Thursday, 26 January 2012

Three of the Best

I don't know about you lot but I don't have very much time for bloghopping and discovering new things to read via blog rolls. I barely have enough time to read the ones that I already follow. Plus I always find that personal recommendation is so much better than relying upon chance and a couple of idle clicks to find a new blog that you love. So this marks the start of an occasional feature where I shall tell you about some of my favourites. First up is the category of bloggers who I love because of their...


Backwards in High Heels

I must admit that I don't comment on Tania's blog as much as I should and this is entirely my own fault. She is so incredibly eloquent and talented as a writer and I am generally so knackered when blog commenting that I don't feel my words will do it justice. I'm sure you're not all as feeble as me though. Go and read her blog (even if you don't comment) and just soak up how wonderful her writing is. She covers the widest range of subjects - it can be friendship one day, politics the next, recipes the day after that - and tops everything off with the most beautiful pictures of Scotland and The Pigeon. It's balm to the soul.

Katyboo1′s Weblog

Sometimes, when my brain is frazzled (which it often is) and I need something to make me smile, I will go to Katy's blog and have a great big glom. She posts lots so I know I've always got something good to read and she never lets me down. I read a review quote on the back of a Bill Bryson book once which went along the lines of "Not to be read in public for fear of emitting loud snorts" and I think you could just as easily apply that to this blog. It's so, so funny and engagingly written. She gets heaps of extra bonus points for writing about family life and kids in an interesting and frequently rather hilarious way because usually that sort of thing bores me to death. Plus, there are generally lashings of cake, book and theatre chat.

Just Me

The Girl (I do know her real name but I am not at liberty to reveal it) is, I feel, one of my internetty kindred spirits. I have no idea if she feels the same - it's not really the sort of question you ask people, is it? She might well think I'm a shoe-obsessed dullard. But she has that magical quality of writing things that make me go "HAHAHAHA" and "OMG, I do that/think that too!" (note - I never actually say OMG in real life. I want to make this clear) and even when she's talking about things that sail straight over my head, such as the perils of making a ripple blanket, I will still read it cos I love it. Go and click that follow button right now.

ps - any new followers, do feel free to leave your blog link in a comment. I know I've been shocking at reading and commenting recently but if you let me know where to find you, I'll come and have a read!


  1. Hello, I am trying to get more followers, but maybe you could just come over and say hi??

    I am going to have a look at these other lovely blogs that you have put up here, I have just gone through my blog list and had a clear out, some of the blogs I just don't have anything in common with anymore, so I may find something new.



  2. I'm going to have a refresh of my bloglist too - one of those new year jobs that I haven't got to yet... I also should admit to not commenting much, and to not 'following' - I read all your posts, but I prefer my blogroll to a feed! If it's not too stalkery to admit it, I think of both you and The Girl as 'internetty kindred spirits', though my blog tends to cover more of my crafting life than my real life. That may change soon, as one is turning into the other, so please don't let it put you off! :)

  3. Thanks for sharing these Alex :) xo

  4. What a nice idea Alex! I already know about The Girl- I follow her already but if I have time, I will try to check the others out!

  5. I’ve been longing for some new reads lately, I really do think the ones that have good written content shine out from the rest. I am always willing to get lost in somebody else’s world and those who manage to make me laugh (out loud) sure have a wonderful ability to write and entertain their audience.

    p.s Just hopped over to Tania’s blog and realised the connection to the book. I bought that book a few years ago and am always referring back to it, it’s great to be able to find one of the ladies behind it xxx

  6. Oh Alex - how incredibly generous and kind you are. Feel a bit teary now. I am terrible at commenting too; often feel oddly shy about it. Which is really idiotic, because I so love it when people comment on my blog. Anyway, thank you so much from your fellow blogger in arms. :)

  7. I have been following and enjoying your blog for a while now, I'm really interested in seeing what other Liverpool Ladies are doing on the blogosphere. Attached is the link to my blog, please come visit, you will be very welcome.

  8. Ha. I'm feeling a mix of emotions which range from wanting to hide my head and go "STOP LOOKING AT ME!" whilst simultaneously jumping up and down on the spot and going "WOO! LOOK AT ME!" It's very confusing. I think I need a good lie down.

    Cheers for the shout out though. That's what the kids call it these days isn't it?

  9. I've been following your blog for a few weeks now, Alex, since Claire (Cunningham) told me about it and I have to say, I'm hooked! Keep up the good work. :) (Claire's mum)

  10. Alex, you are a gem. I love your blog. I love your writing and I love your style. I am honoured to be mentioned by you. Truly. xxx

  11. Alex thank you for these, I really like Backwards In High Heels and I'll be sure to check the other two out. xxx

  12. I came via Katyboo who consistently astounds me with her writing - and parenting- talents. She recommended you, and she was right. Backwards in High Heels is also a gem, so now i'm off, delighted to have an excuse to procrastinate AGAIN on my work, to check out Just Me. (I have been procrastinating all day so far, which is rather impressive. I spent the morning making chocolate cookies, telling self over and over again that I NEEDED THEM for a blog posting later. So swing by this afternoon if you want a recipe for chewy crunchy chocolatey things. Or swing by now if you want to hear a less than patient parent bitch and moan about her offspring. After procrastinating, it's what I do best.)

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