Monday, 28 November 2011

A Hat (and the giveaway winners)

I don't often wear hats. I bought this one on holiday over a year ago and it's been languishing on the hat rack ever since. It's not so much that I'm shy of wearing them, just that I have a really large head and they don't often suit me. You know that lovely sort of woolly-beanie-on-the-back-of-the-head look? Yeah, I can't do that. I just look as if my head is so big it's burst out of my hat.

I like this one though. It fits, which is always a good start. It's green, therefore I automatically love it. It has a floppy brim which I can hide behind when I'm feeling bashful about wearing a hat - bonus marks!

Skater dress - H&M
Cardi & belt - Primark
Shoes - New Look
Rings - Primark (snake) & Dorothy Perkins (green)
Hat - hat shop in Dubrovnik

Anyway, here's the bit you've all been waiting for: the winners of the giveaway, as decided by

Thank you very, very much to MJ, Very and Natureshop for donating such lovely prizes.

The winner of the beautiful ring from MerCurios is... The Girl (who has excellent luck in my giveaways!)
The winner of the £50 Very voucher is... Maddie
The winner of the boots from Natureshop is... Feeneyfoofoo
The winner of the Persephone Books voucher is... Mrs Bossa

Ladies, I shall be in touch with you all very shortly to arrange your prizes.


  1. You look lovely in your gorgeously green outfit and the hat is the perfect accessory. I wish I had one. My head is too small for 'one size' hats which is really annoying too.

  2. You look lovely in the hat, & your little flats are so pretty!


  3. I totally love that outfit, so retro/vintage and the hat really makes it!!

    I'm loving hat season, my collection keeps growing!!! Beretts are my current fave :)

    Thank you for running the give away can't believe I won :) yay!!!


  4. ARGH!! My awesome day just got awesomer. And what's hilarious is that I totally missed my name out when I was reading the list of winners and didn't see it until I started writing this comment. Brilliant.


    What I was going to say is that I too suffer from the large headed syndrome. I affectionately call myself Bison Head and am yet to find a hat look that I can rock.

  5. I have big head hat problems too!!
    Congrats to the winners :-) nice surprise before Christmas!
    Love the shoes.... I need green shoes in my life

  6. Green in clothes and hats and handbags is always a big seller at my fairs. Really want that snake ring but we don't have a nearby Primark. And didn't win Persephone book - Oh Pooh! But congrats to all those who did win.

  7. You look gorgeous in all your shades of green Alex :) I particularly like the shoes personally.

    The hat really suits you - in fact, it couldn't suit you any better! I always really like hats on other people, but there is literally no chance that 99.9% of hats will ever suit me. Although you've proven my theory (that it's because I wear glasses) wrong today!

  8. I can see why green is your favourite colour, you look gorgeous.
    I bet your head isn't as big as mine and Helga's. Measure it and tweet it to us! x

  9. The hat looks great on you!

    Congratulations to the winners.

  10. This hat looks great on you, really suits you! And I love the dress too. xx

  11. I too am in the Pumpkin Head brigade. Well done for finding such a lovely hat, which also fits! It looks great. I was keen to see where you'd got it from to put it on my Christmas list, but don't think Other Half will be popping over to Dubrovnik to do his shopping... Shame.
    You look lovely, green is a great colour on you.
    PS. Email me your address, Alex, I have your swap parcel ready to post! xxxx

  12. That hat is absolutely FAB.

    As for the giveaway, it truly is my pleasure. Congratulations to The Girl (who has excellent luck in Alex's giveaways)-- I can't wait to make your one of a kind ring for you.

    xo, MJ

  13. The hat looks great on you! I have a hard time finding hats too - my head is on the large side. Because of my big brains... well that was my excuse in primary school. Seriously though, you look smashing. And I love your belt :)

  14. HOW gorgeous do you look in that hat please?! Wow, you're like an Old Hollywood movie star, love it! Bonus points for the belt too, can't believe it's from Primark! x

  15. Ohh it's lovely - really pulls your outfit together and gives it a perfect finishing touch! :)
    Congrats ladies! Xo

  16. Yes that hat is a keeper, it suits you so well xx

  17. Congrats to the winners, and I love your hat!

  18. I have a similar problem with hats. I think it's mainly because I have such big hair, it doesn't stop me buying hats though. I've actually just bought a similar one to this today in plum xxx

  19. LOVE this outfit. Congrats to the winners x


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