Thursday, 28 June 2012

This Summer

I saw a lovely post on Elise's blog recently about her summer plans, sharing an idea that Rebecca wrote about.  Let's call it a summer to-do list.  But a fun one, not a naggy, horrible, "hoover under the bed and read the collected works of Charles Dickens for self-improvement" one.  So here's what I want to do this summer:

  • Go to the Edinburgh Festival
  • Make a complicated cake - possibly Dobos Torte. See here for a mega review of someone else trying it!
  • Complete Project Bunny
  • Have a smashing time at the Olympics
  • Take my lovely new tent camping again
  • Go to the football - either a pre-season Liverpool game or keep it local and go and watch Marine
  • Try a Zumba class
  • Have a picnic with Shell and Baby Jack because I just don't see the two of them enough
  • Go on a Ferry 'cross the Mersey! Would you believe I've never been on it?
  • Do or buy something a bit frivolous and not feel guilty about it
  • Chill out.  I am becoming increasingly incapable of not checking my phone for texts/emails/tweets/Instagram updates/blog comments every 5 minutes.  I know it's a terrible habit.  I'll have to lock it in a box or something
  • Write 15,000 more words of The Second Novel 
  • Finally, if I can fit it in (cos my weekends are quite packed!), go to the zoo.  I've never been to the zoo.

And as it's a well-known fact that you should always start off a to-do list with something you've already done, just for the sheer satisfaction of having something crossed off, here are TWO things that I wanted to do this summer that I've already done! Yesterday, to be precise.

  • Watch some outdoor theatre
  • Book an autumn break with the girls from work

We're staying here in October and having 5 days of loafing around and crafts and walks and trips to York and Durham.  BLISS.

I shall update you all at the end of August.  Or perhaps mid-September, depending on the word count of the novel.  I may struggle with that one. I've totally lost my writing mojo.


  1. that cottage looks absolutely beautiful! Enjoy zumba, it is so much fun I love it! x

  2. I love the zoo! You have to go.

    I think a list is great idea. I have a few things I want to do. My top one is to visit the Rennie Macintosh house in Northampton. I must try harder!


  3. Great list. It's made me realise that mine is all 'paint cloakroom walls' and 'alter hallway curtains'. I can do better than that!!
    Have fun x

  4. You've never been on the ferry :o
    Tou need to go to Chester Zoo, its great x

  5. Great list looks like you are going to be busy! Love the look of that cottage, hope you enjoy Durham it's my old hometown and it's where my heart lives :0) x

  6. Good luck with the list, I never seem to complete any of mine. The cottage looks lovely, I bet you will have a great time.

    X x

  7. Yay look forward to seeing how it goes! My stupid sore leg seems to be getting in the way of everything lately, gonna do the indoorsy ones first! :)

  8. You could combine Edinburgh with the zoo and go to see the pandas. You need to get tix ages in advance though. xx

  9. Yay for the zoo - I think I'm going to take the Rangers to Chester zOo - come with us?!


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