Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The Way To My Heart(s)

I am not a very girly girl.  There is nothing wrong with girly girlishness - I'm very much of the opinion each to their own - but the way to my heart is not through pink fluff, nail varnish, macarons and cupcakes (ugh, I feel dirty just typing that word.  FAIRYCAKES FTW!), red roses, frilly underwear or fashion magazines.  It's through green things, lashing of sport, giant slabs of cake, freesias, hoodies and books.  Lots of books.

I lived in jeans and oversized cardigans for years and years and am a relatively recent convert to frocks.  Frills and cutesy swishyness don't come naturally to me. That doesn't mean I can't don a heart print frock every now and then though.  Obviously it's in a nice sedate shade of navy - can you imagine the horror if this frock was made in pink? - and I have to add some green into the mix, but the hearts are very much in evidence.

Proof that short girls can wear maxis!  Just make sure you pick one with a block colour or pattern so it doesn't matter when you have to lop six inches off the bottom...

Dress - Uttam @ Dorothy Perkins
Cardi - Primark
Wedges - H&M
Necklace - charity shop
Ring - Dorothy Perkins


  1. You look lovely Alex, as a fellow shortie it took me ages to buy a maxi dress... I love your green wedges though. x

  2. Wow Alex thats an amazing dress. Plus you look a fab in it too.

    X x

  3. Fantastic! as a short (girl) myself most of my clothes are maxi length like it or not (but actually I love it)

  4. Lovely dress. It annoys when people say us short folk can't wear maxi dresses etc as long as it fits well you can wear it as good as any lanky you've just proved xxx

  5. I love maxi dresses, this one is superb and looks perfect on you!

  6. It's very fetching and so you! You do quirky, brilliant twists on an ordinary item (i.e. the maxi- can be a rather bland/samey item) in your outfits and they look wonderful!

  7. UTTAM?? At Dotty P's? I soooo didn't know that. Thanks love. You look amazing! Great dress.
    I can't wear a maxi. I always look preggers....
    Thanks for your lush comment over at mine, made me beam.
    x x x x

  8. Maxis have tended to disagree with me as a rule, the length of my stride is way longer than my maxi will let me go, rather unsafe really. Loving this heart print x

  9. I'm with you on giant slabs of cake for sure. And freesias and books. Not a fan of red roses AT ALL, although I love yellow ones. That's a fab maxi, I love navy.

    Re: girly nail varnish (ahem) and your comment on mine re duvet impressions, you need SECHE VITE. Google it. It's probably made of evil but it works. You can get it on eBay. Serious. This'll change things.

  10. Gorgeous frock Alex, the maxi style really suits you. I have a lot of love for navy at the moment, it's such a gorgeous and unassuming colour xxx

  11. This looks fab, I really like the green and navy together. I <3 it.


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