home, did some laundry and then ventured into the garden. I don't have green fingers. Basically, if it's sprouting and doesn't look as if it's going to grow into a daffodil, rose or hydrangea, I'm likely to think it's a weed. Therefore I need to be under close supervision and am only trusted to edge the lawn and prune stuff (I don't do mowing). Hey, I'm an ace edger and pruner though so I say I'm just playing to my strengths. So nice being outside in the fresh air with sunshine pouring down on me and the birds singing merrily.

Then back indoors to the kitchen to try out a new recipe or two. It was one of my New Year's resolutions to try a new main course recipe every month. It's easy with baking - I can just whack open a recipe book and try my hand at pretty much anything but I'm much more reticent when it comes to "proper" cooking. Not sure why, but I'm aiming to improve. My March effort was a little bit of a cop out really in that although I was following a proper recipe, I've made the basic dish about a million times. But I doubt I'd have tried this particular combo of ingredients without the recipe, so I'm counting it.

Spring onion, new potato, baby courgette, pea, mint and goat's cheese frittata

As I was in the mood for a bit of culinary creativity, I attempted a dairy free version of this rather fabulous recipe, as featured on this week's Delicious Miss Dahl. I didn't have high hopes, mainly because soya cream is, quite frankly, gack. However it turned out rather well, although I think I'd add a little sweetness to the melting chocolate next time as not using proper cream meant it was a little more bitter than it should be.

And just to prove that you don't always need the exact ingredients (well you try finding fresh cherries in March!), I used dried cherries and simmered them with a bit more water for a bit longer. Oh and I used cherry vodka as our drinks cabinet is unaccountably lacking cherry brandy. Hitting the cherries and the little bit of syrup at the bottom of the pot is utterly delicious!

And the rest of the day? Various chores, a spot of room tidying and putting my new clothes away in the wardrobe. I ordered a couple of bits from Tesco during their clothing sale - the skirts are both the same style (ie the same as the floral one in my last post) but I love the grey and black floral pattern and the sheer exuberance of the colour of the red one. And who can resist a cute pair of pj's?

And a mini Primark haul... I was spend neutral on this as I returned a cardi that made me look deformed in the shoulders (cost £11) and picked up all this lovely lot (total cost, £11). Rather pleased with myself as there are some seriously nice dresses in store at the moment and I was strong willed enough not to buy them. The curse of the rails struck again though - rows and rows of cardigans in the exact colours I wanted and ALL in a size 8! Grrrrr!!!

As it was Earth Hour tonight, I took the traditional approach to an evening spent in candlelight and played some games - dominoes, spillikins and lots of card games. I should turn the lights out more often as it was really rather good fun.

Gosh, I'm on chatty form tonight. Congratulations if you've got this far and I do apologise if you've been bored by the trivialities of my day. Here's a final pic of some beautiful flowers that someone bought me to cheer me up. Cream, lilac and white stocks, just so utterly lovely.

Off I go to put the clocks forward...


  1. Alex!! I wasn't bored at all!!What a lovely post!Very excited to see your frittata-looks divine!!I love cooking-it is my only domestic goddess activity,I'm afraid!!We just needed you to be leeering over it a la Nigella,in something suitably low cut.How I adore Nigella!!!
    Ha-glad I'm not the only one guilty of pulling what I thought were weeds but were not!!Hence huge efforts to render our garden low maintenaince.But it is G who is the garden gure!! I try,but really,I just like to watch him do it whilst I make the drinks.:)

  2. What a busy girl you've been! That fritta looks yum.
    I'm scared to death of gardening, a bit of light weeding is my limit (and that's just the things I recognise as nasties).
    Great new purchases, love the "Bossy but beautiful" logo!

  3. I love the new skirts! And I reckon yesterday must have been some secret food shop day as my Tesco store was MAD. MAAAAAAAAD.

  4. I have those neck scarves too - love them! The skirts are fabulous too.

  5. Lovely post Alex and I shall indeed give Patch a pat from you. And yay for mini Primark hauls, that place is stocked to the gills with great stuff, and I know what you mean about ASDA being always so busy, not good. Those recipes look amazing by the way, have a great week! xxx

  6. Come to my house and make me a frittata! Excellent restraint in Primark. I popped in there today as my daughter wanted some velour trousers (aged 10 and she's tall enough for the ladies' section yeek!)and they had loads of lovely new things in but they were about to close so didn't get to browse. xx

  7. congrats hun, you won my music giveaway! please drop me an e-mail and I'll set you up with your code x

  8. Mmm the food looks delicious, and great purchases!

  9. So glad to hear you're a bit perkier than last time we heard from you! I love this post - and yes, there were a couple of dresses in Primark that actually made me think of you. I had to seriously curtail my spending!


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