Thursday, 30 September 2010

Tiddly Om Pom Pom

In a rare crafty mood, I embarked upon Project Pom Pom Necklace a few days ago. I have the lovely Roo Paprika to thank for sharing the link to the tutorial on Bleubird Vintage's rather wonderful blog. I have huge hair envy and style envy and figure envy going on after looking at her photos in the tutorial!

But anyway, to stick to the point - the tutorial is brilliant and it's so easy even I can do it. Take some wool, a handy tutorial (and some odd socks, obv. I can't do anything important without them on.) and get winding.

Being an extremely novice knitter (Project Epic Knitted Green Blanket stalled at a very early stage when Mum laughed at my feeble attempts to cast on and I went off in a huff), I don't have much wool and it's all green. This is a good thing in my book but if you're having a go yourself, you might want to mix the colours up a little. As the Aran I have is quite bulky, plus I didn't want massive pom-poms, I differed from the tutorial a little and wound around three or even two fingers, rather than four.

This is the easiest way of making pom poms EVER. I spent many a day of my extreme youth cutting out cardboard circles and winding wool round them to make monster multi-coloured pom poms - it took sodding ages! I never realised it could be this easy and speedy.

Making the chain part of it took longer than expected as I was a complete dope, misread the instructions and ended up plaiting 3 lots of 3 strands, then plaiting them all together when I should have just separated the strands into 3 sections and then plaited them together. Never mind eh! I quite like the plaited plait effect - it's made the chain flatter and wider.

Look how it all turned out!

I am rather pleased with the results! So pleased in fact that I couldn't wait to blog the results and took photos of myself immediately post-shower. I won't be styling it up with a towelling turban in future...


  1. Oh my word, now that is what you call a statement necklace!

    I am highly impressed with your pom-pom making skills! I am going to & have a nosy at the tutorial, but I just know that I'm not skilled enough in any crafty way to make my own.. I shall just admire yours instead!

  2. OMG,we must have been telepathic re post titles!!

    LOVE that pompom necklace,just too cool!!And made with you own fair hands!!
    Rock that turban!

  3. Dear Alex, they're brilliant! I'm very impressed! I fancy a pom pom headband. I might have to commission you to make me one xx

  4. That looks incredible, Alex! Great colour combo and the perfect crafty thing to do on a dark winter's night when you can't be arsed to go out.
    You look rather fabulous in your hair turban very vintage YSL. You should try and get yourself a hat in the same style. xxx

  5. I LOVE IT!! Well done on the pom pom creation chick, it looks soo good!! It's on my list of things I won't get round to :( xxx

  6. this necklace is fabulous! i think i may give it a go on a rainy day (probably quite soon in that case)
    i made pompoms not too long ago the traditional way and it took so blady long, ridiculous! you have shown me the light
    ive followed bleubird for awhile and her blog is amazing! xx

  7. This looks amazing! I hope you don't mind but I'll be doing this.
    I love a pom pom.


  8. Alex this is sheer brilliance. I love it and it looks fabulous!

    xxx Maddie

  9. Ha brilliant!! I loves it!

    Also cue flashbacks to times at Brownie and Guide camp and winding wool around cardboard rings and bringing back pom-poms which either a) unravelled or b) sat on top of the wardrobe gathering dust.

  10. You can make pompoms on your fingers?! *Scurries off to find tutorial*

    It looks really fab on you - well done! xx

  11. Hee hee, towelling turban! The necklace is great though.

  12. Alex, I LOVE this. The colours you have chosen coordinate so well, and it just looks fabulous on you. I'm with Christina, I want a pom pom head band too!

    I do seriously love this necklace, need to get down to John Lewis and buy me some wool. Unless you want to start a pom pom shop ;)

  13. Oh yes that is the biz - love them. Love the colour choices and you should make lots more - pom pom shop sounds great! We'll buy and good idea about pompom headband xx

  14. Your pompoms are perfect - never knew they could be done on your fingers! Great Stuff!

  15. I love a craft project as you know, and I remember getting into pom pom making a few years ago, but then I swear my cat ate them all.
    I never knew you could make them like this. I may also have to go have a nosey at the tutorial.
    A very successful make indeed, and I think the greens are the perfect colour selection, and are very you x

  16. Hooray for the pom poms! Yours looks beautiful, I need to blog mine when my face is ready for public viewing. I walked past accessorize yesterday and they were selling pom pom scarves at ridiculous prices. We have the power now to shun their merchandise, smash the corporate pom pom system and more power to our wool-bound fingers! :)

    (Isn't the Bleubird blog wonderful? I read it all while I have been off sick - James and her family are just too cool)

  17. Now all I need is some wool! I'm so having a go at this!

  18. Wow that looks amazing! Am now intrigued as to how u can make pompoms without those cardboard circles, shall have to investigate!

  19. i want to follow in your foot steps oh crafty one. did we come from the same craft island? i need to finish my chanel jacket. see, there i go again. i need to stop this. how did you get your turban so damn tight!

  20. Fab statement piece! I remember the days of forever winding wool around cardboard circles! This way looks so much easier!


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