Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Loud and Proud

I gave you a sneaky peek of today's frock a little while ago. Remember? The loud one? No, don't go getting distracted by how red my coat is. (Seriously though coat, are you this red in real life?)

This frock! The cherrytastic one.

I am still a tad bashful about wearing it because let's face it, subtle it is not. However I've run out of clean clothes and so I had no choice. This novel is completely taking over my life. I have no time for anything else at the moment (apart from waging war on Amazon's customer service department but that's a whole other long and boring story). I'm 41,600 words into the novel though so fingers crossed I'll complete the challenge! Then in November I can do some ironing and stuff and stop living like a tramp.

Dress - vintage
Shoes - Dorothy Perkins
Coat - H&M via ebay
Scarf - dunno


  1. I absolutely love this coat and dress-especially together! I don't think its THAT red...I wouldn't even hesitate to wear them so rock on lady!

  2. Fab dress, fab coat. Good luck with the novel - I can't believe how much you have done!

  3. Wow, I love the dress and the print.
    All the best for the last few days of novel writing - I am impressed!

    I'll be attempting it myself next month so I will be living like a tramp as you put it. Try not to laugh at me from your nice clean home.

  4. Gorgeous dress, the colours of it and the coat really suit you x

  5. I've always fancied a go at novel writing month but never been able to find the time - well done! And that dress is gorgeous! Just my cup of tea, but I do tend to dress on the loud side given half the chance! Jen x

  6. Well, no it's not subtle, but it's so gorgeous it doesn't matter! And with that coat it's even better! Love it x

  7. it loooks amazing on!! and goes so well with the coat - yay! :) xx

  8. I love the dress Alex. me thinks you look luvverly!

  9. Dress looks great on, and goes very well with the coat. Love a bit of colour on a grey day like today.
    Well done on the novel so far!!

  10. That outfit is so adorable. :) You wear bold very well. And I pretty much have that same coat, only shorter. :)

  11. That dress is gorgeous. LOVE IT. You look fab in it and, oddly, the red coat makes the whole ensemble less loud. (Although loud is good on you!)

    Nicki xx

  12. I love that dress, the colour is fabulous and it works brilliantly with the red coat.
    Well done with the novel writing, that's some achievement. x

  13. TOTALLY adore this outfit, coat and dress envy!!!


  14. Fabulous dress! and the coat is perfect with it!

  15. No need to be bashful Alex, you look amazing!

  16. ooh I love it, cherry print is always great in my book. Love your coat too you stylish lady xx

  17. i adore the red coat! it's such a statement piece...whoot!

    we're planning an Autumn trip to Seoul next month and i'm looking out for autumn inspirations...

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  18. Excellent dress and shoes! And good luck with the novel, thats fab progress so far! :)

  19. I love this dress....you can never be too loud xxx

  20. Alex, the frock is beautiful, and you look totally amazing, so absolutely no need to be bashful!!!
    I am so impressed with how much writing you've done, well done you, keep going!

  21. Wow - amazing progress with the book, well done you! xx

  22. Fantastic dress - it looks great on you. Linda xxx

  23. That dress is seriously amazing, i love the print and it fits you gorgeously. The coat also fits beautifully and shows off your little waist x

  24. I think I've said before but this dress is fab!

    Sounds like you've been busy. Good luck with the writing.

    X x

  25. You look tres lushio. OMG I scrolled down to see where your dress is from. Gutted ain't the word. It's a one off!!!! I challenge anyone to find another like it. It is a juicy dress and gorgeous.
    LOVE the red coat.
    Christ will you stop looking so "bang on trend" cos if this is a tramp day, god knows how much you can glam up!!!!!

  26. The dress is amazeballs. I love it and it really suits you. The red coat is proper bold. I would struggle to pull off this. Red does not agree with me at all.
    I hope we'll be allowed to read your novel when you're done? :)

  27. I adore that dress on you Alex, it reall suits you. But you've got to start looking at the camer woman ;) Well done on coming along so well with the novel, you must be really pleased with yourself xx

  28. Loving the dress, it goes so well with the coat! :)
    Hope the novel gets done and glad you managed to sort Amazon! x

  29. I love the giant cherries on your dress and the red coat is gorgeous!

  30. Words cannot describe how much I love this dress, it looks bloody fantastic! You should in no ways feel bashful about wearing it.

  31. Love the dress AND the coat!! Perfect together!

    Tell me about washing/no-life issues. Between DIY and marking essays I have more clothes in the laundry basket than in the wardrobe...and the in law round tomorrow...erk, like something out of a 70s sitcom.

    I am going to wear something bright, inspired by this post - that should cheer me up!

  32. The dress is adorable, I am envious.

  33. Love that dress, it's such a happy print! Looks fab on you hun!

    Nat x

  34. I am in awe! 31,000 words is blooming impressive in a month! You're almost matching the length of my A level history project (I had 2 years to do it ) which was 34,000 words of waffle! Keep going, you can do it!

  35. You should be proud - it is a stunning dress!

    Also I REALLY like your "Very" coat from the post below - simply gorgeous!!!

    Hope you are well?

    Sal xXx

  36. Alex...you look absolutely freakin' fabulous!
    Z xx

  37. How fab do you look in the dress AND the coat?! Huge well done on finishing the novel - happy ironing hehe! xx

  38. Fabulous frock, the fabric is completely after my own heart, I am loving the print. Most definitely loud and rightly so proud xxx


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