Saturday, 18 August 2012

Day Five

Liverpool appears to have avoided the hottest day of the year so far.  I bet all the Southerners reading this are looking at me in horror for daring to wear jeans today but it just hasn't been warm enough for anything else.  Plus my right calf is about two inches fatter than usual due to an evil insect bite so dresses and skirts won't be worn until the swelling has gone down.  Fun eh?

I may not be able to get my legs out but I can debut a new handbag. Well, I say new. It's not. It's vintage and it's from a charity shop, but it's new to me and that's what counts. Lovely, isn't it?

Top - ASOS via charity shop
Jeans - Dorothy Perkins
Shoes - Dolcis
Bag - vintage, via charity shop

ps - Some of you may be wondering why yesterday wasn't Day Five.  Well technically it should have been but a day of fence judging is not really conducive to outfit posting.  I wore a waterproof and a high vis vest for most of the day.  I shall try and do better tomorrow.


  1. Your bag is beautiful, I'm so jealous!

    Maria xxx

  2. Annoyingly it's mega hot here but weather has been rather tempermental, pfft! :)

  3. And what's wrong with a waterproof and high vis, eh?

    The bag is proper gorgeous - good find. The 'affordable' vintage fair is in Edinburgh today and I was gonna go for a poke about but it's often right over priced and not actually that worth it. Plus it's grey out. Haha! x

  4. I feel your pain! I have a huge swollen bites on my legs and am on tablets today because of it =(
    On the upside your blouse is gorgeous =)

  5. Your bag is gorgeous, the whole outfit really works.

  6. I really love the shoes, the multicolour neutral straps are awesome. and yes I was a southerner who got upto 30c this weekend...sorry xx

  7. I love that bag, it's always good getting charity shop beauts :)


  8. That bag is beyond beautiful, loving it! Hope the insect bite has calmed down, I seem to have been bitten by something unpleasant, I have a feeling it may have been one of the zillion odd looking spiders that seem to have claimed squatters rights at the new flat....


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