Thursday, 15 July 2010

Note to self - buy some new jeans

I didn't realise that this pair fitted so badly! Ho hum. They are currently the only pair I own that even vaguely fit so I think new jeans and trousers need to be purchased asap. But I try not to censor photos just because I don't think they're flattering so I'll show you anway. Good job really, because I'd never post anything otherwise.

Blouse - ASOS via charity shop
Vest & jeans - Dorothy Perkins
Shoes - New Look
Earrings - charity shop (think they're handmade)
Butterfly necklace - found
Wooden beaded necklace - Dorothy Perkins
Beaded necklace worn as bracelet - car boot sale
Opal ring - antiques market

I'm definitely getting more bargain savvy in my old age. Apart from the jeans (which were cheap to begin with), everything was either bought on sale or from charity shops/car boot sales. I don't seem to be able to bring myself to pay full price for anything anymore!


  1. You've got some beautiful jewellery going on there, Alex! The earrings are particularly pretty.
    The jeans are a lovely colour and great length but you deinately need smaller ones. Best get hunting the boot sales.

  2. Good for you, pretty much everything item of clothing I own is second hand or from the sales, in fact I can't remember paying full price for anything in the last 10-15 years! I love that top, and where can I 'find' a necklace like that - you lucky thing you.
    Kandi x

  3. Gorgeous blouse Alex. Great bargain hunting. xx

  4. I feel the same about paying full price for things. Can't bring myself to do it! xx

  5. Love those earrings!
    Jeans are such a minefield, it's hard getting a pair that fit just right.

    Well done on being a thrifty thing! I'm starting to tut at prices in Primark now, :)

    X x

  6. It can be a nightmare finding perfect jeans! Loving your jewellery though, the earrings are lovely! xx

  7. Shopping!!!
    Yeah,sweet jewellry and I am loving those shoes!!!

  8. From a young age my Mum always taught me to look out for bargains! Love your shoes!

  9. I love the ASOS blouse- I love hunting down brands in Charity Shops.

    I agree completely with the whole not paying full price thing. And I equally think 'thrifting' is a much more enjoyable experience in whole.

  10. I can only agree with what's been said, hit the carboot sales or if you want to try before you buy the charity shops, I've had some fab second hand jeans :)

    I agree with you too about getting tighter in your old age, I often feel ashamed of myself if I'm wearing something which I didn't buy second hand, and I bought a pair of shoes in the river island sale today and it took the 20 mins of my lunch break debating whether to get them! I think I've gone too far the other way!

    Cute outfit, am loving the brogues, very pretty x

  11. I love that whole outfit, the shoes are lovely as is the blouse and the jewellery just sets it off perfectly.
    Go shopping and treat yourself to new jeans =) xxx

  12. I can def appreciate the small details of this outfit. From the pattern of your top to the accessories, I love it!
    And yes, the jeans are ill fitting.. but that's a good thing right? Isn't that why you fit into that dress you featured a few posts back??

  13. Great pics :) I don't envy you if you do decide to buy a pair of new jeans. Denim shopping is soul destroying! And takes up far too much energy.
    Totally agree about being bargain savvy. I take it to extremes... I've been known to haggle in charity shops - the shame!!
    Thanks for your comment on the old Tues Tip! Glad you liked it. Definitely a good one for us skinflints, hey? :)

  14. Great finds & I think it's a good move to try finding bargains (I'm not great at it, but I TRY).

  15. Lovely blouse and your butterfly jewellery is very sweet. xxx

  16. Ah that jewellery is gorgeous, good finds!
    Jeans are so hard to find in the right fit - I have like 3 diff places I go for diff types of jeans, so def shop around everywhere!

  17. What a great reason to need to get new jeans though. You've done so well Alex! Those earrings and great and I want those shoes! x


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