Friday, 30 July 2010

A Week of Weather

The weather this week has been a trial. I like to imagine that the following conversation has been going on:

Rain - Muahahahaha! I caused flooding last week but I'm not done yet. *rain rain rain* *TORRENTIAL RAIN* *bit more rain for good measure*

Sun - Yes, it may be July but frankly I can't be bothered doing my work properly this week. And the rain is doing such a good job.

Rain - Bored now.

Sun - *DAZZLE!!*

Rain - Hah, I will beat that dastardly sun *RAIN RAIN RAIN*

Sun - I tell you what would be more fun. Look, she's going to the supermarket/swimming baths/Post Office/work. I'll shine while she goes in and then you drench her when she comes out. Comedy much? *DAZZLE*

Rain - Muahahahaha. *TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR*

Alex - Oh for f***s sake.

So that's quite a long-winded way of saying that it's been a tad tricky trying to work out what to wear this week, especially when it comes to shoes as the vast majority of mine don't seem to be waterproof. I've mostly been accessorising with an enormous Regatta waterproof and a large brolly.

And I shouldn't have to wear tights in July. It's just not right.

Monday - feeling a bit like a principal boy

Sleeveless jumper - Primark
Longsleeved top - DP
Leggings - M&S
Boots - Evans

Tuesday - car boot bargain

Shirt dress - Peacocks via car boot sale - 50p!
Cardi - Matalan
Brogues - New Look

Wednesday - a mishmash of monochrome

Vest - Primark
Shirt - River Island
Skirt - Tesco
Brogues - New Look

Thursday - finally, some jeans that fit!

Jeans & jumper - Dorothy Perkins
Vest - Primark
Shoes - George

Friday - a wedding at work

Dress - New Look
Cardi - Primark
Shoes - George

ps - we're currently in *TORRENTIAL RAIN* mode. I got wet.


  1. Love the shirt dress from the car boot, so pretty and looks fab with the brouges

    Can i please see your shoe storage-pretty please!! ( in the name of research-of course)

    Sharron x

  2. On the whole, the weather's been pretty good here this week. Not often I can say that! But I don't actually think we've had any rain.. Or maybe I've just blocked it from my memory..

    My favourite outfits of the week are: Wednesday & Thursday. & I am also rather fond of Friday's dress - purely because it's polka dot. Can't resist me a bit of polka dot!

  3. Tuesdays and Wednesdays outfits are my fave. That 50p dress looks amazing! Good carboot find indeed.

    I really like the sleevless jumper on Mondays outfit too.
    And what a lovely shoe collection you have.

    As for the rain, I'm getting slightly annoyed with it, purely because i'm worried about my poor plants in the garden, I WANT some sun!

  4. Wow, lovely to see a full set of outfits, you look great in dresses, I had been in toghts this week too!!
    Kandi x

  5. ha ha I always give inanimate things feelings!! Love the brogues!

  6. "Sun - I tell you what would be more fun. Look, she's going to the supermarket/swimming baths/Post Office/work. I'll shine while she goes in and then you drench her when she comes out. Comedy much? *DAZZLE*"

    You are hilarious girl! Love Tuesday's, Wednesday's and Saturday's. You look so so pretty in those dresses! Hope the weather gets it's crap together soon for you :)

  7. I preferred your Wednesday looks! Good and smart pairing. Mixing textures and colors!

  8. Love the monochrome look! Stripes and floral, good work.

    I am fed up with going from hot to getting drenched. You walk 5 steps and the weather changes massively. Not cool.


  9. Love the outfits, and yep, I feel your pain re. the ridiculous weather PMS.

  10. Haha love the weather chat, I usually just blame God, he knows wind doesnt agree with my hair, therefore its always windy here! Cute outfits, esp love the last one :)

  11. Oh man, I hate when the weather can't make up its mind. You look great though - love your outfits & adore all of your shoes!

  12. Wednesday and especially Friday are my faves. Looking good, hun!
    And the secret to those "blissful" cats? They are lying on the just-brought-home-from-Homesense catnip cat mat! That stuff works every time!! Otherwise they tend to knock 7 bells out of one another! (Mothers and daughters, eh?)
    Have a great W/E'
    Z xx

  13. I like the first outfit best (nothing if not predictable me!) and the blue shiny shoes from Thursday are remarkably like mine, I like them! x

  14. oops, almost forgot - there's another vintage fair next Saturday, it's in Parr Street (I think that's the name of it anyway) somewhere. Maybe see you there!

  15. Don't make me pick a fave, I love 'em all and those jeans really are a fabulous fit.
    Our heating's just clicked on. It's almost bloody August for pity's sake! xxx

  16. The weather effects so much what we wear. It is humid and hot in the South East and I am getting a little fed up with it. Great weeks worth of outfits xoxo

  17. Hahahah, that's funny but not fun at the same time ;)

    Love Wednesday's and Friday's outfit!

    clothed much, a modest fashion blog

  18. I am FREEZING. Got on the plane at 11pm and it was 27 degrees outside: got off and it was about 14! Brrrr.

  19. Hahaha, Alex! LOVE your conversation with the weather! Especially the sun in DAZZLE mode! Really made me laugh.

    I adore Tuesday's outfit. What an amazing bargain. Loving your heels this week too - so many pretty pairs! xx

  20. Love the last outfit. I am getting annoyed with the weather to, and more so the weather forecasters who at midnight think its going to lovely sunshine tomorrow, but by 9am they have changed their minds and its going to rain, alot!


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