Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Shades of grey

A very quick post this evening as I'm in a huge rush. I've just finished packing for my holiday and now I need to make a quick alteration to the dress I'm wearing tomorrow (randomly there's a cut out/cross over bit right over the cleavage and I don't want to be flashing my bra!) and then try and work out how to use my brand new phone as I'm not going to have a minute to do it before we go away. I'm not good with rushing, it stresses me out!

Today's outfit is a bit of a mish-mash - I'm sure there's some sort of fashion golden rule about not mixing patterns but what the hell. I like the zig zag patterned tights with floral skirts (clearly, as can be seen here ). The jumper is misleadingly giving me flab rolls around the stomach though, bah! Sadly no time to take better photos.

Jumper - Dorothy Perkins
Skirt - Tesco
Tights - Ethel Austin
Boots - Evans

Oh and thank you for your lovely comments on the last post. Nice to know that I wasn't boring everyone by banging on about politics!


  1. Great post. Hope your holiday goe well and those boots are lovely. Thanks for the comment, as always and yes it's always good to get to know bloggers better :) Thanks for your political post too, I'm already eagerley following the events planned for the coming election! xxx

  2. Woohoo,have a brillant holiday!!
    Looking set to go!!X

  3. Yay for holidays!!!
    I like clashing patterns... it's a great look. And can spy those lovely covered wardrobes. x

  4. I've always had a soft spot for cowboy boots!

  5. Looking good, I think it is a good idea to mix patterns. Happy hols! x

  6. Where are you going on holiday? Hope you have a fab time - I'm not jealous at all.. honest!


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