Friday 23 December 2011

December Scavenger Hunt

Getting into the Christmas swing of things, the December scavenger hunt is bigger, better and festively themed. Kathy has set us the challenge of an A-Z of Christmas. Well, here is my attempt. Slightly early, because I am now busy/away until the end of December, but it's here!

A is for...alcohol

Um, I don't know why we have seven bottles of Prosecco for two people...

B is for...beaded baubles!

Made by my own fair hands. This is the tasteful layer of the tree. It's a wonderfully colourful mess lower down.

C is

Woop, it's Beard-fàçê Santa.

D is for...decorations

What, you don't decorate your stairs? For shame people, for shame.

E is for...earrings

A small but rather nice collection methinks.

F is

We shall be watching Cary Grant on Christmas Eve. Heaven.

G is for...Gaudete

My joint favourite Christmas carol, along with the Coventry Carol.

H is for...homemade goodies

Bloody Florentines. When I was making this batch I ran out of flaked almonds and spent over an hour finely chopping blanched almonds...then I found another bag of flaked almonds. D'oh! Apparently they taste good though, so that's the important thing.

I is for...Irregular Choice

My most festive pair. Aren't they beautiful?

J is for...jingle bells

Arm-warmers knitted by my friend Sharon, complete with jingle bells.

K is for...kitsch decorations

It's Spot the Dog. Nuff said.

L is for...Liverpool style decorations

Well hello there festively wrapped Superlambanana, and a Merry Christmas to you (and to my Auntie Diane)

M is small festive treat to myself

I like to read something nice in bed on Christmas Eve. I like Rob Ryan. Perfect combo.

N is for...nativity.

A tiny, tiny one!

O is for...Oscar

He is everso fond of the curly ribbon.

P is for...(new) pj's

Thank you H&M for having them on sale in mid December.

Q is for...the Queen's Speech

I have no idea if we'll actually be watching it this year or not.

R is for...Rockin' Robin.

He's older than I am.

S is for...Secret Santa

I have been extremely good and resisted the temptation to open my presents from the lovely Curtise, courtesy of the FHC Christmas swap. I don't think you can quite see it in the photo but next to it is another present courtesy of the Secret Santa that Char organised there too. I shall report back on what they contain!

T is

It's one of the traditions: sitting down with the bumper edition of the Radio Times and a pen and marking off everything you want to watch/record.

U is for...a uniformed toy soldier on the tree

He's got moving arms and legs and everything.

V is for...visiting pals

I love my girls but we're all a bit scattered now, so we don't meet up as often as we'd like. I've seen them all over the past week though - hurrah! I got to hold Baby Jack too. Can you see the terror in my (weirdly squinty) eyes? He is absolutely adorable but I just don't know what to do with babies.

W is for...wrapping

I did it all in one night. Bish bash bosh.

(um, this is where it gets rather far fetched...)

X is lot being eXtremely disappointed if I don't feature some odd socks

Christmassy ones, natch.

Y is for...yoghurt.

Oh what else was I supposed to do? Dairy-free house - we don't have Yule logs and suchlike! I put some curly ribbon on it...

Z is for...Zen-like calm

There is nothing better than sitting in the peace and quiet with a cup of coffee (star jumping cat mug optional) and just the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree to keep you company.

Here's wishing you all a very merry Christmas.


  1. Thats was loads of fun to read. I love really old xmas decorations, my great aunty gave me one, a kind of fairy/dancer, when I was little that would now be about 60 years old. Every year since I was about 6 I've wrapped it back up in tissue to put it away :)

  2. I have that same mug (well 2 of them actually)! That book spines card is fab and those shoes are made for Christmas. Rockin Robin is so cute!

  3. Happy Xmas, Alex! I love that shot of Oscar at play, give him a squeeze from me. x

  4. Lovely photos as always, Alex. Well done for resisting the temptation to open your swap pressies - I admire your restraint!
    Hmmm, restraint? HOW many bottles of Prosecco? Actually, 7 sounds just right!
    Have a good time, wear your PJs with pride! xxxx

  5. What a nice post with so many lovely photos :) xx

  6. Great photos Alex.

    Have a very merry Christmas.

    X x

  7. Wow Alex that baby is the cutest baby ever he must have a gorgeous mother ;-)

  8. Great Christmas picks, I’m especially loving the book shaped card and Oscar looking as handsome as ever. Nothing quite beats a magical book and new pyjamas on the night before Christmas.
    Have a wonderful Christmas time Alex xxx

  9. Happy Christmas Alex, loving the Zen Like Calm.... aided by an 11am start on champagne, our whole day was a bit like that!

  10. Happy Holidays,gorgeous!!!
    Much love,XXX

  11. Lovely post - hope the Prosecco went down well! xx

  12. Great photos, Baby Jack is a real cutie!

    Hope you're having a good Christmas.

  13. Some great pics there - question - has all that booze gone now ;) ???

  14. Great photos, and some very inventive letters there! I love the Zen like calm! I could do with some of that here!

  15. I love all your photos, the baubles and decorations and pressies are lovely. Love Oscar with his ribbon:)

  16. G'Day Alex,
    Good onya, an ace job!
    Cheers for 2012 - Happy New Year!

  17. Great those red shoes!

  18. Brilliant photos, I like that you have thought of a few different things for some letters, I think most of us will have the same photos!

  19. That was brill - I love your shoes and you have some very gorgeous ornaments on your tree.
    Happy New Year.

  20. Why haven't I got festive shoes? My wardrobe is lacking!
    But I do decorate my stairs :-)
    Great photos - it was fun doing a whole alphabet wasn't it?

  21. That nativity is so cute. You've taken a great set of photos.

  22. Wonderful! What gorgeous shoes - all your photos were unique and lovely.

  23. Great pictures! Good to see some Suffolk cider in the alcohol photo, can't beat it!

  24. Wow that is a very tiny nativity. Neat socks!

  25. great photos, I am in love with your shoes


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