Thursday, 7 October 2010

Vintage Virgin

I went to a vintage fair tonight. It was my first time. It was wonderful.

Ok, so I don't have much (or anything) to judge it against but a) it was nicely timed so I could go after work and before the theatre, b) it was held in a very nice pub, c) the stallholders and organisers were, without exception, lovely and d) it was fun, fun, fun.

I even got free wine! This was my first blogging perk - I love it. I was juggling bags and taking pictures of the rails of fabulous stuff when I heard "excuse me" and immediately thought I was in trouble (guilty conscience much??). It was a gorgeous girl with a clipboard who actually wanted to know if I was press. Obviously I wasn't so I replied that I was just taking photos for my blog, had a quick chat to her and was then somewhat gobsmacked when she came back with a free drink voucher! One of the stallholders gave me a cupcake as well - these people are really lovely!

I could have spent a flipping fortune in there, so much beautiful stuff. And although it obviously wasn't as cheap as tracking down the goodies yourself at jumble sales and car boots, most of the stuff was surprisingly reasonable. I was v. sensible though and took a limited amount of cash. So, what did I choose?

A little red weekend case.

A Kangol mohair hat which may verge slightly on the grannyish side of things but it fits and it's cute so I care not!

And this rather nifty skirt which was made in West Germany. I really love the fact that I now own something with such a history. Wonder how it ended up in Liverpool?

Ffion went for a rather snazzy scarf, a gorgeous wool coat and a couple of handbags, one of which she's modelling below:

What did I wear to said vintage fair?

Still struggling with the self timer!

Blouse - vintage, a present from Vix
Jeans - Dorothy Perkins
Boots - Marks & Spencer Limited Collection
Bangle - pinched from Mum
Ring - Primark
Earrings - ancient

I felt really rather sassy today. Amazing what a difference a beautiful piece of clothing and some super duper new boots can make! And can I say HA? I saw two girls today that I went to school with. They were in the popular gang, I wasn't, and in their own little way they didn't make my life very pleasant. I recognised them today because they haven't really changed and they didn't clock on to who I was because I look totally different now and am no longer a fat geek with a bad fringe. HA! I felt awesome.

Vix also sent me this rather hilarious card. Oh, she's got it so right...

ps - post not sponsored by the people that ran the vintage fair! Also, opinion not swayed by the free wine as I would have written just the same had I not been given it. It was a lovely treat though - thank you!


  1. How are those boots from m&s! They are incredible, in fact your whole outfit is lovely. Your figure is looking amazing too:) congrats missus
    This fair looks amazing, you got some fabulous finds xxx

  2. Dear Alex, I love your outfits and boots, you look great. I'm glad you bumped into those girls looking good! Aren't people horrible?

    The vintage fair looks great. The ring and weekend are super as is Ffion's handbag. I'm also ogling the vintage sunglasses in the first shot. Hope all's good with you xx

  3. Oh SO MUCH FUN! And can I steal your overnight bag? Pretty pretty please? I'd take the wine too; but seeing as you have probably already drank it I will settle for thieving the bag (all in my over active imagination of course).

    heart: Kimberellie

    oh, and I can't wait to see you wear that hat! LOVE!

  4. You looked HOT! Loving that green on you!
    Ooop,just sneezed over my screen.Ick.
    I freaking stopped breathing when I saw the weekend case!!AAAARRGGHH!!LOVE IT!! Divine! What a terricif score,darling.And I'm so pleased you busted your cherry!! It is quite relaxing to have all the shopping done for you,so to speak,and you do meet lovely people at these things!!

  5. O,and the hat is adorable!I have lots of Kangol berets,funnily!And I loved your jewellry!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. that red luggage is stunning. i love the elastic scunchies inside to hold little things. really bomb! look forward to seeing how you will work in all these new pieces!

  7. Oh, so jealous! I really wanted to go to the vintage fair in Sheffield on the 26th Sept but was visiting the in laws *rolls eyes*
    You look amazing in that outfit and your legs!!!! Wow!!!
    Know what you mean about the Mean Girls- they're always requesting to be my friend on FB for some reason, some I say yes to, the worst culprits I don't. But one put as her status update the other day "It's nice to be important, but more important to be nice..." Oh, how I laughed.....

  8. I'm always a little terrified of vintage fairs or just old stuff in general, still have it in my head that nothing's going to fit me!

    Absolutely head over heels in love with that weekend bag though. I totally need that, I go away for weekends all the time!

    And I'll be taking those shoes thanks.

  9. Wow I'm jealous, it looks amazing!!
    Love that weekend case, and your friends handbag is beautiful.

    I LOVE those boots, M&S do some amazing stuff. And that green blouse suits you, look stunning. And haha to the mean girls.


  10. Wow Alex, the fair looks amazing, the stuff you bought looks amazing and you look amazing!! Note to self, must go to a vintage fair, I've never been! I always thought that they might be overpriced but will definitely give it a go.

    Glad you felt awesome about yourself (and so you should) after seeing those horrid girls from school. Good for you!

  11. This looks like a fabulous evening, and your purchases are lovely..I really like the M&S boots, and the green blouse as well!! :) xx

  12. Hi Alex, I'm so glad your first vintage fair was a fun experience. And what a score with the free wine! All the things you bought are lovely, and your outfit is too - I adore pussy-bow blouses, and those M&S boots are brilliant (I sort of want a pair for myself now). No wonder you felt so great :)

  13. I might be going to a vintage fair tomorrow - this has got me really interested!

  14. Ah I love the red case and the green blouse and the German skirt! Wonder if they do vintage fairs in this part of the world (doubt it)?

    Ah, karma. I bumped into one of the particularly nasty pretty girls a few months back in Tesco - I'd had a big meeting at work so was dressed up in dress, heels, make-up ... she however had got fat and was wearing a velour tracksuit coupled with greasy hair - made my day! :D

  15. I love that card you got - think I might buy one myself and have it framed!

  16. Oh I KNEW you'd look fabulous in that green pussybow that why I screamed out loud at the jumble sale. Alex, it was made for you. You look stunning.
    Free wine and vintage clothes? I'd have gone beserk. You've chosen wisely. You can't beat a Kangol hat or anything with a West German label (great quality)xxx

  17. Looks like a wonderful fair, the weekend case is my favourite purchase by far, so vintage and lovely. Sounds like such a great fair, I’ve never been to one, so don’t really know what they are like. The M&S boots look great and you know they will be good quality x

  18. Killer heels. That green blouse looks fab-u-lous, darling!! Sounds like a really fun evening.
    Z xx

  19. whoa!!!!! those pretty amazing stuff there..i think if i was there, i would have gone crazy with the red weekend such a nice condition too..

    ps. love your studded booties!

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  20. Alex, bloody hell girl you look AMAZING! and the vintage fair sounds aweomse! x

  21. I must say you are looking fabulous in your green blouse and jeans and that red weekend case is so adorable, I want one! And that vintage fair looked amazing too. xxx

  22. Oohh it looks fantastic, I love your case I had one of those and my Mum chucked it out!!!! You look fab in your green blouse.
    Bet it was a great feeling seeing those girls again, ha shame on them!
    Kandi x

  23. Haha love that card! Still deciding if I'll just stay single forever... Gorgeous finds too, jealous :)

  24. That fair looks so much fun! I've never been to one myself but would love to go. I love the red case you picked up! Great shape too!

  25. Looks like great fun, I wish they had something like that near me! I adore the red case you picked up and your friends handbag!

    Also those boots are stunning, I want, want, want them!!

    Sal xXx

  26. So much to comment on!
    Love the vintage fair and I love your choices. That red case is to die for!
    You looked fab. That pussybow blouse looks FANTABULOUS on you. Seriously - you need to get MARRIED in green; or at least make your bridesmaids wear it. :) And how cool was that blogging perk? Woo hoo!

    LOL at those stupid girls. Power. Love the card. Made me giggle.
    Love you xx

  27. You look sensational. Every pic I see you look even more slender!
    Event looks great. Free wine and cupcake seems like a pretty good perk. Lovely purchases. The weekend bag and skirt are lush. x

  28. Alex you look fan-absolutely-tastic! x

  29. Amazing amazing blouse and boots! The vintage fair looks like a great evening out!


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