Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Tapestry Tuesday

I'm sure we've all got our problem areas. Well mine are definitely the stomach and thigh sections of my body - they need covering up and not emphasing, hence why I've never ever worn shorts. However, as you may have read in my weekend post, I couldn't resist a beautiful tapestry pair in the River Island sale. Now they weren't available in my size so I had to get a 16 which do gape rather but I'd rather that than that they were skin tight. I can always nip the waist in a bit but I don't think they look too bad.

I'm very impressed with my bravery in wearing them. A year ago this wouldn't have happened. Actually, a few weeks ago this wouldn't have happened! Bravo me.

I look mildly obsessed with my shoes in these pics, don't I? Must look up!

Tapestry coat - Kookai, via car boot sale (£3!)

Shorts - River Island

Jumper - H&M

Brogues - New Look

Jewellery - ancient


  1. Alex: you look fantastic! That pairing of the jumper and shorts are perfect. You are looking so slim now, you are my inspiration to get healthy right now! x

  2. Fab outfit - and you have great legs, much more useful than a flat stomach! The shorts look good slightly big actually, more casual :)

  3. Frankly, Alex, you have cracking pins and should definitely show them off more often. Very shapely.

  4. Alex you look so good. Honestly really flipping fantastic, great buy those shorts. And I love that coat!


    p.s Vix is gonna LOVE this outfit.

  5. See, you look fabulous, maybe you see your old self in your head because you do look great in those shorts. I adore your coat too, it's gorgeous.
    Kandi x

  6. Looking good! You've got great legs.

  7. have you slimmed down or what? the look with the shorts and brown loafers is just charming like prince man galloping in the forest.

  8. You look brilliant in those shorts, Alex. No need for bravery - you look fantastic. xx

  9. You have fabulous legs! They are perfect and gorgeous in those shorts. As for that coat, swoon! It's totally and utterly beautiful. xxx

  10. Either those shorts fit you amazingly well or you've lost weight, you look super slim!

  11. You look great in those shorts, you really do have great legs - be proud to show them off.

    That tapestry coat is great, what a bargain. xxx

  12. your legs are awesome! get 'em out more i say!
    The shorts and jumper combo is just perfect great colours! xx

  13. Stomach is my problem area!
    You look bloody adorable!!! So cute with the tights!Love them!
    That's a pretty coat,too!And I adore those brogue type shoes,I've been looking for some.
    You deserve a bravery award,and I think you've just got it with all the well-earnt compliments,honey!
    xxx Love!!

  14. I LOVE those shorts!! Seriously, they are fantastic! I love the pattern.
    And isn't it liberating when you realize you have the gumption to wear something that you never imagined yourself wearing before?

  15. Thanks for your comment! :) I definitely agree with you that skinny doesn't always mean sexy. For me I feel I need to be healthier and do more exercise and then I'll feel more comfortable in my skin :)

    I love your coat! You are very brave wearing those shorts as I couldn't do that. I am very impressed :) Those shorts are lovely though and you look wonderful! =)

  16. You have hot legs! I definitely think you should show them off more :) I love those shorts and that jacket. You look so shabby chic stylish Alex! xoxox

  17. They are so cute!
    Lovely on you!
    I would love some......maybe I'll give em a whirl!


  18. Feck me. Thighs?! Erm WHAT THIGHS?!

    Bravo on the bravery. I completely and utterly know where you're coming from on this front. I need to grab on to some of your bravery!

  19. Very cute shorts; you look fantastic! :)

  20. That coat is great! And the shorts look lovely. I'm the same with shorts, I can never find any that look even halfway good. But in the last few weeks I discovered a gorgeous lacy pair from Primark and a vintage short playsuit which actually covers all evils and is flattering! So well done us for trying new things!

  21. Alex, excuse my language but you look fucking amazing.

  22. I love your shoes Alex and I know what you mean, it's a lot to do in one month. Maybe next year? This is the first time I've even attempted it! xxx

  23. The coat and shorts are SO perfect. I am so glad you wore the shorts, they suit you x

  24. You look wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! My favourite outfit of yours, ever. Love the shorts and you've played up that cute country look perfectly with the elbow patch jumper and brogues. Fab! x

  25. I so knew you would rock in those shorts!!! You look fabbo and i wish my pins looked as good as yours!!

    Sharron xxxxx

  26. Dear Alex, you look fantastic! Loving the jacket and shorts.

    If I put on weight it goes straight on my stomach so I get a pot belly. It's the last place to go too.

    Keep wearing shorts they suit you xx

  27. Did you know you have been mentioned on the Dotcomgiftshop http://www.dotcomgiftshop.com/blog scroll down to vintage blogs we love!
    Kandi x


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