Thursday, 2 August 2012

My Day At The Olympics

I'm still on a complete high after my day at the Olympics.  I don't think I can be coherent about it.  It was astonishing.  From start to finish, just a truly wonderful day.  London was stunning - even more vivid, colourful and exciting than normal.  Everyone was incredibly friendly and happy and helpful.  We were through security in about three minutes flat, the sun shone, I was with my lovely mum and we were watching some of the best sporting action I've ever seen.

My god, was it different to normal though.  Here's the thing.  Eventing is a very polite sport to be a spectator at.  You clap when the horses jump well.  You take a big picnic.  You go for a walk around beautiful countryside. You even bring the dog with you (I don't have a dog, but go with me here).

At Greenwich, it was unlike anything I've ever been to before.  Dogs and picnics weren't allowed.  The park was certainly stunning but it was packed.  So, so many people and because the course was twistier and narrower than normal, there was less room for spectators and so we were all bunched up around the fences. That's not a negative though - it just made it more exciting.  It wasn't polite; it was raucous and nerve-jangling.  Everyone was cheering and whooping and hollering, even for the lesser-known riders. That's what the Olympics are all about.  It was all so close and so thrilling to watch.

No zoom on this picture - I was about two feet away from him.

I was appropriately patriotically-legged.  Wow, did these tights get me noticed.  I don't think I've ever been looked at so much in my life!
I am not fessing up to how much my expensive horsey boots cost. Gulp.

The fences were very British and wonderfully designed and built.  Wind in the Willows!  Horses made of horseshoes! Fruit and veg! Cricket! Squirrels aplenty!

Due to the sheer nature of how busy it was, I wasn't able to get quite as up close and photo-happy as usual but here are a few pictures:

Want to see our glorious silver medal winning British team? Of course you do.

Mary King and Imperial Cavalier

Nicola Wilson and Opposition Buzz

Zara Phillips and High Kingdom

Tina Cook and Miners Frolic

William Fox-Pitt and Lionheart

I spent the following day on the sofa, biting my nails and watching the showjumping phase.  I am delighted beyond words that we won the team silver medal.  Individual medals weren't to be, but there's nothing to do except applaud Michael Jung and his horse Sam. European champions, World champions and now Olympic champions.  They're an astonishing pair.

I hope you had a chance to see some of it on the tv.  This is one of my favourite things about the Olympics - that sudden opportunity for the lesser known sports to get some tv coverage.  If you liked it, trot on over to British Eventing and see if there are any events taking place near you.  Take a picnic, take the dog (optional, obviously) and have a smashing day out.  If you're NW based you might even see me doing some fence judging!


  1. Wow what a day you had. No wonder you are still on such a high. We tried to get tickets and failed on every event we tried for and it makes me so cross when I see all the empty seats whilst watching on tv.

    So glad you had such a wonderful experience Alex.

    X x

    Ps love the tights!

  2. Fantastic photos. It's really lovely to read it from someone so excited to have got tickets and to have gone to watch a sport so they're so obviously passionate about (particularly loved the super-excited photo with the tickets you posted previously!) Glad you had the chance to go and had such an awesome time! :)

  3. Great Photo's, i would love to go see an olympic event but unfortuanately never got tickets. It looks like you had a fab time.
    And your tights and boots were lovely!

  4. thanks for sharing your photos, they're just brilliant! It must of been one hell of an atmosphere there, lucky you for being there :)
    Those tights are cracking!

  5. Perfect, perfect hosiery. Sounds like a fabulous day.
    It seems the Olympic atmosphere is amazing everywhere but the closeness of this must have been really special. So glad you had such an amazing experience.

  6. Those tights are to DIE for fabulous!
    Yay for a great day out! I like the dressage best,cos I love the outfits! I do enjoy watching the equestrian stuff generally,as it's always beautiful! Even better when our Mark Todd gets a medal!

  7. I'd have looked at your pins too!
    My sister and her family were there, at the Wind in the Willows jump. I actually watched some of it, it was great! xxx

  8. We did try for eventing tickets but no joy, did see some on TV though. We all went off to the Olympic Park for basketball yesterday - a previously unknown sport to me really (I mean, I know it, but never paid any attention) - and we had the best day. Husband and I were on a complete high last night and then couldn't get to sleep!

    Brilliant tights!

  9. That sounds like you had a really amazing day, definitely a once in a lifetime experience!

    Maria xxx

  10. Hey, these are wonderful photos! Mine were all a little too far away! Glad London wasn't too horrid and we ladida southerners weren't rude (I am the only person in my area who says thank you on the bus!) By the way, did I ever say, I would totally be up for the Goodread whenever!

  11. Wow you were up close to the action, brilliant photos! I loved all the quirky fences too when I saw them on TV! :)

  12. I loved the set-up, it was like an England-themed miniature golf park :P

  13. It sounds like you had a great time. Your choice of tights was inspired!

  14. I'm so jelouse of you! :')


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