Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Me and my hair

Sometimes I think it looks down at my outfit and thinks "Crazy shoes, crazy shirt...let battle commence"

Then it turns out fecking HUGE in photos, just to keep up appearances. See?

Dress - AX Paris, via Oxfam
Shirt - Ryan's Vintage, Manchester
Shoes - Irregular Choice via ebay
Badge - birthday present from my brother

The dress was a veritable snip at £2.99. The shoes, at £16.50 inc p&p, were a tad more expensive but considering they'd only been worn once or twice and probably retailed at £65 or so, I still think I got a bargain.


  1. That is one funky pair of shoes. I'm going to show Tilly this post. She will love your look.

  2. Love the dress! Love it!
    And the shoes as always are the main point of your outfit. Which is frickin' amazing.


  3. I love the Head girl badge - wish I had one but sadly I was never head girl:)

  4. You look fab Alex - absolutely love those shoesies!! xx

  5. No one ever seems at peace with their crowning glory... I know I'm not!
    Love your outfit and the shoes were a bargain :)

  6. loving your epic IC shoes! And your hair looks great, in the second photo it looks like it fancies a sixties look! xo

  7. You are looking hot lady and I think your hair is gorgeous and healthy.

  8. Fabulous shoes, they go so well with the shirt. And that is a mane made for tossing! xx

  9. It's all fab including the lovely thick mane but my fave bit is the badge - just very cute and tongue in cheek (unless of course you were a Head Girl in which case, quite right!)

  10. OH MY GOD I love those shoes. As in, I-will-become-a-ditzy-shoe-crazed-lass LOVE them. Amazing.

  11. Awesome shoes! I feel your hair angst too - last week mine was sitting perfect after being washed in the bath and slept on, eh what?! But of course after blow drying today it was flat straight away... One of lifes little mysteries... :)

  12. Your hair is fab, just like your shoes! Xo

  13. I can sympathise with the hair situation, mine is really thick too and can look stupidly massive. But it is better to have thick, luscious hair than none at all!

    Cute outfit, I like the shirt under the pinafore.

  14. Oh my god, those shoes Alex, THOSE SHOES

  15. Your shoes are amazing.

  16. I love the big hair! Very sexy.And the badge is very cute. Maybe I should pull out my old 'Librarian' badge from junior school lol

  17. Love this school uniform inspired outfit. I think you're hair is gorgeous xxxx

  18. love your pinafore dress with that shirt. Such a cute badge too!

  19. In that second shot you look totally 60's MINX!! A bit of bed hair going on=HOT!
    The head girl badge made me snigger!Cute touch!
    As for the damned shoes,IC need to open over here,PRONTO!!! THE most funky shoes ever!!!
    Love! XXX

  20. What's up with your hair? It looks fab to me. You want to see mine after a morning at a boot sale!
    Love the Head Girl badge & I think they're the best ICs I've seen. x

  21. You always have the best shoes, and the dress is quite the bargain. The badge is a nice touch too xxx

  22. Total bargain on the IC shoes, I haven't seen that style before love them! x

  23. Love the badge - I hope you kept everyone in order at work!
    Those shoes are amazing.

  24. I love the dress, goegousness!

    I have a love hate relationship with my hair. It's just never quite... *right*

  25. I bought my boyfriend the Boy equivalent of this badge and I have the prefect one on my bag!
    Those ICs are rather marvellous!- I think I could wear those, they're not too high!


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