Saturday, 12 May 2012

Handmade Perfection

This time, a fortnight ago, I was a little bit narked.  See, I had this amazing Beatrix Potter duvet cover.  Char had a pattern for a frock that we knew fitted me and looked nice.  Ideal combination, so you would think.  Well you would be wrong.  Could we turn said duvet cover into said frock?  No.  There was not enough fabric to make the skirt.  I may have sworn a bit.  Ok, a lot.  But all was not lost as we made this frock with it instead (and although it may come across otherwise in that blog post, I actually did do quite a lot of the sewing of it!).

In fact, all was very far from lost.  A quick look through the fabric stash turned up something else.

 My charity shop trips always include a good rummage in the bedding/fabric section.  Most of what you'll find in there is not good - hideous old curtains and bobbly duvet covers abound - but the odd gem can be found, and it can usually be turned into something else.  I am yet to discover any Wombles bedding (this is probably a good thing as I may implode with excitement if I do) but a couple of things have come close.  Victoria Plum anyone?

I still love the fact that Angela Rippon wrote the Victoria Plum books.  Delightfully random.  They're one of those almost-forgotten things from my childhood, so when I discovered a ginormous duvet cover covered in Victoria Plum, robins and bunnies, I was rather pleased.  I was even more pleased when Char decided to take it away with her and turn it into a frock for me. A frock of sheer glory.  With POCKETS and A BOW and A BIG SWIRLY SKIRT.

Is she not amazing?  I bloody love that girl.

Dress - made by Char. Did I mention she's amazing?
Cardi - New Look
Shoes - Irregular Choice, present

ETA - Pattern update! It's Simplicity 2444, and is the little pencil sketch version on the left of the packet, with a few teensy tweaks.


  1. Amazing! I love it!
    I had Victoria Plum books :)

  2. What a beautiful dress. I loved Victoria Plum as a child and had that duvet cover. Wish I had that dress.

  3. Pretty fabric. Would like to see the bodice clearly though.

  4. That is gorgeous! I vividly remember Victoria Plum too. You can't find anything with her on! My OH has a Wombles cushion made out of an old pillowcase though ;)

  5. Love the dress- fabric AND pattern. Can you give details of the pattern? I couldnt find it on chars blog.
    ta x

  6. My parents call me Plum (even at the grand old age of 37) due to my obsession with Victoria Plum. I had no idea they were written by Angela Rippon!!!! Love the dress, any chance of sharing the pattern or where pattern came from???? Pwetty pwease? :)

  7. I love this, the pattern is so pretty! Char is so talented, I'm a little jealous haha!

    Frances xx

  8. Char IS amazing. The dress is amazing. I agree with Bitsy Beans, plse share the pattern details. xx

  9. Really 'odd' question.

    Is there a way you could take a photo of you in the shoes but side on so I can see how your feet look in them. I am not some random foot fetishist, it's just I am always curious to see how those heels look on 'real' feet.


  10. Amazing dress - well done Char! You look fab in it Alex :)

    I loved VP, I seem to remember having some sort of Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter set of books but I had no idea Angela Rippon wrote them!

  11. I loved the first fess and I live this one too! You could very well have started something here... The Girl that wears odd socks and duvets :-) its brilliant!

  12. She's amazing!!!!!!!!! That dress is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!! Truly! Well done Char! You look delightful in it!

  13. Oh and I loved Victoria Plum! I had NO idea it was by Angela Rippon!

  14. The dress and the shoes are fantastic!

  15. Those shoes are LOVE!

  16. What an amazing dress- it looks fabulous!

    Nat x

  17. Wonderful dress, definitely inspired to check out the duvet covers in charity shops

  18. Oh! Utterly gorgeous. Love it. You and your clever friend have excelled yourselves.

  19. My brain has just exploded with the sheer amazingness (yes that is indeed a word) of this dress and outfit! I loved the Victoria Plum books and I am now desperately craving a copy of your dress! Char is totally amazing but well done on snapping up the fabric.

  20. This is utterly amazing in every way, such a gorgeous frock! xxx


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