Thursday, 14 April 2011

An Award

The Kreativ Blogger award has been flashing around recently and a couple of people have been kind enough to tag me with it. Thank you very much to lovely Llara from Little Scribbler and equally lovely Elise at Foof and Faff and I hope I haven't missed anyone else who might have tagged me.

Supressing an inward shudder at the spelling of the award title, here goes! Ten facts about me coming right up:

1. I like awards but I am confused by where they appear from in the first place, and why so many of them are of the "list 10 things about yourself" variety. I am pondering creating my own award to dish out to fab people. If I do, it won't be a list and you can be damn sure I'll spell the title properly.

2. I hate people touching my hair. Seriously hate it. It's not that I'm worried about people messing it up (ha, it's a mess anyway!), I just loathe having my head and shoulders touched. I'm getting my hair cut on Saturday and I am dreading it.

3. And on a related note, I also hate ringing up and booking/ordering things. I bribed Ffion into pretending to be me and ringing up to book the hair appointment because I am such a huge wuss.

4. I like to sing Christmas carols out of season. I led a rousing rendition of Good King Wenceslas in the office yesterday.

5. I am so bored of vampires, werewolves and zombies turning up in everything at the moment. You aren't going to do any better than Angel and Spike so please stop trying.

6. I'd make a terrible chambermaid as I have no stamina when it comes to changing bedding. I often have to stop, have a rest and fire off a moany "I would rather sleep on the FLOOR than carry on changing these sheets" text to a friend. Clearly I need a man (or a maid) to do it for me.

7. The best sweets in the whole wide world (and yes, I am quite the connoisseur) are white Haribo jelly men.

8. My snuggle clothing of choice is my big red hoody.

9. And as that photo illustrates them, I shall inform you all that I love plucking my eyebrows. I find it super satisfying. It's a good job really, as they're bushy in the extreme and need tidying up all the time.

10. I think I'm getting posher in my old age. Either that or I've been watching too much Miranda. I actually said "Do bear with" to someone on the phone the other day. When I start trilling "Such fun" you know I'm in trouble.

I'm supposed to pass it onto ten bloggers but I think practically everyone has already been tagged with it, no? If you haven't, and you fancy a go then do feel free.


  1. No.s 5 and 7: I agree totally! I had such a teenage crush on Spike,no vampire will ever top him or Angel! And yum, I always leave the white Haribo men til last!

    Narrowboat Lucky Duck

  2. Love it. The spelling one was fab. I actually think ive got posher with age too!

    X x

  3. I can't have people touching my hair either.

    And as for vampires... anything post IWAV is soooo unoriginal dahlings! I've always preferred zombies anyhow- although is it just me or is that new Channel 5 offering ripping off the plot to 28 Days Later?

  4. Oh no, I LOVE having my hair played with, so relaxing, I should have been a cat! And I know what you mean about eyebrow plucking, especially when you get a really tiny, impossible looking one! Hehe! x

  5. I am with you on number 3 and 6! Can you do my eyebrows next time we meet? I am rubbish at it, I feel the same way about eyebrows as I do about changing bedsheets xx

  6. I am freak about my hair, but also everything else I just dont like strangers interfearing with me that goes for dentists especially I have to really concentrait on not retching I always feel like Im about to choke, as soon as my dentist looks at me! I hate changing bedding too, and those jelly men kick ass out of the jelly babies I love Maom too mmmm

  7. Thank goodness, someone feels the same way as me about vampires etc etc. But I would have to suggest one exception to your Angel/ Spike rule and nominate Mitchell from Being Human?

  8. I have no time for supernatural stuff either and I hate the phone too! I'm so glad someone invented email!

    I've tagged you in my post today, sorry!


  9. I am soooo with you on the bed-changing. It's my most hated job. Wednesday night is housework night for me and I actually dread changing the bed all day, even though it actually only takes about 5 minutes! I have to psych myself up for it by playing my favourite music really loud and bribing myself with the promise of a glass of wine afterwards - ridiculous! xx

  10. love miranda!

  11. This post made me chuckle :)

    I also hate speaking on the phone. Although I hate it generally, not just for booking things & similar (but that's the worst) - it's not uncommon for my Mum to pretend to be on the phone!

    I miss Spike & Angel! I'm going to have to splash out on the Buffy boxset one day.. As sad as that is!

    Your 'Miranda' references made me laugh :) I love that getting posher!

    I feel like I've not 'spoken' to you for ages. I've not been very good recently, at posting or commenting I guess. I need to get back into a bit more, because I miss everyone! Although I'm annoyed with my blog at the mo, as I wrote a huge post last night & it's just disappeared off the face of the earth, for no apparent reason. Grr. Anyway, that's got nothing to do with your post, so I'll shut up now!

  12. UGH, changing bedsheets! I hate it so much, why is it so tiring? This is my boyfriend's chore, mainly because if left to me the sheets wouldn't be changed regularly. I'm a total slattern and don't care, he does, so he has to change them.

  13. I was baffled by the spelling too so I googled it ;) I believe it originated in Norway!
    You are totally right that pretty much EVERYONE has had it though lmao!

  14. Congrats on the award! Although I have to admit I agree with you on the first - I also do not know where thru come from. Regardless, it feels great to receive one right?


  15. Dearest Alex, that's so funny! I like a sing song and Christmas carols are always good. I hate changing the bed too. Luckily I pay someone to do it for me (one luxury I can't bear to give up). I also have a pet hate about spelling, Kreativ?? sorry I'm not amused. And I LOVE Patricia Hodge. Have a great Friday xx

  16. I am so glad someone agrees with me about the whole Vampire thing! I have been saying to all my Twilight-loving friends that Bella and Edward's chemistry is pretty poor in relation to eith Buffy and Angel or Buffy and Spike!! And I also hate ringing up for appointments etc, thought that was just me being odd, glad I'm not alone :)

  17. I too am a serial plucker! Seriously have to reign myself in before I'm left with nothing whatsoever left to pluck! haha Great blog! Following :)

    Come on over to Cindy's House x

  18. I do that Miranda 'bear with' thing too.....and 'SUCH fun.' *worried face* Next thing I'll be trying to sing like Heather Small :-D

    Congrats on the award!!!!

  19. I LOVE these 'random facts about me' posts, they're always so much fun. I can't believe you don't like your hair touched - I love having my hair played with (not by strangers, obviously!), it makes me feel relaxed and sleepy in about five seconds :-)

  20. Great facts. I'm the opposite as I love someone playing with my hair. I quite often make hubby brush mine, hehe. And you are SO right, nobody will ever be as good as Spike and Angel!!! x

  21. Ah I love those jelly babies but always leave the white and yellow ones, ugh! And I love plucking my eyebrows too, even if I'm late for work and one is out of place I'll be there in front of the mirror! :)

  22. Haha, I love the vampires/werewolves/zombies one. I'm over it now too. Every other book or film I look at is that and it's never good vampires it's always teenage Twilight ones...blegh! And I did tag you but as you say, everyone's been passing it around so no worries! And I love your red hoody photo. I've got a black fleece I like to snuggled in as well. xxx

  23. Hey Im a new follower! I totally agree about the hair/face thing. I cant stand it.
    I'm getting posher too.

  24. paha you need that tee!
    i hope the haircut went well today.
    i am still in the process of having great difficulty thinking of ten things about me that people will be interested in reading :/

  25. haha, this made me giggle - sweet post :) xx

  26. I am so the same with having my hair touched! Hate it! Not useful when I need a hair cut:)

  27. ♥nice post.)) love your blog♥

  28. Hi! Number 3...oh my gosh me too! My mum always tells me to stop being silly but I literally HATE it. Booking things in particular like you say, but I even get a little flustered calling friends haha x

  29. I loved Angel too and I'm totally the same about booking things. I hate talking to people on the phone I don't really know.

  30. i loooove people playing with my hair although i do hate ringing up for things too and i've roped friends to 'help' me make my bed several times after nearly crying because the duvet just wouldn't fit in the cover! x

  31. I agree about the Spike and Angel business - enough vamps already.

    Also I'm a complete wuss when it comes to phoning people, in fact - I have my hairdresser on facebook so it's much easier to message her rather than ringing the salon!

  32. Here's to poshness! I called something 'smashing' the other day! I felt I should come home and pop on pearls. Thanks for doing this post - it's herder than I initially though so apologies for foisting it on you!! I must concur on bed making - so tiresome! And finally (again), I have no idea where these awards come from either. For all I know they could be awarded to douche bags and someone's having a laugh at my/our expense.


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