Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Floral Frenzy

Clashety von clash clash. That's how I feel today. I don't usually do two floral patterns together at once. Today I've clearly lost my senses as I've got three on, if you count the madly patterned tapestry coat.

This top has a very odd drawstring waist. I like it more when it's tucked into things.

Blouse - ASOS via charity shop
Shorts - River Island sale
Belt - pinched from another pair of shorts
Boots - swapped
Coat - Kookai via car boot sale
Necklace - H&M
Bangle - pinched from Mum
Earrings - giveaway win, made by the lovely Sarah of SBV. You can buy them from her fab Etsy shop

Haha, I've just worked out that the necklace cost more than pretty much everything else put together. Even that wasn't terribly expensive: this is a cheap outfit!! The coat may be a strong contender for best purchase of 2010. Keep your eyes peeled in July for winter coats at car boot sales. That's my tip for today.

I came across something whilst idly blog-hopping the other day that suggested that anyone who wore shorts and was bigger than a size 10 and shorter than 5'8 needed to hang their head in shame. I can't tell you which blog it was on as I got very cross and shut it down immediately. Seriously, bollocks to that. Mock my chunky thighs if you are the sort of pathetic person who wishes to do so but you won't stop me wearing shorts. And really, it's far from important. I don't want to bang on about things on here too much as I feel like I've been very doom-and-gloom recently but there are much bigger things worrying me than the size of my thighs.


  1. Ugh, what a horrid thing to say! You look LOVELY in shorts c: xx

  2. i do love a good pattern-clash! and the earrings are fab..
    i don't think i have worn my squirrel necklace, i keep finding things i've forgotten about..
    and sod-off to the person who says that about the shorts..xx

  3. oh 'ja' and i have tagged you for the liebster blog award on today's post if you'd like to do it :) xx

  4. Great attitude to have to such ridiculous notions! I like the clashing patterns... why not break a few rules once in a while...

  5. I'm sure people only express these mind numbingly boring opinions beacuse they want a reaction so i'm going to attempt to not give them one. Ok, fail.
    I'm loving the floral shorts and if nothing cost as much TOGETHER as an H&M necklace then serious bargains!
    Love the coat- I bought a tapestry coat recently but it's too long and I am incapable of using a sewing machine :(

    xxx Maddie

  6. I can't see anything wrong with your thighs, you always look fantastic in shorts!

  7. I hate vile blogs like that!!! I love the mix ups of all the florals, looks good!

  8. What an ignorant blogger! I'm cautious with shorts but I do wear them (with tights or leggings) and how dare someone tell me I'm the wrong height/bumsize to. Bah.

    Love the clashing florals, with the shorts it's kind of whimsical and yet practical.

  9. I love, love the mix of florals. Of course, I always push for mixing prints. The coat adds so much texture. It was a great purchase :)

  10. Oh I love the floral frenzy. The coat, especially, is fab. What a ridiculous thing to say about short wearers, btw!

  11. Bollocks to that indeed! How dare anyone say what people can and can't wear! Those shorts look very cute, I've got 3 pairs of new shorts that need wearing asap on my huge derriere ; )

  12. I wearing multiple prints! Those look lovely on you, too. And boo hiss to anyone who thinks they can dictate who wears what! You look fab in those shorts!

    Narrowboat Lucky Duck

  13. I don't think your thighs are chunky. Your legs look great with the tights and boots.
    I love that coat!

  14. I love the mix of florals and guess what I love those shorts. Fashion has no rules, why do people decide to make up stupid and false assumptions regarding fashion!

    That coat is fabulous, by far one of your best finds x

  15. Well said! I hate silly rules like that, utter crap really! I'm sure that would mean most people in the country are banned from wearing shorts :p xx (ps: love the clashing florals)

  16. The mix of patterns really works. The outfit looks absolutely fab. You look fab in shorts and DO NOT have chunky thighs at all. Whatever blog you read that tripe about over size 10s in shorts is ridiculous, people should be free to wear what they like and since when has size 12 been big? What nonsense. x

  17. You look fabulous in shorts, especially those ones.
    Great outfit! I love clashing prints.

  18. Rules were made to be broken, whoever that blogger is hasn't got an ounce of style.
    You look fabulous, gorgeous legs and tremendous pattern clash. xxx

  19. i love shorts with tights and i am a size 16 5ft 5 ins and over the age of 40 but so bloody what?

  20. Sod off to the person who wrote that nonsense about the shorts. I think you look fantastic and I love the clashing prints, it's cute. And thanks for the sweet comments, that note paper was from Paperchase, it's my letter writing set! And yes Char is lovely when it comes to surprising me with presents. xxx

  21. Wow, someone who thnks anyone without model dimensions shouldn't wear shorts. Charming. I love the florals together, don't think it's clashing at all!

  22. With legs like yours you should wear shorts all the time cause you look hot!

    Love the clashing prints. It all goes to gather so well.

    X x

  23. Dearest Alex, what a load of rubbish! I still wear shorts!

    I love the clashing patterns and your tapestry coat. You're right, the best time for coats is the summer.

    Hope you're having a good week xx

  24. Alex you look AMAZING. Utterly incredible...I don't have enough complimentary words for how much I love this outfit. x

  25. florals were made to be look the coat!!

  26. I second that bollocks to em ~ you look just cute as butter in shorts! I adore that coat you did so well there, I think of you when charity shopping and keep my little eyes peeled for a winter coat in summer and summer skirts and tops in winter.
    Kandi x

  27. I adore this clashing of patterns!!You've pulled it off beautifully!That coat is sublime,and the jewellery is gorgeous!!
    Feck whoever said that about shorts.they clearly are tossers.

  28. Wow i can't believe someone actually suggested that, so ridiculous.
    On a happier note,that necklace and earrings are FANTASTIC!

  29. I love you multi print look, I want to try ,ore prints together. Those shorts look fab on you, especially with those boots. Your tapestry coat is awesome! Sounds like I need to get car booting.

  30. I hate such silly rules - anyway all rules are made to be broken! I remember being told years ago that women over the age of 30 shouldn't have hair longer than their chin as it ages them - poppycock! if my hair is short it just sticks out every which way and gets a serious case of the frizzies - and look at how many woman over 30 look great with long hair - our darling vix for one. Take no notice of these people who generalise - they know nothing! - Love the coat by the way, I'm rather envious. xxx

  31. Hello,
    Just spotted your blog on someones sidebar and am so glad I did!
    Love your style. I am a big fan of florals, but never thought to wear more than one at a time. I may well try this tomorrow!

  32. Love this outfit and the mix of floral patterns :) x

  33. You look great in the shorts. This is a very autumnal look, I love the colours

  34. i dont think i'm good at mixing prints at all but i love how you contrasted the light and dark floral together. they really compliment each other!


  35. YAYYYY for pattern mixing! I dearly love this outfit- I would so wear it. So cute! I'll plan that trip to Europe stat;)

  36. yes! bollocks to the one who said a size 10 can't wear shorts...haha!
    i'm only 5'2" and i have rounder legs but i love love wearing short...<3

    ps. insane or not, the floral mix actually came out weirdly it!

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  37. I'll never understand why some people are so prescriptive about fashion. It's just CLOTHES ffs! I love this outfit on you, you should clash florals more often. It looks fantastic xx

  38. i cant believe what the blogger wrote! the cheek of it aye. you look lovely and that little necklace is so sweet x

  39. I love that necklace, so cute! The thing with wearing shorts is about confidence and wearing things right and you definitely do! What car boot sales do you frequent btw? I'm hoping to get to some this spring! I was looking at the one on the heritage market. I know the cricket club one doesn't start up again til May does it?

  40. Love the clashing florals, I have hardly any flower prints - need to sort myself out! Loving those brown boots too :)

  41. Love this outfit, I'm quite into clashing patterns. Loving the necklace too, so cute! :)

  42. hi!!! Really beautifull outfit :-) i like it so so so much!!!

  43. Love the outfit - two fingers to that silly narrow minded person!

    Ps thanks for the vegan goodness link, most kind.

  44. the outfit is just gorgeous! i love the florals and just your blog in general, it gives me such a comfortable feeling <3

  45. What a silly thing to say, to put it politely. I'm a size 14 on the bottom half and a 10 on top and I think my legs are my best bit! What does Blogjerk suggest I do, wear trousers and crop tops because clearly my top half is worthy of showing off to the world but my chunky butt must be kept under wraps at all times?

    I've been pattern clashing recently too, is it a spring thing? I just feel so happy that the sun has come out and I want to wear all of my best summery clothing at once!

  46. Pft! You look great in shorts whatever, as Nicola puts it, Blogjerk, says!

    BTW - yes some of the new Irregular Choice range is a bit hmm. If a glittery sling back platform's your thang, there may be goodness around the seasonal corner ;-)

  47. Shorts are weird. I know I don't suit them at ALL (bigger than a 10, smaller than 5'8) but that's just how I'm built. But you look gorgeous in them! They really suit you. I enjoy all the clashing patterns too.

    And hey, I recognise those earrings! :)

  48. Hi Alex, I love your mix of patterns and texture. You teapot earrings are fabulous.
    Have a great weekend.

  49. Well you look fab in shorts so booo to them!!

    Love the coat and that squirrel necklace is tooooooooooooooooooooo cute for words - I love it!!!!!

    Sal xXx

  50. I think you look lovely and that jacket is great!! xx


  51. You look stunning! I love the mix of prints but I think the coat is my favourite, will definitely be keeping my eyes peeled for nice coats :)

    Maria xxx

  52. Beautiful girl I love the floral mix, been doing it a lot myself this season! Your legs are definitely one of your finer features so that blogjerk (as was put before) can piss off :)

  53. Hey I like your style...I think you look great in shorts!

    Did you know that you can get clothes like this that from

    Its a new site but there are new clothes going up everyday, check it out x

  54. like u're outfit ♥ following u :)

  55. Buy womens floral socks form Global Trendz Fashion. These socks are of high quality, durable and suitable for all outfits.


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