Sunday, 10 October 2010

This Week

I have been:


Autumn at work. We have some good trees.


Inspiration. I think all the housework I've been doing today has knackered me out and so I can't think of anything particularly interesting to talk about. It's been a quiet week. It'll probably be a quiet month as I've got bugger all money left.


In a very hot, very bubbly bath. I used a Bathos bubble bar from Lush for the first time - MMMMM! It smells like a big bath full of Parma Violets. Again I say MMMMMMMMM. Don't know why it took me so long to get round to trying it but I'll definitely be buying more.


Vintage and second hand goodies. I had a bit of a charity shop spree yesterday which turned up a couple of nice tops, some Kurt Geiger green suede heels, a super cute handbag, tons of books and a very fun vintage green fur hat. I'll try and get some photos of the ever growing hat collection up soon.


Melting Moments biscuits, stewed apple, apple and blackcurrant crumble and blackcurrant and vanilla jam, all in the space of a few hours this afternoon. I miss my old kitchen. This one is a) tiny and b) has no dishwasher, so cooking more than one thing at a time is a tad tricky. I cope, but I really hate doing the washing up.

The jam was my first ever attempt. I don't know if it's set properly but if not, hey ho, I have lots of tasty blackcurranty goop!


Red wine. For the first time ever. I am gobsmacked with myself. I have always loathed red wine - it smells and tastes like socks - but I had a sip of some with dinner on Tuesday and it was rather nice! I'm sure my taste buds are late developers because I've only developed a liking for coffee, curry, melon and a host of other things over the past year, having previously loathed them.


A more interesting header/title thing for the blog. Any ideas? I don't have the technological wizardry to do it myself but I don't know where to go to get it done!


  1. something like this -

  2. or this?

  3. I love your first photo and kurt geiger at a charity shop - seriously?!
    as for your header, could you try drawing something? x

  4. Ooo,I was just dribbling through your last post before reading this one-we have fairly similar reading tastes & habits!And I totally agree about the joy of an old,worn,pre-loved book.The more beaten up,the better!And as far as I'm concerned,you can waffle on about books til the cows come home!!Reading is my life!
    Regards this post-I love red wine.G got me into it,as I had previously hated it.I didn't like olives until my late 20's.Taste changes as you get older,and it'll probably change even more.Though if you suddenly get a liking for tripe I suggest you get help!
    Yay for making jam,and for getting more chazza shop scores!
    As for your header,head over heels has a good idea,or I did mine at think I spelt it right).It's a bit fiddly,but fun!

  5. Dear Alex,
    You just made me chuckle with your red wine observation "it smells and tastes like socks"...brilliant!
    Jilly Goolden better watch out, there's a new kid on the block, who says it like it is ;)
    Top marks to you for making lots of yummy stuff & well done on your chazza scores to, can't wait to see them.
    Have a great week!
    P.s. Mr Owl had another outing over the weekend & got some nice comments :)

  6. Get you with you ever-increasing hat collection and affiliation for the red stuff!
    I made my own blog header using Photobucket, quite easy for even a woman of my limited knowledge of t'internet.

  7. It took me ages to get to grips with red wine but now I can't get enough of it and have found myself liking white wine less and less.

    Definitely need to go out and get one of those Lush bombs - parma violets?! Hell yes!!

    No idea about blogger heading wizardry. I tried it once and failed miserably and have consigned it to the dump of Things That Would Be Nice To Be Acheived But Realistically Never Will Be.

  8. Red wine = YUk! I can't even stand the smell!
    If you have no weekend plans this coming weekend, want to visit Shrews? I've just realised there's one more weekend in Oct than I thought lol so I ahve no plans :) And obviously can't shop :S

  9. Yum, I love jam, hope it's delish and sets properly.

    I've only just got into red wine in the past few years, my tastes have definitely changed, I love a glass of merlot now.


    p.s that first pic is gorgeous, would look lovely framed.

  10. I love seeing autumn leaves on the trees; it’s such a significant part of the season. The Charity shop spree sounds like a good one, I want to see those Kurt Geiger’s! x

  11. This all sounds so autumny and cosy. And I love the smell of violets too, you've inspired me to go buy some violet essential oil.

    The first time I made jam, I was so scared of getting it wrong that I followed the instructions EXACTLY, even though I thought it was cooking too long. Should have followed my instincts, because instead of jam I ended up with apricot toffee!

  12. Love, love, love autumn photos! It's just about the only thing that cheers me up about the onset of cold(er) weather!

    When I recreated my header, I used a standard header background (you can get neat ones for free off sites like and then put it into Paintshop and added my own elements like the blog title and a photo!

    If you're stumped with the picture-editing technology, I'd be happy to make a header for you if you give me the elements you want! I can usually do it in about ten minutes, so it wouldn't be any trouble :-)

  13. I'd love a recipe for the jam!

  14. Dear Alex, I'm extremely impressed with your jam making and baking skills. I loathe washing up too and would be lost without my dishwasher.

    The Kurt Geiger shoes sound like a fantastic find! Look forward to seeing some pictures.

    The best cheap red wine I have found is by Blossom Hill and it's called Soft and Fruity Red. It doesn't actually have a region but it's very good. All my friends drink it now too.

    I am really behind on emails as my mail crashed so sorry for late reply.

    Have a great week xx

  15. Such beautiful pictures!!! L.A. hasn't known fall for a while so I don't think I'll be experiencing the changing leaves for a long time :(

    CLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog

  16. Mmmmm I love a good red. I had a rather nice Malbec recently and I do need to find another bottle of it.
    I once bought a black forest inspired red that was infused with chocolate and cherry notes. It was spectacular.

    I am really loving the photographs you posted!! You say you are lacking inspiration, but your photos look rather inspired if you ask me.

  17. I love posts like this. Perfect wee snapshot into your life. The jam looks cute in it's little jars and I'm sure it will taste just great. Oh and there is hope for me yet, I hate coffee and red wine, maybe times will change! x

  18. Please tell me the hat and shoes look good together, green suede and green fur, mmmmm.....!


  19. {love} redwine, your {photography} is gorgeous, and yes yes yes to Charity Shop finds!


  20. I don't think I'll ever get to like red wine but your description of the taste made me laugh right out loud, the first blog to do that for me in a looooong time! And yes, Lush's products are amazing. xxx

  21. I am like you too! I had only started drinking red wine myself lately, I really like it now.
    I want to see this KG shoes please! xx

  22. As SOON as you mentioned the housework I looked guiltily towards the pile of washing up waiting for me in the kitchen... and then read further to find you feel the same! It's my WORST chore and I try my hardest to get out of doing it.

    Oh, for a dishwasher! :) x

  23. Red wine is one of the best things in life! Look out for pinot noir from Chile or Shiraz from Napa Valley in California - always really good value. One of the designers at work created my header as a freelance job for £30, not sure if you'd have to pay more if you approached someone to do something bespoke. Maybe there's someone at work that would be glad of the creativity/extra cash? xx

  24. Aah, there's your jam! Cute jars!

  25. Love all the autumn leaves at the moment! I am a red wine hater, maybe its something I will learn to like! I am so grateful for my dishwasher!


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