Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Happy (for once)

The things I do for this blog. It was 4 degrees outside when I was taking these photos. 4 DEGREES. I couldn't feel my fingers when I got back in.

I'm glad I made the effort though. Not only do I actually like some of the photos (trust me, this doesn't happen often), I really like the outfit. You know when you just think yes, I like it all? Well it's one of those days. I love the new (to me) blazer, really love the tshirt and scarf, am extremely fond of any form of shoe which gives me height and is comfy and, surprise surprise, I love my new jeans.

I don't seem to blog my jeans very often, probably because I have about 5 pairs but they're all exactly the same. Good old Dorothy Perkins. If they ever stop making this style (petite skinny for those who are interested) I will cry so loudly it will knock birds out of the trees. They're the right length, the right shape, the right wash and definitely the right price. This pair cost the princely sum of about £11. I love those 30% off weekends.

This scarf is looooooong. Here's a lovely out-take photo of me looking confused at quite how many times I need to unwrap it to demonstrate just quite how long it is:

I managed it in the end. Alex 1 Scarf 0.

Told you it was long!

Please ignore the coating of burgundy scarf fluff... I wanted to show off the beautiful skyline print.

Tshirt & scarf - H&M (Lisbon and Newcastle stores respectively)
Jeans - Dorothy Perkins
Shoe boots - River Island sale
Blazer - Warehouse, BNWT from Oxfam last weekend for £12. Hurrah!
Gloves - pinched from a friend
Hair - all my own. This is what happens when you can't be bothered drying it and go to sleep with it in Princess Leia buns instead.


  1. I'm loving your wavy hair! DP jeans are indeed awesome, altho I wear the opposite ones - Tall skinny! :)

  2. Your hair is beautiful. I love when my hair gets long and spreads out everywhere! I don't really wear jeans but I always used to buy Topshop Baxters, the only ones that fitted me properly

  3. your outfit looks chic and cozy and that scarf is so pretty!!

  4. I adore this outfit, you look so cute and cosy! Majorly jealous of your shoes too :)

    Maria xxx

  5. So, Princess Leia buns result in 'boho beach babe' waves as mentioned on the Daily Mail website today. BUT without the need for a 'digital perm'. Gets my thumbs up any day. Looks fab and makes me wish I hadn't had my hair cut!!
    Z xx
    PS I am a sad soul who reads the DM website! Save me!!

  6. A lovely outfit, especially those fabulous shoes and your smart little blazer.
    Oh to have such a long lustrous mane - I sometimes think I'll grow mine, but if it even approaches my shoulders, I get fed up and have it chopped. No perseverance, that's my trouble! xxxx

  7. Oooh, I do love a good scarf, and that is certainly an amazing one! I bought a similar deign last winter from Zara, equally long and a mustardy colour, but I berated the fact there was no berry equivalent so I must hunt this one out.
    I agree with everyone: your hair= fabulous. I was reading about how to achieve this kind of effect at great expense earlier today courtesy of the Mail online (don't judge). Nice to know I can save myself hundreds by doing a couple of Leia buns with wet hair! (They were calling it a digital perm FYI. What the actual feck does that even mean?)

  8. Love the jeans, Dorothy Perkins really are good when it comes to denim, you can't fault them. I think I've dreamt of owning a blazer just like that xxx

  9. Brr it has been chilly hasn't it? I don't have the guts for outdoor outfit photos at this time of year unless I have my coat on. Love the skyline detail on the t-shirt.

  10. Great jeans - I hate shopping for trousers (big thighs, *big* hips, small-ish waist, long rise = problem fit) but I might have to have a look at DottyPs again. Would you believe I don't own any jeans?

  11. That top is lovely. I own 1 pair of jeans and i haven't worn them for nearly 2 years! They probably won't fit with the weight i've put on recently! x

  12. I hate shopping for jeans; I try loads on and can never find a good fit. I'll have to give DP's a try.

  13. Nice t-shirt. I like your hair like this, I'm rocking the 'haven't got timme to dry it before people come round' wavy natural look, and really liking it! xx

  14. So you should love these photos and the outfit, Its' fab!

    X x

  15. It's great when an outfit just seems to all work!
    I wish I could do the princess leia buns - your hair is so lovely - but I simply can't sleep with my hair tied back. Odd. :/ :) xo

  16. YES, my fave jeans are DP too - tall skinny same as Elise! I love your hair like this, you look totally different - more Princess Leia buns!! xx

  17. Your hair looks fabulous. I really love the outfit too, you look great in it. xxx

  18. I have this Tee too, more t-shirt twinning! I bought mine in Preston though, not quite as exciting!

    It's so freaking cold here at the moment, getting kind of bored of always being cold and I have the office heating cranked up too, much to the displeasure of my dad! I'm thinking it may be time to attempt hibernation....

  19. That scarf looks cosy. I'm dreading this weekend without mine as I'm going away - going to be chilly to say the least!x

  20. i love it all, the practical footwear, the colour of the scaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarf (see, it's long!) and the blazer, what a find! :)


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