Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Smarter Than Usual

I'm so glad I work in a place with no dress code. I struggle when it comes to work wear as I don't have any real distinction in my wardrobe between work clothes and normal clothes. Plus I don't know how it works elsewhere in the world but if you go into an average high street shop here and head to the work section, it's generally full of shiny black polyester trousers and horrible blouses. I don't actually own any proper trousers now and I have a weird relationship with shirts at the best of times. I do seem to have accquired quite a few vintage beauties recently but they're mostly quite loud! I generally wear whatever I want and aim to look slightly smarter on days when I have meetings.

So what did I wear today? I had a meeting about the installation of our new phone system (I'm getting a headset and am childishly excited about it) and wanted to look a bit less casual than usual. The plan was to wear some lovely grey ribbed tights and work the rest of it out from there but Primark failed me. The tights were a Large. Ok, so I am still not skinny, but these measurements on the back said they were to fit 5'5 upwards so I assumed I was safe. I am 5'2 and the crotch came half way up my thighs. There is no way they're designed for anyone who's a proper height if they can't even fit midgety me!

I resorted to a purple pair instead (not as see through as they look here) and took it from there. I'm not entirely convinced by the merits of putting a short sleeved cardi over a long sleeved dress but I needed extra warmth today. It was 20 degrees on Monday and only 6 degrees today, brrr!!!

Dress & cardi - Primark
Tights - Ethel Austin
Heels - George
Blazer - New Look
Jewellery - old

Oscar joined in. I look like I'm about to punch him, don't I? We actually had a cuddle, then he ran round the garden like a complete loon for about 10 minutes. Cats are funny things.


  1. I love your dress!
    What a lovely looking cat :) xo

  2. I am the exact same with work clothes, I don't really have a distinction between work and normal, but I obviously veer towards the smarter end of my wardrobe. I have that Primark dress too, it looks lovely on you :) AND I had the same problem with the tights, I have the black and grey pairs and both are too small to actually wear for anything other than photoshoots! Gah! xxx

  3. You have a cat called Oscar?!! That is one of my favourite pet-names ever, I am so envious, I would LOVE a cat again. I think short sleeved cardis over long sleeves are fine x

  4. I'm the same - can wear anything to work, but a bit smarter if there's an external meeting. Some days I'm quite pulled together and other days it's pretty bad! Really like the short sleeves over the long sleeved dress - it adds contrast and interest. xx

  5. I like short sleeves over long, it's kind of funky. Have you been losing yet more weight, it looks like it? xx

  6. Cute outfit, I was umming and ahhing over that dress recently, I think I need to go for it!
    Also, with tights I have to buy XL in M&S because after 2 washes they shrink dramatically! I'm 5ft1 so I don't know how tall people cope!

  7. I'm glad I can wear anything to work!! I tried to be a bit corporate in my old job,but failed miserably as I just don't get it,and as you say,there is an overabundance of shiny pants and icky shirts!!You did well,pretty and functional.Sweet heels!And I'm way into that blazer.
    Oscar looks such a snuggler!!Just the type I like to frolic with!! He seems tall for a cat?Cats are fecking weird,I always loved it when Boris did a snakey head then ran around like he's had a chile pepper up his bum!!!Its very quiet without him!
    O,and tights-for feck's sake,they are endless trauma,but I'm hopelessly addicted!

  8. This is a great outfit. Love the colours. And I feel the same way about dress codes!

    Kimberellie: a blog about Miss Furnellie

    ps. your cat looks really big, is he?

  9. love the color of your kitty! my kitty is a wild animal, too. they're entertaining for sure.

    your dress is cute too. i love the cardigan pairing.

  10. Dear Alex, I'd hate to have a dress code. You look very smart with your blazer. I never know what I'm going to put on. Usually whatever I can find first that vaguely goes together. I'm terribly lazy as I wear so much black.

    Oscar is gorgeous. My dad has a huge tabby cat called Oscar too xx

  11. Fabulous (both you and Oscar)! Dress codes stink, I was always in trouble at school for hacking off bits of my uniform to look more unique and when I had to wear a morning suit I went to work in my civvies and got changed in the loo.
    I'm rather glad that Primark were out of grey ribbed tights, those Ethel Austin ones show your legs off to perfection. xxx

  12. CAT!!! Cat cat cat cat. I love it.

    I'm a fan of short sleeved things over long sleeved things actually.

    I'm the same as well, no dress code and I absolutely resent with my whole being the idea of spending money on clothes just for work so try to buy things which work both ways.

  13. This outfit is lovely on you alex!!
    And Oscar is cool :)

  14. I love the sleeves, and the Oscar!

    I'm 6ft and a size 12 and tights can be a bit of a nightmare. I tend to buy the tummy-toning ones in a Large, so they're long enough but don't go baggy at the waist!

  15. i am in love with your jacket...

  16. I love the dress. I think the tights look lovely too. It's a mystery about the Primark ones; I think sometimes they have huge inconsistency when it comes to measurements x

  17. I know exactly what you mean about work trousers! I want to look sharp, but it can be tough to find the right pair. Lately, I've been loving the Editor style pants from Express. They usually have some kind of buy one, get one half off sale making the prices reasonable.

  18. your cat is so cute!!! he looks so big in this photo! :) x

  19. Oscar looks really cuddly! My cat is ill at the mo :( Hate it when cats aren't themselves and hide away. Glad you mentioned the tights from Primark because I was gonna go and get some and I'm 5ft 3 so would have struggled too!

  20. Love the dress. Love the cardi over the dress. Really love the blazer over the dress. And really, really love Oscar. That's one fine cat.
    I love it when they go bananas-Rene'll run round growling like a doggy whirlwind. It is so funny!!
    Have a great weekend,
    Z xx

  21. Ooh love your blazer, cute outfit. Im a bit the opposite tho, kinda like wearing a uniform of sorts, saves me outfit planning more than 3 times a week, I have far too many clothes for that tedious job! :)

  22. Smart & chic! Loving the blazer! :) xx

  23. Aww kitty making an appearance!

    I like the look of the shorter sleeves over the long ones, gives it some depth if that makes sense. Love the blazer. x

  24. I love these dresses :) I know what you mean about Primark tights, maybe they think peoples crotchs are just above their knees?!


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