Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Vintage Warmth & A Great Big Giveaway

I've decided that I'm not very good at dressing stylishly for the cold weather. I haven't dared take outfit photos for the past couple of days as it's been all baggy jumpers, several layers of socks, boring jeans, and scarves, earwarmers and fingerless gloves worn virtually all the time.

Vix came to my rescue today though. What a tremendously wonderful woman she is. As well as a v. exciting craft project (more on this at some point in the future) and a funky bracelet, she sent me this amazing vintage dress. Oh how I love it. It's not only very beautiful, it is perfect for this weather as it's just so warm and snuggly. Also, tartan, yippee! I am fully in love with tartan/checked clothes at the moment.

I think I have it on backwards in this photo but the colours have come out better so I wanted to use the pic. Shhhh....

Just wish I had a slightly longer neck so the neckline sat a bit better on me!

Dress - vintage
Tights - Marks & Spencer
Boots - swapped

The boots are a triumph of the art of cobbling. MSE fashion thread girls may remember the day that the heel broke on these boots and I was boohoo-ing about potentially having to throw them away, having failed to fix it with a glue gun. A quick trip to the local cobbler and for the princely sum of £5 he had fixed the heel, repaired the other one which was on the verge of snapping too and resoled and reheeled both of them! What a man.

Anyway, onto the main point of this post, the giveaway!

Now I should warn you that although it's inspired by the 12 Days of Christmas, it's not a faithful interpretation. I'm running it over the first 12 days in December so that hopefully I can get the goodies posted out to you before Christmas. And it's only very loosely themed on the song, otherwise there would be some weird ass prizes on offer! As it stands, they're not the most expensive or glam prizes in the world but I've paid for them all myself and didn't want to bankrupt myself. Also I've tried to cover all the bases - I know I have readers of all ages and interests.

Rules are simple - pop a comment on this post to enter the giveaway for this item. I'll be keeping all the days open until midnight on 13th December when I'll draw a winner for each day and then announce them all at once. It's open to everyone but if international followers do win, I'm not so sure they'll get to you before Christmas, sorry. Good luck everyone!

So, on the first day of my giveaway, I will give to thee...

Some v. cute decorative magnets, one of which features partridges in pear trees, and a bag of delicious pear drop sweeties. I didn't want to get too bird themed but there's not much else you can do with this first one!


  1. Oh, you look absolutely stunning, Alex. That heather colour looks beautiful against your hair. I have those M&S tights courtesy of a very thoughtful friend, they are so warm and pretty.
    Love those badges and hurrah for cobblers. My little man is a miracle worker. xxx

  2. Excellent excellent excellent idea. I LOVE IT.

    Can't wait to enter to try and win my 5 gold rings - then it'll be straight off to cash my gold :)

    I really REALLY want those tights. I need to go to M&S and try and find them immediately, but that would involve wading through 12 foot of snow so I might leave it for a little bit.

  3. what a cute giveaway idea! i know it is going to make me feel very christmassy indeed. please enter me:)
    everyone seems to get lovely tights from m&s, i must pop in there! and that skirt is lovely, it is kinda tartan-ish which i have been searching for! xx

  4. Amazing dress and LOVE those badges (is it just me that says "Badgers" and "Badges" as exactly the same word?)
    I think we're all struggling sartorially in this weather- but I personally LOVE woollies so don't be afraid to post pics of wrapped up loveliness!
    ps you are looking SO skinny on these pics! Yay you!
    xxx Maddie

  5. Those magnets are adorable, please enter me :)
    Vix is so kind and wonderful, the dress is lovely. Tartan is so timeless and perfect for a cold winter’s day x

  6. Your waist looks tiny in the dress, really suits you. Love the pattern.

    Those magnets would look pretty swish on my new notice board thingy in my kitchen. :)


  7. ahhh, now i understand what the pear drops were for!! :) this giveaway idea is amazing!!

  8. You clever thing what a great idea! Have you cued Alan Sugar and his cronies up for the 10th day?
    Fab frock from Vix, she is a star!
    Kandi x

  9. Fabulous idea! Me please!

    I love that dress - I saw a brown tartan-type skirt for a fiver the other day but it was two sizes too small :(

    I seem to think I was the pessimist who said you'd never be able to get your boots reheeled to a decent standard - slapped wrist for me, and a lesson to always think positive! (My friend's boots WERE a mess though....)

  10. You look lovely Alex :)
    I didn't realise cobblers were so cheap! I have some little heels that have the plasticy bits on the end missing, so am going to slush my way into town and get the sorted later!
    Such a fab idea for a giveaway, genius!! Please enter me!

  11. what a lovely idea! Enter me please!

  12. Wonderful dress, Vix does have a sepcial eye for things, doesn't she. I have a short neck too, I sometimes find I have to cut out the neck a little before it looks right. I even have to do it with t-shirts. That sort of neckline can also be a bit tricky when you are a little boobylicious - can I make a suggestion, if that isn't rude? I think it would be really pretty if you got some chunky buttons and sewed them down the middle to break it up. It would go with the style of the dress and should solve the neckline issue.

    Great idea for a giveway. I have some things lined up too and was going to do something similar with a week of prizes, but there seem to be a few on at the moment so I think instead I'll wait until January when we are all feeling miserable and need cheering up x

  13. The dress looks fab on you Alex - how lovely of Vix. Please enter me in the giveaway. xx

  14. Dear Alex,
    The dress looks lovely & I bet it's toasty too.
    Vix is the vintage wonder woman!
    Funnily enough I too have a pair of M&S tights in that colour :)
    Have a great day & thanks for all the lovely comments you've left on my blog, they rock my world!
    Lot's of love,

  15. What a lovely dress - stylish and warm too - I want it! I love the way you have put those blue tights with it to complement the colour in the tartan. I'm off to M&S to get me a pair. Luckily I live in a town centre and my nearest store is a couple of (strangely snow free)streets away. And btw I love peardrops but I'm so greedy I shall probably enter each day of your Giveaway. Cx

  16. Yay, please enter me! Lovely dress, I just lost out on a similar one on ebay - you've inspired me to start a new hunt! x

  17. ALEX that dress is incredible on you. And you've given me a pear drops craving now!

  18. I like the bottom hem of that dress, in particular.

    I'd like to enter the giveaway! It's funny that you should say you didn't want it to be too bird-themed, earlier today I bought a load of birdy decorations for the tree and my mam told me that a lot of people don't like birds, they think they're unlucky. I've never hear that before. I love birds!

  19. What a great idea for a giveaway! Count me in please
    PS How lucky you are to have a local cobbler!!!

  20. Love that frock,and LOVE how you're wearing it!! Vix is so amazingly onto it,isn't she?!
    Dressing for winter can be such a bore,but that's a perfect way to improve the situation!!
    Those badges are adorable!! Count me in!!
    Love! xxxxxxx

  21. awesome dress - looks great on you xxx

  22. The dress is beautiful - love the checked skirt part of it - it looks great with those tights!

    And what a great partridge themed giveaway!


  23. Oh how wonderful! That dress looks lovely on you :)

    Enter me please! x

  24. What a great idea for a give away, it's got to be one of my favorite Christmas carols. There's a feeling of real pride if you manage to remember all the verses in the correct order! Please enter me, the partridge magnet is great and I love pear drops. x

  25. Vix knows so well what suits you - you look great in that dress. I love the magnets so please enterr me for youtr giveaway. By the way I've told my daughter's if they don't show their appreciation of my hospitality I will definately disown them and be adopting you ;D - thanks for your lovely comment. xxx

  26. Dear Alex, Vix is amazing. That is a wonderful winter dress that will keep you warm and stylish. You look great.

    I love you giveaway, I did wonder how you were going to get a partridge and a pear tree! Please don't enter me as you've already given me beautiful things.

    I am posting your parcel next day delivery tomorrow so hopefully someone will be in at yours to sign for it. If not email me in the morning and I'll do it on Friday for next day delivery. The snow is chucking it down here. I might have to go and try to capture it on camera. Luckily I can walk to the Post Office! xx

  27. You look lovely in that dress!

    You have a fun interpretation of the partridge/pear tree... and you're right, there would be some very strange prizes if you followed the song too closely.

  28. love the buttons, so cute!♥

  29. That dress really suits you :) I know completely what you mean about dressing for winter! It's so tempting to just chuck on the big jumpers and go. But they don't do anything for my figure so I must try harder this winter! I think warm dresses, tights and boots are the way forward :) x

  30. I love those colours all together - gorgeous outfit!

    What a lovely lovely idea for a giveaway...if only I was as organised as you! :)

    Sarah x

  31. This is so sweet. I love all the things you have picked so far. You know I love birds =) Pick me, pick me! =)

  32. Love the dress on you, I didn't realise it was knitted until the close up.

    What a great idea for a giveaway!

  33. That vintage dress is fabulous! Love the tartan pattern!

    What an amazing giveaway!!

  34. please enter me to this lovely christmas giveaway :)

    i love your winter style!

  35. lovely idea for a giveaway! can't believe i've only just seen it & i think you're five days in now...i have some catching up to do! :) really like your skirt in the first bit of this post!

  36. I love the dress! So cute!! Wish I could find a dress that cute. Yesterday I went thrift shopping, but sadly didn't find any dresses :( I need more time to look haha there's just so much to see, but I did find the cutest jacket!

    I would love to enter your giveaway!

  37. Love the dress! :)

    Please enter me in this giveaway! xxx

  38. this is brilliant! will join everyday! :D

    the magnets are sooo cute!

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  39. Oooooo, pear drops! My favourites!
    Z xx


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