Thursday, 8 September 2011

A Question

What do you do when the nights start drawing in?

I know it's only just the beginning of September but the usual winter problem has reared its head early this year. If the skies are dark when you go to work and dark when you get home, what on earth do you do about outfit photos?

The obvious options are - take them at work or take them at home but inside. My problem with the first option is that it will be COLD. Not to ruin the mystique or anything but I have to take about 60 photos to get 3 usable ones. I will run the risk of hypothermia over the winter! And on days like yesterday when it happened to be warmish, I was glued to my desk from 8.30-6.30 and therefore had no lunch or tea break in which to nip out and take photos. Bah.

As for the second option, hmmm, not as easy as it seems. Would you believe that we have no plain white walls in our house? I like to think my photography skills are improving slightly and I don't want to go back to last winter's shoddy upstairs landing photos! I had to resort to closeups today as full length photos just looked awful.

Jumper, squirrel necklace & bag - H&M
Boots - Irregular Choice "Jump in Puddles" via ebay
Oddsocks necklace - Tatty Devine, present
Ring - Dorothy Perkins sale

Does anyone have any creative suggestions? Redecorating isn't an option! Nor is moving to a warmer climate...


  1. I tend to just suck it up, I even took pictures outside in the snow last year but it does make it difficult!

    Maria xxx

  2. Hang a drape in front of your door or wall of a suitable colour? No idea about outfit shots- my hat ones are the only ones I've actually done which are in my garden or by a wall!

  3. 60 photos? Really? You always look lovely in your pics - is it wrong to say I feel a bit better now? I can't really help though as I rarely do outfit posts - feel really self conscious and hate posing. Then I give up as am generally unphotogenic and the 5 or 6 pics I get my husband to take just confirm that conviction!

    Incidentally, I really like today's closeup photos. Your hair is shiny, the jumper and ring and squirrel are awesome.

  4. I know what you mean, I have no real plain wall space either and very few places I can balance a camera, hence the random in front of the fireplace pics when I take them in my flat! I'd say the lighting is more important, so maybe just crop and lighten when you're editing? Helps me! :)

  5. I take my inside shots against a door, its the best I have come up with.
    Those IC boots look pretty amazing.

  6. There's nothing wrong with detail photos! I like these :D

  7. Yeah, that is a problem... I used to take it in the morning but it would still be dark! I don't know what I'm going to do either :(

  8. Short of getting a pro lighting setup, there's not much one can suggest. In my tropical climate I have the opposite problem, too much light, I'm always hanging tablecloths at the windows.

  9. i tend to quickly run outside to get my pictures outside still. then i shout at my boyfriend to be quick and then shelter inside again!xx

  10. I am obsessing over your squirrel necklace <3 It is oh-so darling!

    Lost in the Haze

  11. Hmm, I had that problem last winter, having no suitable walls to pose against. Can you not take any at work, or would people think you're mad? Detail shots are good too, your hair looks lush in the first photo! x

  12. Love that outfit (what I can see). You've made me want to get a new jumper and obsessively search ebay for those boots! xx

  13. Can you take them anywhere inside at work, with the sunlight coming in? Are there any parts of the house that could be photographed? It would be amazing to see it in outfit shots! xx

  14. A SAD light! They mimic natural light. My husband bought me one last year because he knows how depressing it can get, working in the house all day with the dark creeping in so early, and it always cheers me up! Obviously you'd be using it for a different reason but it could be a great way to throw some 'sunlight' on your outfits... :-)

  15. As a non outfit blogger (that makes me sound a nudist!) I'm not sure what to suggest, it's hard work as it's too dark and cold for outside!
    I love that squirrel necklace, and the boots are amazing (SHOES!!! YAY!!)
    And also, your hair looks pretty lovely in the necklace pic!


  16. Maybe you could buy like what professional photographers have the white background and a light to make it look good- i dont know how much that would be- but maybe you could get a good deal on ebay or something.. again, not sure exactly, just giving suggestions :)

  17. Not sure. As a relative newcomer to outfit posting I've been a fairweather poser and not yet proved my mettle with a long, hard winter!! Kudos to those bloggers who mention snow, the only outfit photos you'd get of me in those temperatures would involve my parka and a red nose.

    I think closeups are the only shots that work indoors. Maybe combine those with some taken during the weekend?

  18. The ring,the bag,the boots!!! Squee!
    O,I know.I hate the dim light.I much prefer outdoor pix.We don't have any white walls either, and not much wall space anyway!That's why I mostly use the back door for indoor pix,but it is always a hassle,and I have to lighten the pix up....meh!
    Look on the bright side,we love you anyway,no matter how you post your fabulousness!!!XXXXXXXXX
    LOVE, love, LOVE!!!!

  19. I still can’t quite master regular outfit photographs, so I don’t know what to suggest sorry. I love Tatty Devine, such a great brand, and I’m way jealous of the green bag and IC boots xxx

  20. I'm more of a scenery picture taker than an outfit blogger. But I'd say brave the outside as I will be this winter!
    There's lots of chunky knits and big coats in the shops at the mo- so you'll be able to wrap up warm! And you can get those hand warmer things for your pockets :)

  21. Pin up a sheet inside? Or take the opportunity to show off your home?

    K xx

  22. This is a problem I'm pondering too. Last year I had blank walls at uni to use. Now I'm at home, I'm struggling. I find that stading in front of a set of stairs can work well, as there's often a window or light fitting there. May have to try some experimenting...

  23. I can't believe you don't look stunning in all your pictures Alex!

    I use the door as a back ground as you know. I would love to take more outside but need to invest in a new tripod.

    X x

  24. The ideas about hanging a sheet as a backdrop are great. Alternatively, you could just stick with macro shots of accessories then use artsy filters. :))

  25. You can buy portable studios quite keep - a big white pull-up banner? Or could you go to interesting free indoor locations, like museums? Or take all of your posts outdoors on your days off and schedule them through the week? x

  26. Yep, still go outside I reckon, agree with a few of the comments here! I don't know what I'm going to do - my room at uni is quite light but I have to get up ridic early for work when it's still dark! :/ ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad

  27. I rarely venture out of the living room as it's usually raining or freezing outside! Feeling quite depressed about autumn setting in. Must look on the bright side - early nights with a good book. xx

  28. That necklace is the cutest thing ever :-)

    Maybe you could take the pics while standing on the staircase? They look at least vaguely neutral from your pic.

    Nat x

  29. Oh I hadn't though of this... what is one to do?
    Love your jump in puddles boots - so cute!

  30. For a northerner, I'm wussy, and so it always has to be indoors. I don;t have the luxury of a white wall, either, so I'd either move all the clutter from one corner of a room OR turn it into a slightly more comical and irreverent shoot surrounded by kitchen utensils. Real life, innit. ;) xx


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