Monday, 5 December 2011

Fighting the Elements

Summer seems like a long, long time ago doesn't it? Well maybe not if you're lucky enough to live in Spain or somewhere equally warm and sunny, but I live in Liverpool. Today it was 2 degrees and when it wasn't hailing, it was pissing down with rain. By all rights I should have been in galoshes and oilskins but I refuse to give into such things. Instead I whacked on the red lippie and the red shorts (Shorts: Not Just For Summer) and debuted a new pair of boots. They aren't exactly galoshes but they are waterproof.

Now don't fall over in shock, for I know I am not renowned for practical shoes. It took work to track down black wedge boots that weren't a) suede or b) hideous. I like them lots, even if I did get confused by the zip placement and put them on the wrong feet when I first tried them on...

Jumper - Gap sale
Shorts - H&M
Boots - Aldo, via ASOS
Necklace - market stall in Dubrovnik


  1. Ooh I like the dramatic new location! And loving the boots, my waterproof winter boots are boring flat knee boots, could do with some like these :) x

  2. Wow, I love the indoor pictures! Very elegant. Those boots are fab xx

  3. Great boots, theres nothing like red to make you feel warm.

  4. Love this outfit Alex - you look HOT STUFF!

  5. I am loving the wedge boots and the indoor backdrop. You should definitely do more interior shots.

    I bought new winter boots a couple of weeks ago, I also needed them to be waterproof. What did I buy? Another pair of suede boots, doh! They are pretty though.

  6. I'm so loving the colours and the arty-ness of those photos, Alex! They look amazing!

    Summer does seem a long way behind us. Honestly, November was pretty nice, weather-wise, so I think I'm still in shock over how quickly December's got nasty. x

  7. I'm all for loads of colour during the winter months, love the red and love,love,love the boots. Where were the photos taken?

  8. Ah I like this outfit! I've got a gorgeous skimpy pair of herringbone shorts that I bought last winter but somehow can't persuade myself that hypotermia is not imminent if I wear them! You look fab! Where is the setting please?

  9. I'm a big fan of shorts all year round and your outfit looks great for this time of year. Fab backdrop too.
    Looking great Alex!

  10. I need those boots.

  11. Like your front parlour! But I absolutely love the red lippie and the boots!
    Yep, can see the confusion with the zipper placement...but that just makes 'em even more lush!
    Z xx

  12. Awesome boots! I too am on a mission to find black wedge boots, not having whole lot of luck so far... :)

  13. Those boots are rather foxy!As are you in your red shorts,showing that scrummy curvy butt!Such an adorable look!

  14. Phwoar, Alex! The weather might be crap but you look hot. Gorgeous location, too. x

  15. How lucky are you to have such a gorgeous location at your disposal? And how lucky are they to have such a HOT employee to show it off?

    xxx Maddie

  16. Liking the elevation you get with those boots and love the shorts although as I have had no central heating for 3 DAYS now *sob* I am wearing all the clothes I have simultaneously.

  17. Love the place you took the pictures. Is it a museum?

  18. I love wedge boots, but for the life of me, I can't drive in them. Can you? Is there a "trick" to it?

  19. Those boots!! Lovely!
    And those shorts, great pop of colour on a winters day. Loves it.

  20. Wow amazing boots! Also cool location for the photos :) I am definitely in agreement re: shorts in Winter. And red lippie of course! xx

  21. The boots! They are amazing! I love black wedges and those are really timeless. But I have to agree on the strange zip placement, I would have made the same mistake xx

  22. I love these pics! The boots are fabulous, so are the hot hot hot pants, and what a great location! I saw some pleather shorts on a charity shop the other day and wondered if I dared... I didn't. Wish I had now, you look amazing! xxxxx

  23. Looking sexy! The boots are fantabulous and the bright red hot pants are fab :) What a way to scare away winter!

  24. Bloody hell Alex, you look stunning lady; those boots are gorgeous xox

  25. I just love the backdrop. Is that Speke Hall?

  26. Looking good Alex! The boots are amazing and I love the pop of colour in Winter, you look brilliant. And sorry for being a bad blog commenter as of late! xxx

  27. Great photos!
    When it came up on my reading list, the photo looked like one of those old black and white ones that have had a bit of colour painted on afterwards.

  28. You look stunning Alex, these are fantastic photos in a wonderful setting.

    X x

  29. Very very cool boots - love them. They'll be really versatile too. xx

  30. Love the shoesss!! Shorts look great, they really change the outfit xxx

  31. You m'lady are looking lovely in this outfit and what an impressive backdrop too.
    Loving those wedges, I've had a time of it trying to find wedge boots that will work for me.

  32. I love that pose in front of the fireplace - it's very 'to the manor born' and your ourfit rocks. You know I'm hearing you with the whole shorts in winter thing. Great boots too!

    PS Can I have your hair please!?

  33. Love your boots Alex! I'm after a wedge pair as well.

  34. I've never owned a single pair of wedge boots, though I must admit they look pretty snug.
    Great backdrop, it's quite enchanting, definitely a warmer alternative than outside xxx

  35. You look awesome! Love the boots, the shorts, the fireplace... wonderful! I can't seem to bring myself to wear shorts and tights - I have a complete mental block on it which is odd as I like it as an outfit on so many others...


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