Tuesday, 31 August 2010

It Might Still Be Summer But...

I have been shopping for winter coats. Yup, you heard me. In August. I didn't intend to be so organised but it just seemed to work out that way. Please tell me I'm not the only loon who has been out buying heavy, warm coats when it's still technically summer.

Last year's coat is no longer an option. *Cue comedy photo*

I had no plans to buy anything quite so early in the season but whilst wandering through Monsoon I spied this beauty and it had to be mine. We will skirt over the fact that it's velvet and therefore can't really be worn in the rain because it's beautiful and it's green and that's good enough for me. Plus I had a nosy round what was on offer in some of the other shops and most of the bog standard boring black jackets were around the same price or lots more expensive so really, it wasn't such an outrageous buy.

In a entirely frivolous display of spending, I then went out this evening and bought a more practical option. I have wanted a pea coat for ages and was spurred on by Kate of Make Do Style's post about her pea coat purchase. Ok, so her budget was considerably larger than mine but I'm very chuffed that I tracked this one down, and in Sainsbury's of all places! Only £45. Only! Ha, I'm so stingy I still baulk at paying that much for a coat, especially after just having bought the rather more expensive velvet one. Anyway, I know the camera is dreadful so please excuse the photo - hopefully you can still see it.

And for the days when both of those are too plain, I can always bust out the crazy Kookai tapestry coat I picked up a car boot sale earlier in the year for £3.

ps - I've guest posted over at We Shop Therefore We Are - pop by and check it out!


  1. What a great excuse to have to buy a new coat!

    Love the ones you've chosen - gorgeous :) And I'm sure you'll wear them forever more (providing you don't lose too much more weight!) & so therefore they are worth their price tag.. Coats just don't date the same as other clothes in my opinion.

    Oh & btw, no I won't say who it was I wanted to delete :p I will just say that EVERY single post was an advert for a different website. Literally. It was getting boring!


  2. gorgeous coats! i love them both, that shade of green is gorgeous on you! buying coats at this time is the sensible option because once it actually turns colder there seems to be a mad frenzy of coat buying & then the shops have nothing left! i bought a coat in september last year & only a few weeks later everything was sold out!

    i have my eye on a couple from topshop (i have to buy the tall ones as i have such long arms!)& i'll be snapping up at least one of them up as soon as i have the cash! :)


  3. Super super organised Alex. But in the UK thats probably a good thing. I love velvet coats, I have a wee purple one but as you say they are redundant when it rains. And green too, you had to get it. The buttons on the pea coat are really nice, sometimes these details are overlooked on black coats. And the tapestry one will cheer you up when it's cold and cheer us up when you blog it. x

  4. I'm loving all three of those coats, Alex. Great choices and wise investments. A glorious coat is perfect for all the days of endless grey skies and British dampness. I'm particularly enamoured with the green beauty, Monsoon is a shop I always go in just to stroke some of the beautifully embroidered frocks. xxx

  5. A girl can never have too many coats, just like she can't have too many shoes.

    Monsoon produce some amazing quality pieces and I think the green velvet coat is fabulous and will last a lifetime- a smart investment.

  6. I love coats too and usually start looking around this time of year - I like to have plenty of choice. That green one is beautiful, I love it!!

  7. Dear Alex, thanks so much for your comments on my blog. I'm glad to have discovered you!

    Being someone who never pays full price for anything and buys most of her clothes on Ebay I thoroughly approve of your coats. They really suit you. They won't date either which is always a bonus xx

  8. Love the gorgeous green coat!


  9. That pea coat is beautiful! And thanks for your sweet comment, I think I'm being smart too :) And I'm looking for an admin job really, as it'll get me a bit more experience than the bog standard retail job, that and I can't face working in a shop again :/ xxx

  10. I always buy winter coats before the season, so many mire bargains to be had. That velvet one is beautiful and something that will be loved forever (and I also love the 'comedy' picture. Blinking well done you!)

  11. I love the velvet coat, how luxurious! I am not allowed to have nice stuff like that I would just ruin it! My winter coat is off to the dry cleaners for a freshen up this weekend, so it's not just you. It has been bloomin cold these last couple of nights and I can smell autumn, love it!
    Kandi x

  12. what excellent finds, love a bit of velvet but the Pea coat is a steel......I actually put the heating on the other night!!

  13. That velvet coat is gorgeous, Alex. You're quite right to snap it up since you love it. Guess you'll be praying for cold weather soon! xx

  14. BRILLIANT news on the thing with last year's coat - you look amazing! And I loved your post on We Shop.

  15. oo I like the green & navy coat.Is that hat from Target?

  16. I'd have done exactly the same! The green vlvet is absolutely to die for, and as for the tapestry.... but you need a practical, goes with everything one too, step in the pea coat!
    xxx maddie

  17. Great buys! My fave is the navy and it looks really good on you! I really love beautiful coats, so bad for the bank account.

  18. Ooooh, the green velvet is a DREAM! Love it.

    I'm terrible for buying wholly impractical coats - fur, leather, suede, capes - love them all! Can't wait to get shopping. :) x

  19. Every girl needs a few coat options and you have picked well! Love the velvet one :)

  20. No harm in being organised! Especially in the U.K: winter could hit at any minute!! (In saying that, Scotland has been sunny and warm the past few days, I think the weather is confused). I love your green coat - its beautiful! The pea coat is lovely too, but why is it called a pea coat? Is that just the shape? :s x

  21. I love these coats, the velvet one is just a bit special isnt it? :) And how lovely is the the printed one you picked up - what a fab find!

    Sal xXx


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