Tuesday, 11 October 2011

A Little Bit of Vintage Shopping

Oh vintage fairs, how I enjoy thee. I adore tracking down a bargain in a charity shop or a car boot sale but sometimes it's nice to be lazy and have lots of goodies all lined up for you to drool over.

The Affordable Vintage Fair finally came back to Liverpool - hurrah! Apparently Chloe Sevigny was there but I don't think I'd have recognised her even if she was wearing a big name badge and came and introduced herself so hey ho.

Do forgive the haul post that's coming up. I have no brainpower left for proper words.

I bought a big red suitcase to add to my stack of cases.

Also a lovely leather briefcase which will do me very nicely until I manage to rustle up the cash for an (extortionately priced) doctors or Gladstone bag.

A pure wool jacket all the way from Salzburg.

From the same stall, this cherrytastic dress. Gosh my mother can be scathing sometimes. I showed it to her and she summed it up in one simple sentence. "Well it's a bit loud." Yes, yes it is. Hence why I like it.

Char and I purchased this timeshare shirt. Whacky, isn't it? We chuffing love it though and we were running out of dosh by this point so we pooled our resources and bought it.

And what did I wear to said vintage fair? Well, nothing that was actually vintage, save for the handbag:

Dress - New Life
Cardi - Gap sale
Shoes - Irregular Choice via ebay

Not that these are in any way, shape or form vintage, but I took the photo so thought I may as well include it... some Primark tights and knee high socks that were also purchased this weekend following a quick shopping trip after cheering on my brother in the Liverpool marathon. He is amazing.


  1. I will use that awful phrase...that jacket is to die for! Is it loden? It'll wear like old boots and last a lifetime! Excellent choice!
    Timeshare clothing - that's a new one on me. But better to do that than let an item get away. Be good girls now...don't squabble over who gets to wear it first. OMG, I see mediation in the future!!!!!
    Nice collection of luggage too.
    Z xx

  2. Ooh, that jacket is very 'Sound of Music'!
    I love your timeshare blouse; fantastic fabric.

  3. I time share my Gran's jewellery with my sister - in fact I'm sure it must be turn for the charm bracelet soon. Note to self.

    I very much like your haul, and the outfit you wore. I usually just wear leggings and a t shirt type dress to vintage fairs - it might be boring but it's easy when you're changing behind a curtain or in the loos.

  4. I like the 'loud' dress a lot! I always prefer loud things. :)

  5. Wow, you bought some smashing things! I'd snap up the dress & the jacket in a heartbeat, they are both awesome buys. The print on the dress is fab & I don't think it's that loud, you could quite easily "tone it down" with a pair of black tights & a black cardi. Your luggage collection is lush & well done to your bro for running a marathon...amazing indeed, I ran a 10K not that long ago and almost did myself in. x

  6. I love that timeshare shirt, reminds me of the one John Travolta buys in Saturday Night Fever. :)
    Looks like you managed to get some great bits. The cherry dress is also amazing.


  7. Hi Alex, those affordable vintage fairs are fun, aren't they? Not that everything is affordable, but it's great to look.
    That dress is superb, the print is fantastic, loud or otherwise, and you can't beat an old suitcase!
    Your outfit is gorgeous, and I do admire your enviable collection of Irregular Choice shoes.
    Love Curtise x

  8. Love the first pic of all your cases. Magnifique! Blimey, I had a black version of the brief case that you bought when I was at school. I remember having loads of bruises from where the sharp corners of it banged against my legs as I schlepped to school and back!

  9. Wow - pleeeease let me know if there are any more vintage type events going on in the NW as I would love to go, but I never seem to find out about them! :)

  10. Like everyone else I think the jacket looks gorgeous!

    I love your stack of suitcases as well, I have a similar stack, but mine are all old brown cases!

  11. Wonderful haul! The briefcase is just lovely :) xo

  12. That big red suitcase is beautiful!

  13. Great finds. I went to a vintage fair in Leeds this weekend and got a few shirts like yours, that's my new thing, loud shirts xxx

  14. that printed dress is a wonder x

  15. I have to admit I really do shy away from vintage fairs, I always ‘think’ they are going to be overpriced as such. But I am really intrigued now, you got some real gems Alex.
    Of course I absolutely adore the red vintage suitcase and the cherry dress is very you, can’t wait to see how you style it now xxx

  16. Love the suitcases that & your gorgeous red handbag. Great haul & deffo go loud & proud xx

  17. What a great haul! Bet you were well pleased.

    X x

  18. I love all of your pics, your cherry dress and my banana dress need to meet up and party! ;)

    Maria xxx

  19. EEEK! Love that suitcase!And the cherrytastic frock is HEAVENLY!!! You looked simply lovely,my darling!
    Love! XXX

  20. I think I would be like a fish out of water at a vintage fair. Love your cherryprint dress and timeshare shirt, its proper cool!
    Your outfit is lovely, you look fab x

  21. I love the new dress so much! Loud is good

  22. I absolutely love your cherry dress, completely amazing! Can't wait to see you wearing it. The red suitcase is brilliant too.

  23. That cherry dress is fab, you should wear it with orange tights to completely freak your Mum out. The suitcases look so lovely grouped together like that, glad you finally managed to score some.
    Well done your your bro, what an achievement. x

  24. I love love LOVE the loud dress. So glad you bought it, I might have to do a timeshare on that with you! The briefcase is also totally lovely xx

  25. That dress is SO fantastic. And I'm buying those socks this week (knee highs).


  26. Very much loving the cherry dress!

  27. Great items! Am jealous of the Maria Von Trapp jacket!
    That makes me laugh about the Time share shirt as I was part of a pair of timeshare vintage pale blue Levi cords when I was a teenager. They belonged to my friend Christina's sister (Christina was in my viola section in the youth orchestra) and this pair of trousers went around 3 of us in the viola section- we kept passing them round!
    Your brother looks strangely familiar- have I met him?

  28. Love your red handbag and new red case. Timeshare blouse is a fab idea - will look forward to seeing how you both wear it. xx

  29. I love the floral print on your dress! x

  30. See, from reading your blog for a little while now, I can totally see that green and red dress is sooo you! Youll look great in it.

    Love the idea of a timeshare garment too!


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