Thursday, 13 May 2010

It's Thursday, I'm running late and I can't think of a title...

I love blogging for many reasons, but one key one is coming across wonderful things at random. I'm a regular reader of My Edit and What Would A Nerd Wear and both of them are taking part in Dress Your Best Week, a nifty little idea from Academichic . It's all about switching your thought process and instead of dressing to hide your flaws, dressing to highlight the parts you love the most.

Now I'm coming to this late (as always!) and I freely admit that I would struggle almightily to do this for an entire week but I think it's a really positive concept and some of the posts are wonderfully touching to read. Can I be positive about my body for a little while? Hmm, probably not. I don't actively loathe everything about my body anymore and believe me, I spent a long time doing that, but there is still something within my brain that adds a big but to any positive sentence I try and think. I love my hair BUT it's stupidly uncontrollable...I love my eyes BUT I have silly get the picture.

For the purposes of today I am going to be proud of my calves. No buts allowed. They are so much more shapely than they used to be and I am revelling in covering them in funky coloured tights and showing them off with lovely heels. Today's outfit certainly drew attention towards them!

Dress - Primark
Tshirt - M&S
Tights - DP
Shoes - Faith
Bangle - Shared Earth
Ring - New Look

I bought this ring on a whim yesterday - well, it was only £3, who could resist? It's made me smile everytime I looked at it today. So pretty and chunky and lovely to the touch. Apparently it comes in other colours - I may be back for more!


  1. Lovely post!! I am loving those bright tights with your floral dress, so pretty!!

  2. Love that ring! And stop ending sentances with a 'but ...' Alex!!

  3. Awww! You look as cute as a button!
    I'm with LadyBug - no buts, you're a stunner.

  4. Looking fab! And the 'no buts allowed' should be a permanent rule! xx

  5. I LOVE those tights with that dress!

  6. Definitely going to get one of those rings ASAP! Lovely stuff.

    I really like the idea of Dress Your Best week - I'm quite self-depreciating in that I constantly put myself down in a humorous 'I'm only joking, I love myself really!' way! You look fab, as always. Not buts! :)

  7. I think that's the same ring I've got, in pink & navy blue - good taste! :p

    This outfit looks great on you & thanks for reminding me that I've got those tights & haven't worn them yet!

  8. your outfit is just perfect for spring :)
    cute look!

    eclectic du jour

  9. This outfit is one of my favourites so far, Alex!! I love that your calves look amazing in the blue tights! and how well they go with the dress :) xx

  10. this is my favourite outfit of yours so far Alex!

  11. Ooh wow, gorgeous outfit! I love that colour blue, it always feels so tropical and lovely.

    Have a fab weekend ahead,


  12. I really love the print on that dress! And the ring is fresh and lovely =)

  13. Your outfit looks so springlike and pretty, love it and you should be proud of how you look for definite.


  14. You look great Alex. You should really be proud of your figure. Love the ring too. xx

  15. You look fab in that outfit. The blue really suits you and your shape is great. You should definitely be proud to show it off. x

  16. Cool blue tights!

  17. this is a great idea, dressing to highlight our best bits instead of to hide any flaws! a great way to get us all thinking postively! such a pretty dress & you look wonderful :)


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