Saturday, 18 June 2011

In Brief

Just a very quick weekend post to update you all on a few things:
  • I've succumbed to the lure of Twitter. I set up a work account a little while ago and it surprised me by how fun it was, so I've created a personal one too. Still don't entirely know what I'm doing on there but please come and talk to me! It's @OddSocksAlex

  • I've guest posted over at Chloe Likes To Talk. Lucky Chloe is off on her hols so I've talked about (surprise, surprise) reading.

  • Am very honoured to have been featured again in the Penny Dreadful Vintage Vintage Tips, Tutorials & Links Roundup post. This is one of my favourite weekly posts and always gives me lots of great reading material for the weekend.

  • The photoshoot photos arrived this morning! Squeee!! I'll post about it in a few days.
Right, I must dash. I have banana muffins to bake and a mini festival in the park to attend this afternoon. I know I'm behind on comments (AGAIN!) so shall try and catch up over the weekend.


  1. Bring on the 'moofins'! (A mates Belgian girlfriend always called them moofins and I'm afraid we now do that as well!)
    I'm feeling a lot better, thanx. Saw my support worker Friday...had a good cry!
    Indeed, where IS the sun? But that dress is just going to look SO pretty!
    Have a great W/E,
    Z xx

  2. Banana muffins, yum. I am perpetually behind with comments these days, it makes me feel bad but I just don't seem to have time. I wish there was a quicker way to let people know I am still reading and enjoying! Thanks for allowing me to steal your pictures for the round-up, you do look amazing in the 70s gear xx

  3. Have fun at the festival! I was very tempted to go but unfortunately last minute father's day shopping called instead, boooo.

  4. Banana muffins!? I wish you could send some my way. And I recently also succumbed to the allure of twitter. It is such an interesting site...I don't know what quite to write yet :-) xx

  5. Photo shoot blog, bring it on. Yay for joining twitter. Banana muffins sound yum. I've never made muffins, how is that even possible!

  6. Ooh excited to hear more about the photo shoot! I shall be adding you on twitter :) xx

  7. Can't wait to see the pictures! Hope you have an awesome weekend.

    K xx

  8. I really should get in on the Twitter action..

    I can't wait to see/hear more about your photo shoot (not in a pervy way, obviously..)!

  9. Welcome to Twitter! Warning, it can be a bit addictive. xx

  10. Hmmm, still don't really 'get' Twitter. Can't wait to hear all about the glamour shoot :)

  11. Alex I’m glad the letter arrived and I hope it explains why I’ve been a little quiet. I really will have to sit down and have a good read on everything I’ve missed. Already frantically searching for info about said photoshoot...

    I am so behind on comments and what not, but I guess it’s just a matter of catching up as and when. I have actually decided I am going to have to cut down on the blogs I read and focus on the ones I enjoy and can take most inspiration from. What do you reckon?

    I have a twitter but rarely use it, in fact I don’t even know how to use it, so let me know how you find it :) x

  12. Ooh excellent shall follow on twitter - have been doing a bit of 'away from the blog and twitter' thing but will get back into it shortly!

    Can't wait to see your photoshoot pics :)

  13. Muffins are the best invention!!!
    SquEEE re the photshoot pix,can't wait!!!

  14. Oh Alex I'm so behind but at last I can sit and catch up with you. You've reminded me I must follow you on Twitter, something I forget I'm on most of the time xx


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