Thursday, 5 August 2010

The Results

I put all the names of the entrants to my giveaway into a hat and picked out 3 winners. And they are...


Jem from Calamity Jem's Vintage Vaudeville.

Maggie from Lifesize Paperdoll

Em from Passion for Fashion

Congratulations ladies! Let me know where I'm posting them to (my email addy is up on the right hand side) and I'll get them to you as soon as possible.


  1. Thank you!! I've emailed you xxx

  2. *sob* So wanted to win!

    Haha congratulations to the winners, and thanks for the great giveaway, Alex!

  3. Congrats to the winners!!

    Thank you for your kind words.

  4. Congrats to the winners - enjoy! x

  5. Congratulations (I suppose!) :p

  6. oh no i didn't enter, despite all your reminders! i'm terrible at remembering things like this! aw well never mind, you'll just have to do another one soon that i can enter! :) congrats to the winners!

  7. Huzzah! I am chuffed to bits, thank you Alex :)
    I shall wear the owl with utmost pride.

  8. Just wanted to pop back here again and thank you for your comment on my blogfest entry today - it was the nicest thing ever! :-)

  9. Hurrah for the winners! Yay,Jem won what I most wanted to win! I know she'll look super fab in those pretties!

  10. I am yet to win a blog related day statistically my name will be the winning one, surely!

    I am also yet to host my own, but I am meaning to organise one very soon.

  11. Oh yay! Can't wait to see Mags rocking those socks and stockings! :)


I'm easily pleased - a simple comment will cheer me up no end. So do drop me a line below...

Sorry to readers who prefer to comment anonymously but I am getting clobbered with spam at the moment so have had to disable anon comments. Feel free to get in touch with me in another way!