Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Oh Comely

As proof of my world champion procrastinatory abilities, I have been meaning to write this blog post since I bought the first issue of the magazine back in...ooh, July? It's now up to issue 4 and I've only just got round to it. The shame of it all.

I am basically not a magazine sort of person. If I have a few pounds burning a hole in my purse I'd rather just buy a book/some sweets/something fun from a charity shop/a bath bomb from Lush. I never spend it on glossy magazines and especially not swanky fashion magazines which I just don't think are aimed at impoverished, unfashionable people like me.

I don't know quite why I picked up the first issue of Oh Comely in the first place. I can only put it down to the simplicity of the cover and the fact that the girl on the cover was refreshingly normal looking.

I remember reading the first issue and thinking that it reminded me far more of reading good blogs than it did magazines. It has a real sense of freshness, charm and quirk and covers so much interesting ground. Even when I'm not familiar with the subject of the articles, they're always well written. Because I am a musical pleb who would rather listen to Radio 4 or 5 than the latest indie group, the stuff about bands does tend to go rather over my head but that's not a major part of the magazine so it doesn't bother me. It's true of blogging though; I'm more than used to doing the computer equivalent of smiling and nodding when people write about music.

Luckily there are always plenty of fascinating articles to read and the illustrations and photography are always gorgeous too.

I even like the fashion shoots. They're beautiful and, shock horror, feature things that I might be able to afford and actually want to wear.

Lots of lovely giveaways in every issue too, hurrah! As further proof of my procrastination, if it were needed, I haven't entered a single one. Not even the Irregular Choice one. What's wrong with me?

Plus there's the odd smattering of recipes and simple crafty things. I've yet to actually attempt any of them but they certainly look good.

And a quiz on the inside back page! I don't know about you lot but I love a good quiz. According to the one in the current edition (not the one pictured above) my perfect book is Cold Comfort Farm. (I saw something narrrrrrrrrrrrsty in the woodshed...) Good choice - I like it muchly and am definitely due a reread.

Last night I had a big glass of wine and curled up on the bed to read the latest issue. Jolly good it was too.

(pj bottoms made by the amazing Char - aren't they fab?!)


  1. Oooh this looks brilliant, will need to keep my eye out. I bet they probably send one copy to Hull.

    (PS I think you are rather fashionable. So there.)

  2. Yay glad you posted this! I agree with everything you say *nod nod*, I was especially taken with the piece on Tulip Fever and the article about inequality vs poverty. My silly local WH Smiths hasn't got Issue 4 in yet, grr! I never enter the give aways either even though there's so much on offer! xx

  3. This looks great! I love the look of the layout.
    Haven't seen this anywhere, but will be looking out for it.

  4. I have a subscription to Oh Comely and it is rather good :)

  5. how have i not heard of this?! oh, because the closest i ever get to a magazine is the sunday times style mag :S

    woop about the pjs being ok tho !! :D

  6. I haven't seen or heard of this magazine, which I feel quite guilty about. I am so off the magazine trail it's unbelievable, I was once a girl obsessed, but now I think there are plenty more wonderful things written online.

    I do always like it when a different kind of magazine comes along and is actually worth investing some time in though. The graphics/layout and illustrations of this one all look pretty good x

  7. Hmmm, the name rings a bell somehow but I don't think I've heard of this. It does look brilliant though will have to watch out for it - thanks :)

  8. Oh my word, I need a copy of this. I'll have to get down to Smiths to see if I can find it!
    PS I know what you mean about music- I have Itunes etc, but I honestly can't remember the last time I used it or my Ipod. I much prefer silence. *Old Fart*

    xxx maddie

  9. This sounds like such a great magazine! The covers look lovely and really unique plus I love the idea of it coming across as a blog almost!! The pictures look really beautiful inside and everything looks really clean in term of design, fab!!

    Hannah xx

  10. Ohh fab, it looks more like a book then a magazine. I have to admit i'm a quiz addict, i love any quiz programme on tv and trivial persuit is my favourite game on the wii, i'm uber competitive!

  11. I've not seen this one but I will look out for it. Re the cable knitting, honestly if I can do it anyone can. You will need a cable needle and just watch a tutorial on youtube you will be shocked at how simple it is.
    Kandi x

  12. I completely share your procrastination feelings! I bought oh comely sometimes in november, and not yet had a chance to read it all! Shame on me! But now that exams are over, I will most definitely have a total read through it! :)

  13. I so want to read this - can't believe I haven't yet! Love the idea of a quiz, too. :)


  14. Oh no, The Girl is going to get the one copy that they send to Hull!

    I'm ashamed to say that I've never even heard of Oh Comely. If I'd have seen it in a shop I'd have made a beeline for it because the cover is lovely, but I haven't seen it anywhere.

  15. Cold Comfort Farm is one of my favourite books, I love Robert Poste's child. I find most fashion mags a bit inane and up themselves but this looks refreshing x

  16. I hate fashion mags but this looks amazing, refreshingly different with a wide variety of topics. I'll keep my eyes peeled in Smiths next time I'm waiting for Jon to choose which classic car mag he wants. xxx

  17. I have never heard of or seen that magazine but it looks great. I'm sick of picking up magazines and having every second page be an advert and every other one be something I can't ever afford.

    Glad the book made it to you. Cheesy read but hopefully you like it.

    PJs are awesome too! x

  18. nowhere round here sells this :(

    LOVE the PJ bottoms!

  19. Have never heard of this, but have to confess to being a bit of a magazine junkie (mainly on subscriptions that friends have kindly got me as xmas pressies - you save soooo much money doing the subscription thing). Will look out for this. xx

  20. Dear Alex, what an excellent review. I've only seen one copy so far and I agree it's beautifully put together. I shall look out for the next issue.

    I love Cold Comfort Farm. I've been trying to find it on DVD but so far can't find a copy for under £30. That will have to wait. I had an Ebay frenzy at the weekend and have completely skint myself! xx

  21. AMAZING! I will definitely check out this mag ;)

  22. I have never heard of this magazine or seen it in the shops, maybe I haven't been looking properly though. Do they have a website?

    It sounds amazing, just like a blog really, I'm definitely going to look out for it now...xxx

  23. Looks great - I'll have to see if they have a website as I'm at the end of the earth (Australia).
    Also I have just nominated you for a Stylish Blogger Award. Feel free to ignore, but if not, would love to hear your seven things. More details are on my blog.

  24. Ooh I love discovering new magazines - this one looks right up my street so thanks for the heads up Alex! Sally x

  25. I love Oh Comely! The first couple of issues were a pain to find but it's appearing more and more now, hooray! Some of the articles take a certain amount of concentration that's not always present (!) but it's perfect when I have plenty of time :)

    (my friend got Cold Comfort Farm, so I've lent her my copy...I got the sexy stories one haha)


  26. I just bought this mag and I love it too! it's great to read something that isn't totally focused on diets and celebrity

  27. I want to get my hands on one of these! It looks marvelous! I love how you said it reminded you of reading blogs rather than just the age old magazine- if magazines were more like blogs, I would possibly actually subscribe to them!:)

  28. O,you are such a sweetheart! G and I adore Cold Comfort Farm!
    This mag does look fab.I buy glossie mags second hand,as sometimes I just feel like a spot of rubbish.I buy Frankie new from time to time;it's an Aussie mag and is a bit like O,Comely,by the look of it.
    You've been crook?!Poor lamb.Sucky.
    I've missed you,can't wait to go through and see what else you've been up to whilst I've been gone.......
    Love! XXX

  29. I've never seen this before, and I'm surprised because it would have definitely caught my eye! It does look more like a well-done zine or blog indeed you're right. Much more creative and unique and hand-crafted in its make-up. I'll keep my eyes peeled! Sounds like a lovely way to spend the evening! :) jazzy ♥

  30. I was just saying on twitter last night that I wanted to find a better magazine than the one I currently subscribe to - looks like you've found it for me, thanks!

  31. Noooooooooooo! I found this mag online a few months ago and have put off buying it because I harbour a serious addiction. Just yesterday someone was blogging about it and I said I was staying strong. Now I can't, no longer. I must get a copy in my hands. It looks very Frankie-esque. Have you ever read Frankie? :) xoxo

  32. I had never heard of it before, but it seems a like a great magazine to me! x


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