Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Indulging My Inner Imelda

May I take a moment to discuss my love affair with shoes? There's a very nice piece in one of Marian Keyes' books about how women fall into different categories (nice underwear women, beauty products women etc). I'm firmly with her in the Imelda camp. To say that we love shoes may well be an understatement.

I have shoes that are too beautiful to wear - willow pattern ballet pumps, come forward and take a bow. You know I love you, I just don't want to get you dirty. I have shoes that are too painful to stand up in for more than about 10 minutes - green suede skyscraper heels, I mean you. You are reserved for restaurants only. I have shoes that I just can't walk in - beautiful teal flip flops, why do you make my toes bleed? It's just not fair, yet still I keep you. I have shoes that are far, far too big - snowflake pattern knitted beauties, that would be you. Two pairs of insoles solve the problem, as long as I don't walk too exuberantly.

And those of you that aren't Imeldas probably read that last paragraph and thought "Is she actually mad?" I probably am a little bit. In my defence, I don't spend a fortune on them. A bargain pair that doesn't fit is better than a full price pair that doesn't fit, surely?

A few new additions to my collection:

I am smitten with Irregular Choice shoes. So deliciously colourful and patterned and unique. They're not cheap, but ebay comes in quite handy - all these pairs were bought from there! The dotty pair were a birthday present from my lovely Mum, the green and gold sandals were a birthday present from my big brother (all organised by me, I doubt he'd recognise a pair of IC shoes if he fell over them) and I treated myself to the other two pairs. Don't ask me to pick a favourite pair - I love them all!
And one of the most glorious things about them? The soles are almost as beautiful as the rest of the shoe:

These two pairs were both picked up in the Office sale and are just what I need for spring and summer. You know my love for florals and these super cute espadrille type wedges were only £10 so I couldn't resist them. And every short girl needs an abundance of wedges in her wardrobe so I also grabbed this strappy pair.

And the final pair are my bridesmaid shoes. Would you believe that I don't have any "normal" heels? I think I wore them all out and got rid of them at some point because there was nothing suitable in the wardrobe when I came to have a proper look. I had such trouble trying to find the right pair! I appealed to the ever helpful MSE girls in the end and this pair was suggested. I'm still not entirely sold on the metallic heel but they're so comfy and the heel height is just about right. Best of all, they should have been £80 but were less than half price in the sale!

Hmmmm, that's actually quite a lot of new shoes, isn't it? Whoops!


  1. Shoes too pretty to wear, check. Shoes too painful to wear, check. Shoes too big/small, check! Am definately with you in the shoe loving camp!

  2. I am a shoe obsessive too, I have far too many but they're so pretty and I love them all. The ones that hurt, the ones that are too big, too small, the ones that never seem right and the ones that are never wrong! Clothes I can take or leave but shoes I just can't resist. x

  3. Oh i love the green spotty IC ones! So pretty! Can't wait to see you style them up! x

  4. The green spotty ones make my heart hurt they are so pretty.

  5. I'm just a little bit in love with the green and gold sandals


  6. Fab collection! I'm not really into shoes at all - as long as they fit and they're comfy they'll do (so unstylish with my footwear - Clarks and Birkies all the way!). My weakness is pyjamas - the best treat in the world for me is a new pair of PJs. xx

  7. Alex, you are so naughty! But shoes are a good investment as they will still fit when you lose more weight so I guess not so bad after all! I wish I had more shoes but I am amazingly stingy when it comes to footwear.
    Vicki xxx

  8. I love them all, but the polkas are my fave!
    You are so lucky that you can get these shoes - my feet are so skinny, they simply fall out! And I refuse to be like the crazy train lady who straps her shoes on with elastic bands (quite sad really). Sigh. x

  9. I love, love, love, your shoes! The IC stuff is lovely, I must invest in some.
    Kandi x

  10. Some lovely new additions Alex. You can never have too many shoes in my opinion.

    I adore the green flats with green and gold strap. They are delicious.


  11. I agree..too many shoes is just something I don't think is possible :-/ lol
    I love the floral slingbacks..

    And bad times about the snowflake ones being too big :( sorry!! xx

  12. I LOVE the green polka-dot shoes!!! They are SO cute. Can't wait to see them on. And thank you for your sweet comment :)


  13. Hurrah for the shoe obsessive! The irregular choice ones are absolutely beautiful, I'm not a shoe girl but they really turn my head. I'm an underwear obsessive, always matching, even if I'm just slobbing around in tracksuit bottoms. I love buying it, it's not like buying clothes because it's 'essential'. Or so I tell myself anyway...

    Thanks for the lovely comment about Fulham, especially with your Liverpool affiliation. I am over the moon and CAN. NOT. WAIT! :) xx

  14. I have the florally wedges, they are gorge, especially for summer! Love thedotty ones aswell!

  15. suddenly, I need new shoes.

  16. I love Irregular Choice, their shoes are so cute and quirky but still go with everyday outfits too. I love this post. xxx

  17. I'd like to have all of them! I think you have a great taste in shoes

  18. Those Office wedges NEED to be in my wardrobe...gorgeousness!!
    What a fantastic array of footwear.

  19. My name is Zoe and I'm addicted to shoes. Clap,clap, clap.
    Whatever my size I can always find shoes. And bags! Hurrah for TK Maxx! And Schu in Brum, not that I buy a lot in there. But just their display of IC is eyewateringly lovely.
    My fave photo-the green spotty ones. Delish!
    Z xx


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