Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Suggestions Please

I have the plague.

Ok, perhaps this is a slightly more accurate description.

I am currently feeling really rather horrible and haven't got out of bed for two days.  I have no energy for anything except sleeping and reading.  The only slight problem with the latter is that all the books in my to-read pile are large and fairly serious and not really ideal sickbed material.  Blogs are better - shorter, more fun and don't need as much brainpower as a 400 page novel. I'm about to embark on a well overdue blog commenting session but your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to link me up to a good blog that I need to read.  I'm sure I'm missing out on loads of them!  Which do you currently love, and why?

ps - If you're on Twitter and around on Thursday night between 7 and 8pm, come and join in the Twitter party on #wwfashion for lots of fun chat about fashion, styling and dressing for your shape, whatever that may be, plus a chance to win lots of lovely Debenhams vouchers! I could so have done with this when I was in the middle of losing weight, so I'll definitely be there sharing some of my hints and tips.


  1. Aww feel better soon! My favourite new read which I'm pretty sure everyone on the planet has discovered before me, is the frugality ( the-frugality dot com)
    Xxx Maddie

  2. Boohiss, get well soon!
    I'm currently reading lots of sewing and knitting blogs e.g. Did You Make That? and wishing I had more time for making. Do you knit or crochet? Now could be the time! (if you have the materials to hand) Youtube is a good teacher :)

  3. Get well soon, I too am home following an op reading loads of blogs. I love attic24, she is a master at crocheting and an overall a lovely person. Check her out. Xx

  4. Feel better soon! Overdosing on blogs will speed along your recovery :)

  5. Hello! Poor you!!!! Hope you are better soon! Come and visit my blog!!!!! No? Too boring? Ok, well try Lauren's blog- http://www.someonelikeyou.blogspot.com she has really cute outfits and is really sweet! No? American fashionable teenagers not your thing?
    OR, Lucy at http://talesfromthefarawaytree.blogspot.com/ - how can you resist a blog with such a magical title!
    Take care!

  6. Awww, sorry you're feeling crap! - Hang on that would make a good greetings card... mmmm. I'm afraid all my fave blogs are sewy quilty type things and the fashion blogs I love you already follow. Anyhoo just popped in to say, awwww, sorry you're feeling crap :0) xx

  7. Oh dear, poor you! I hope you feel better soon! Xo

  8. Rest up missus, tis pants I tell thee, to feel so ill. I feel your pain. Muchos lovos.
    Hmmm, blogs........oh god I dunno I love so many.....Kezzie's suggestion for Lucy is good. I love her blog.x x x

  9. Ahh get well soon love! I'm afraid most of my blog reading was poached from your reading list so can't really help! Umm, Hyperbole and a Half is one I recently discovered and need to make time to read the archives - so funny!! xxx

  10. N'aww, get well soon!

    Rai xx

  11. Joy the baker http://joythebaker.com/ - check out the french onion soup sandwiches, YUM!

    1. French onion soup sandwiches? I'm there!

  12. Get well soon! Charlotte's blog is very cheerful and informative... http://tuppencehapennyvintage.blogspot.co.uk/ :)

  13. Aw Alex no! Get well soon. The sun seems to have made an appearance today so that might help. This is my current favourtie blog - http://whatsadiedid.blogspot.co.uk/ xxx

  14. Hello! Just to let you know that I have passed the Versatile Blogger Award your way, it'll be live on my blog tomorrow, if you choose to accept it. Hope you feel better soon! Anna. x

  15. I just love A Beautiful Mess - lots of lovely crafty things and gorgeous photography! And Gen from A Little Bird Told Me writes brilliantly - always cracks me up!
    I'm starting up mine soon - www.thedustonthegroundblog.blogspot.co.uk if you fancy taking a peek! Hope you feel better soon!xx

  16. Not sure how well this one would cross the generation gap but this is one I always turn to first. Yorkshire Pudding
    Hope you'll soon be better. :)

  17. Get well soon Alex! I'm poorly to - cold and achey and runny nose. I'm eating icecream and toast and reading! I'll join you on the twitter chat tomorrow :] xxx

  18. I don't know if this is your scene, but I find Bread is Pain (http://breadispain.wordpress.com/) a funny account of ex pat living in France. It's well written and amusing.

  19. Oh poor thing :( I like The The Dainty Squid (daintysquid.blogspot.com) - her outfits/nails/favourite finds are always so cute and colourful! Jen x

  20. Hope you're feeling better now Alex! I always love going on blog reading sprees when I'm off work ill too, they require just the right amount of concentration to keep me amused but not to cause pain hehe. I like Rachel the hat http://www.rachelthehat.com/ and Cold Knees at the moment http://coldknees.blogspot.co.uk/

  21. When I'm behind with my blog reading, the first one I have to catch up on is Going Gently http://disasterfilm.blogspot.co.uk/.
    Hope you're feeling better now.

  22. Sorry to be late to the game, but I hope you are feeling better now. I am always woefully behind on blog reading these days, so I focus first on friends rather than anything new. And when I am feeling blue anything cat-related does it for me xx

    Penny Dreadful Vintage

  23. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  24. Poor girl, maybe a Haruki Murakami book would help out...


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