Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Swap Time

I signed up ages ago for the Jubilee swap organised by Lakota at Faith, Hope and Charity Shopping - her themed swaps are always great fun so keep your eyes peeled for the next one.  I was very pleased to be paired up with lovely Lucy from Lucy in the Clouds.  I don't think that Lucy will mind me saying that we were both very last minute on this one, despite the amount of notice that we had! The deadline was 7th July and both parcels have just arrived so we barely scraped in.  You'll have to ask Lucy what she thought of the parcel I sent her (I hope she liked it, even if I did totally run out of inspiration in the handmade category) but I can quite safely say I loved what she sent me.

It started off with this fab card:

And then there were lots of excitingly wrapped presents with intriguing labels:

Firstly, beautiful vintage fabric bunting.

And wonderful book themed writing paper.

Cor blimey, this is the most fantastic find!  A proper 1953 Coronation biscuit tin.  I shall keep treasures in it.

A gorgeous green brooch.

Eep - she knows me well.  Cats and books are two of my absolute favourite things.

Thank you so much, Lucy. You are amazing at picking and making presents!


  1. Well you received a load of treats! Lucy really knows you well x

  2. Wow these are amazing, good skills from Lucy, she definitely knows your taste. Thanks so much for taking part in the swap and for linking up x

  3. These are absolutely amazing

  4. What an amazing package, i'd be so pleased with all of this! I think i have the same bunting in my conservatory - i have a bit of a thing for bunting. You're a lucky gal and Lucy is clearly very good at gifts! xx

  5. So glad you liked your pressies :) I am THRILLED with mine, thank you so much. And I thought your 'handmade' items were VERY inspired (and delicious) hehe xx

  6. WOW, what a lovely lovely set of gifts!

    Maria xxx

  7. Great swap, I'd love to do something like this!
    What amazing gifts Lucy sent you - very impressed!!

  8. SHe is in fact a genius! What an amazing selection of pressies and such beautiful presentation!

  9. You clever things, I love everything you both sent and it's lovely to see so much thought went into it. x

  10. Waaah I'm so jealous of that TIN!

    And the cat bookmark. I like cats. And books.

  11. What a beautiful gift!
    From the wrapping to the contents. Gorgeous.
    Love the brooch and the tin is a great find.

  12. Love the tin and the beautiful bunting!


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