Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Second Hand Stylings - The Final Day

I conspicuously failed in my efforts to go second hand from top to toe today. Yet again I was in a rush in the morning and had to grab anything that was clean and ironed - quite a limited choice! So it's turned out to be quite a High Street based outfit (with most things bought on sale) but with some second hand accessories - just how I like it.

T-shirt - Gap
Jeans - Dorothy Perkins
Cardi - New Look
Espadrilles - Office
Beaded bracelet - random little bead shop
Necklace - 20p at a car boot sale
Bag - £1 at a car boot sale

I think I am mildly in love with the bag. It's such a fabulous fun mixture of granny bag shape and funky tapestry that I can't stop smiling whenever I look at it. I think it's probably not very old as it's in perfect condition but there's no label inside it so I can't really tell. The man at the car boot sale that sold it to me used the immortal words "it's like a Mary Poppins bag" - well, if I hadn't already got my grubby mitts on it then that would definitely have persuaded me!

Thank you for the challenge
Vix! I've really enjoyed this and it's definitely made me think a lot more about putting an outfit together. I've got quite a few bits and bobs that I haven't featured during the challenge but I'm sure they'll make an appearance over the coming weeks and months. I wish I hadn't been quite so busy during the two week period that I attempted the challenge as I would have liked to do proper daily outfit posts but hey ho, I would probably have had to leave it till October if I'd waited for a quiet fortnight.


  1. Well done on completing your challenge!

    Really like this outfit - the shoes are too cute & man, I LOVE that bag :)


  2. That bag is cute as can be!
    Kandi x

  3. Well done, Alex! I've enjoyed every minute and you've risen to the challenge handsomely.
    I've just caught up with what I missed over the weekend and you looked stunning at that beautiful wedding.
    The handbag looks like Welsh Tweed (probably late 60's/early 70's) and I adore it. Great find!
    Look forward to seeing more of your second-hand treasures being incorporated into your outfit posts over the coming months. xxx
    PS You are looking so slim, those skinnies and stripes make you look like a beatnik babe.

  4. this seems to have been an extremely successful task for you! you have completely it so well:)
    i love love love that bag! xxxx

  5. Well done on finishing it, you've done really well. I love those shoes and who doesn't want a Mary Poppins bag! x

  6. i really am crazy over the power of 3 vibrant blue accessories. i am glad you too close ups i would have never known. you clever girl you! the bead bracelet is really screaming at me in my mind. you know what i am saying. love.

  7. I really like this outfit. Very similar to something I'd wear and I love the colours on your bag. xxx

  8. Well done on completing the challenge! I'm loving this outfit on you, just fab. I agree with Vix you are looking very slender in this. LOVE the shoes and the accs are just fab.


  9. That 20p was more than well spent what a gorgeous blue. All good stuff.

    Loved your rant know exactly what you mean. I know suggesting maternity wear sounds dreadful but it is more to do with the cut of the cloth. For years tall peeps couldn't wear vest or cami tops as they were way too short in the body so maternity vests and cami tops were the answer. Thankfully everyone can get long vest tops now.
    So the maternity skirt solution sounds dreadful but because it is a lovely cut and great material it doesn't look like a maternity skirt and it really flatter apple/strawberry shape people who struggle to get skirts.

    the word maternity is the downer!

  10. That bag is funky granny chic. :)

    You've done well on this challenge, loved seeing different bits and pieces.


  11. LOVE the espadrilles, my brother has a pair like this which makes me wish I was a size 8 haha!

    The camera I use is a little 10 mega pixel colorpix camera from Nikon... it's a few years old and not at the top of its game, but I'm hoping to invest in an SLR / bridge when I can save up!

    jazzy ♥

  12. I love that bag. I would have 100% bought it too. It's so unusual and a lot more interesting that anything you would find on the high street x

  13. it's really great how you managed to incorporate the blue in the black and white outfit! totally completed the look..

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  14. I might steal this challenge and try it myself - would you mind? It's such a great idea and I've loved reading your posts every day! Love this one especially - those stripy shoes, that bag - fabulous! x

  15. I love your shoes and all those blue accessories! Oh how I wish you COULD come for tea Alex. We would be best of friends, I just know it :) If you ever make it Aus you are MORE than welcome to stay with me and David in Perth! *sigh*

    You rocked this challenge. I'm totally gonna try it when I move to the city. Just over 3 months now! Eep!

  16. I don't blame you for being in love with that bag! It's so sparkly and pretty! I don't think the colour would suit me or anything I usually wear, but it's such a great style!

    This was a great challenge, thanks for doing this!

  17. I think I could just spend my life in stripes! You look great!

  18. That bag is great! I love the colour of it too.

  19. Thanks for your sweet comment :) It's an interesting subject. Still loving those stripey shoes, by the way. xxx

  20. Those shoes are fab, Alex. They look very like the Tom's espadrilles that Office sell whereby a percentage of the sale price is given to kids' charities in the developing world. I'm pretty sure it's them. xx

  21. This is such a casual yet put together outfit. I would def wear it. =)

    I find that when I am in a hurry the first thing to be sacrificed is accessorizing. It just goes to the wayside.


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