Sunday, 23 January 2011

I'm Having A Pride & Prejudice Moment

You all know I love my job, yes?

Well sometimes I really love my job and this is one of those times. I'm going to be away till Thursday on a 4 day training course which I won't discuss for fear of boring you to death but which I'm very much looking forward to. The fact that it's being held at Pemberley is just an added bonus.

Hehe, any excuse for gratituous Colin Firth pictures...

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm just off to pack my bonnet...

Actually, I'm off to flap about what to pack for 3 days in a freezing cold mansion (am thinking many, many jumpers) and 3 dinners (no idea how dressy or not to go with this...). I may have to go and buy some new shoes. Would you believe that I only have ONE pair of sensible flat shoes that my feet won't freeze in?


  1. An excuse to buy new shoes... oh what a shame.... never mind! May I recommend Tesco at the moment- I got two really gorgeous pairs of flats in their sale and even full price they tend not to be bank breaking.


  2. I want your job. Seriously. I LOVE Lyme Park. Gah, I guess I'll be dossing about in the office all week, on a freezing cold Victorian industrial site. Not much difference, really, when you think about it. *cries*

  3. Oooh you lucky girl! Have you got any thermals you can layer undedrneath things? I always find multiple layers of tights work well. x

  4. Ooh you lucky, lucky thing! Any space in your case for me? Wrap up warm and enjoy!!

  5. Oh goodness your job really does sound quite amazing! I think I too would be dreaming up a certain Mr Darcy.

    Make sure you pack lots of layers and knits x

  6. Hi Alex, I gave you an award as I love your blog, head over to mine and check it out if your interested! xx

  7. You get to work....AT Pemberly????? Holy smokes, I don't think I've ever been more jealous of anyone until this moment! Take pictures? Blog ALL about it? :)

  8. (Oh, and a pen-snail-pal would be fun!!!!!!!!!)

  9. That is the business! What a treat to go there - lets hope the decor is preserved xx

  10. love your blog , it's really something. check mine and if you like it follow me and i will follow you

  11. Stay warm and enjoy your visit ... please show and tell us all about it ♥

  12. Bad Girl! The majority of your pics were of that gorgeous man in his wet shirt!! YEEEESSSS!! Enjoy your course ~ and your dreams!

  13. Just WOW! My work do's are all in engineering offices on dreary industrial estates up and down the country. The most exquisite of which is in the Wirral :(
    Kandi x

  14. Thanks for the pics - v nice! Have a great week. xx

  15. Ah Alex, I hope you have a very good time! I can't believe you get to go THERE for your job! What exactly is it that you do:P? haha..
    Plus, I forget Colin Firth used to be younger, and that's how he looked!

  16. How exciting! I'd love to hear more about your job... you sound like you have such a fabulous time.

    Enjoy it, and take lots of pics please! x

  17. OMG,OMG,OMG!!!!
    I demand pics of you frolicking around in said bonnet! Or,well,woolly hat,then. How marvellous a setting! Eeek!
    Thermal underwear sounds like a must.

  18. OMG what a fab place for a residential training course! Hope you take lots of photos!

  19. Yes, a bonnet and a wet nightie shot...please!!!
    Your job rocks and you so deserve it. xxx

  20. Dearest Alex, how fabulous! That will be wonderful. Look forward to seeing what you wear. Have a great week, love C xx

  21. Ha amaaaaaaazing. Also? How young does Colin Firth look?! I didn't think he'd aged at all but clearly I was wrong.

  22. lucky girl. Will you resist going for a dip in the lake?! Penny's tip on double tights is a fab idea x

  23. oooh it looks so lovely!!! not so much a fan of the firth - you can keep him for yourself, but a few days away from work would be splendid, even if it was for training!

  24. OMG I'm SO jealous right now. Though I fear I would get no work, just sit and dream of Mr Darcy. I hope you take lots and lots of pictures.

    And thanks for the CF Mr Darcy pics..... mmmmmm!


  25. How exciting, you lucky thing! I LOVE that version of Pride & Prejudice, the Keira Knightly one paled in comparison. You'll have to wander through the gardens (a la Lizzie B) & imagine Colin Firth emerging from the bushes... :)

  26.! How amazing to go to the very same location! Thanks for the Colin Firth images, especially with the famous wet white shirt.. phew.. xx

  27. ...

    There are no words. So jealous right now.

  28. Wow; just wow! I am such a Colin Firth/Jennifer Ehle/Pride and Prejudice fan! I would love to visit Lyme Hall and Park. I would want to walk over every single inch of ground covered by Darcy and Elizabeth, in the film. (Sighs deeply with chin on hands and dreamy far-away look in eyes...) I hope the trip was a lot of fun (and not all work) for you. Take care!


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