Tuesday, 30 August 2011

August Scavenger Hunt

Almost the end of August and that can only mean one thing - scavenger hunt round-up time. There are a lot more iphone photos than proper camera photos this month but that's just because, much as I love my DSLR, it is not always particularly convenient to lug around with me and I've been out and about a lot this month.

So without further ado:


Beautiful countryside along the M6. May I just swank for a moment? I took this with an iphone whilst on a coach driving along the motorway at about 60mph. I am amazed it didn't turn out to be a big blurry mess.

A sport:

The reasons why I love the sport of three-day eventing are many. Here's just one: in this show-jumping warm-up ring you have a man who has ridden at 6 Olympic Games and won silver and bronze medals, been World Champion, completed the best event in the world 29 times and won Burghley twice. You also have at least one woman who has a full time job and just one horse. They compete on equal terms.

A boat:

Oh and they jump boats.

A picnic:

And people take their own picnics with them when they're watching it. How v. civilised. I was a bit too busy eating mine to take a classy photo...

A festival or funfair:

Edinburgh Fringe of course!


Homemade onion foccacia. It was absolutely delicious.

A fountain:

Ach, I totally failed to go anywhere that contained a proper fountain this month. Tenous link ahoy! I have an odd love for this song. I don't remember how or when I first heard it and I've certainly never been an American teenager but it has a hold on me nonetheless.

Something ancient:

It's a Belemnite fossil, in a seventeenth century limestone floor in a room that dates to the 1530s. Can't remember exactly how old the fossil is - I want to say 60 million years old - but I think it definitely counts as ancient, yes?


Must stop buying pretty fabric! I have no making mojo whatsoever at the moment and the fabric is just piling up waiting to be turned into stuff.


A quick snap of a flower stall on market day in Ormskirk

Street food:

Scrumdiddlyumptious fish and chips in Lytham, eaten sitting at a table on the pavement. Look, it's definitely the street - there's a car!

Something bizarre:

Me. With matching socks on.


  1. I have an odd habit of hoarding ridiculously pretty fabric and never getting round to doing anything with it. I have THREE duvet covers awaiting some sort of transformation, I just need two things: time and motivation xxx

  2. That bread looks scrummy, you should be so proud! Loving the fabric porn :)

  3. Love all the fabulous fabric you've collected. I am so bad for not getting busy with the sewing machine! Grr!

  4. What a great set of photos!

    Your foccacia looks delicious. I've just been watching them make it on the Great British Bake Off and it looked difficult to get right.

    I had to laugh at your bizarre.

  5. These scavenger hunt posts always cheer me up, Alex and yes Student Finance are terrible at the moment, I'm trying not to stress about it but it's worrying me a lot. And I have to say I love the eventing photos a lot and the one from the Edinburgh Fringe just makes me want to be there all the more next year! xxx

  6. Great topics this month and great photos to match! I often plan to photograph certain foods for blog purposes. When it comes round to it though, I start eating too fast and ruin the picture x

  7. Great photos! I love your take on something bizarre - I was going to do something me related as I was struggling, but then I spotted the bizarre picture I have used!

    Oh, and all the Limestone around me (Peak District) is 300-350 million years old so I'd say your fossil is about that age too!

  8. I love these!!! The bread looks incredible! So much so that I got up and made toast topped with cilantro and pepper jack cheese. That normally is breakfast for me on my way out the door, but tonight, along with a banana, it is dinner! See how you've inspired me??

  9. hehehe...love your "bizarre" entry. The foccacia looks wonderful!

  10. I love these posts. That bread looks yum x

  11. Love those fabrics. It always takes me ages to get on with making stuff. Those fish and chips are making me feel very hungry.

  12. I love it when you manage to get a perfect photo from a moving vehicle!!!

  13. Great shots - that focaccia looks yummy!

  14. Omg I love all your pics, esp the awesome food ones of course! :)

  15. Great photo montage!! I am loving that stash of fabrics and any kind of picnicking is good in my book!

    I may have to challenge you under the trade descriptions act re those matching socks though!

  16. I gave myself a promise I will get back to sewing this autumn! And seeing the lots of fabric just reminded me of it, so eek! Got a lot of work to do haha! Loving all the fun scavenger hunt pictures!

  17. Great pictures, I love the fabrics. I am a bit of a magpie too and have ended up with far more than I can use. Less of a stash, more of a stack!

  18. The focaccia looks so yummy! Cute bizarre photo.

  19. That bread pic is making me so hungry!! I could never wear socks that don't match, I would feel really wierd lol.. ;)

  20. Some very tasty looking photos!

  21. So lush. Where do I start? Um, OK, the Prosecco, pork pie, sandwich and crisps. My idea of heaven. Maybe without the poor pie though as the jelly scares me. No, really.
    The show jumping looks awesome. I used to go to Badminton for the trials as a kid and loved watching.
    OK, the fish and chips. I am now salivating which is pretty worrying at 9.30am but may have to get some tonight now with the kids. Oh dear.....not good as makes my tummy poorly but is always so worth it!!!
    The matching socks.....I guess there is a first time for everything. How did you feel, losing your matching sock virginity? An anticlimax? Not the big deal that everyone made out it would be?
    And please can you let me have the recipe for the bread. I am a no reply blogger apparently. NO idea what that actually means so just bung me a comment when you have time.
    And not sure if I commented on your previous post or not, but been OBSESSING, yes obsessing, about that black sparkly dress. NEVER get rid of it.....if you do, I shall offer to buy it from you!
    And finally, the Garner Miracle SKin Perfector is B.R.I.L.L and I throughly recommend it. I feel all silky and smoothe and it's moisturiser and foundation in one.....go try it. I bought the Light not the Medium as that looked heavier.
    x x x x

  22. POOR pie?????!!! Sorry, I mean Pork....obvs...

  23. Are those Seabrook crisps?! If so, I'm impressed with your extreme northern loyalty, Prosecco or no. You're a girl after my own heart, make no mistake. With more interesting socks. xx


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