Thursday, 1 November 2012

Shoes and Sparkle

Huzzah!  I have new shoes.  New red shoes to be precise.  

I asked for your advice a couple of weeks ago when I was pondering what type of Converse to choose for my first pair.  Well, the replies were clear on one thing - you all loved Converse and I was about the only person in the world who didn't own a pair.  Not any more though!  There was some sound advice about going for a pair of solid coloured high tops, so I took that and chose a lovely red pair.  Black would have been sensible, green would have been too obvious (I can't have green everything) and white or cream is just asking for trouble where I'm concerned - they would soon have been an attractive shade of dirt.  Red it was.  I do enjoy a bit of sassy colour on my feet.

The jumper was a holiday purchase when we popped into Harrogate for a spot of shopping.  I wasn't going to buy it.  Honestly, I wasn't.  It was lurking on a sale rail but there was no reduced price sticker on the label and besides, I never buy burgundy things.  I don't suit them; I'm too pale.

I am a notorious sucker for #wardrobezoo related things though and that made it worth taking up to the till to check if it really was on sale or not.  It turned out that it was and that, combined with the lure of glittery gold owls, proved too strong for me to resist.  I'm so easily pleased.

Little detail on the back of the jumper
Jumper - M&S Limited Collection sale
Skirt - Warehouse
Socks - Primark
Converse high top trainers

Oh, and did I mention that they're amazing and I love them?  I will probably end up with about eleventybillion pairs now.  Just you wait and see.


  1. You can't go wrong with red converse can you?


  2. YAY converse! I am also really enjoying that jumper x

  3. They look great, good choice! Red ones are classics. I adore the jumper too, saw a hoodie in New Look yesterday with owl eyes and owl ears (do owls have ears??) on the hood, was so cool!

  4. I did the same in M&S with a sequin jumper, damn sale rail.
    Good work on the Converse, I've got a black pair, but you are right, they are boring. Red is definitely next.

  5. love the jumper! I only recently bought a pair of Converse too..xx

    1. I want these but would only wear them when watching Dr Who at home. I've got a black pair and white pair of cons now and love both of them. Had the black pair for about 5 years! x

  6. I need some new Converse too. The red ones look great on you! xx

  7. Oh so glad you got that jumper - it's fab on and how well does it match the socks!? Yay for the converse as well.
    I'm so thrilled with how wardrobezoo seems to be taking over the world! :)

  8. LOVE those shoes. And of course the jumper! I was shopping with my mum the other day and she looked at me and said "what is it with owls? Why do all you youngsters love owls?" I was tempted to say it was a cult or something but I fessed up, they're just funny and cute.

  9. I think burgundy really suits you. Especially with gold owls.
    Great converse, good choice x

  10. Yay you have Converse! Must admit when I've always worn the lo ones and when I finally got hi-tops a few months ago I wasn't convinced, but they've proven perfect for this rotten weather, great for layering up the socks! :)

  11. I love these on you, I think I am going to try Converse next!

    Maria xxx

  12. Oh yay, you got some! Fab aren't they? Hmm, I don't have any red ones...


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