Thursday, 27 September 2012

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears. Oh My!

A lion.

And some (sleeping) tigers.

And a spectacled bear!

Oh my!

As you may be able to guess, I went to Chester Zoo at the weekend.  I'd never been to the zoo before that.  It wasn't that I had a deprived childhood or anything - it was lovely, just somewhat lacking in zoo visits and Disney films.  I've still only really ever seen The Little Mermaid and Robin Hood.

But at least I've been to the zoo now!  It was awesome. I went with my lovely friend Shell and young Jack. Poor Shell, she had two kids to put up with for the day. I spent most of the time there dashing around going "ohhhhhhmygodddddaGIRAFFE!!" and wondering if anyone would notice if I stole one of the bears.  She has a big car - we could totally have stowed it away in the boot.

Hi Shell!

Hi Jack!

Let the photo bombing commence:

I am now desperate for a pet giraffe.  Wonderful animals.

I was so tempted to steal him/her for Char.

I loved this orangutan. Totally reminded me of Ludo.

That's a Roulroul partridge and chick.

Look, proof I was actually there!

We're going to the aquarium next, and then the safari park.  And if I'm very good, I might get McDonalds on the way home.


  1. That orangutan looks SUCH a dude!! But yeah, giraffes are brill, I identify with them and their tallness :)

    PS I had a Disney-deprived childhood too! I'm trying to catch up now but I don't think it's the same as if you've seen and loved them as a child :( Poor us.

  2. I love the zoo, I can;t believe you have never been before! When I was 7 I went to Twycross Zoo and did an entire school project on giraffes!

    Maria xxx

  3. It looks like you had a great day! Those animals are soo cute! I'm pretty in love with Orangutans, I spent about an hour just sat there watching them when I went to Monkey World.

    Love Becky xx

  4. So many great photos! I do love going to the zoo, zoo, zoo. Haven't been in ages, may have to get myself along to a good one soon.
    Lions and tigers frighten me - I have dreams about them chasing me around the house and bears just freak me out. Watched too many of those 'when bears attack' style programs :(

  5. It could've stuck it's head through the sunroof!

  6. He totally IS Ludo!!! I was really excited by the flamingos, I've never seen them in real life! And that butterfly is incredible!

  7. Ahhh I love zoos! I went to one with my boyfriend as a birthday treat, we saw a lion very similar to the one in the top photo, and my boyfriend bought me a mini cuddly version in the gift shop! :D x

  8. Love the zoo, I've been to Chester zoo a few times Ilove the butterfly house. You got some great pics xx

  9. Yay for the zoo, I'm really glad you enjoyed it and it was worth the wait :)

  10. Love the zoo! Last time I went one of the tigers came right up to the window, stood on the ledge, licked his lips, looked around and yawned. He was about six inches away from me (I was very glad of the toughened glass) it was awesome!

  11. I went to Chester Zoo about 5/6 years ago, it's a lovely place. You are never too old to get excited about the Zoo xxx


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