Thursday, 6 December 2012

Cracking Christmas Giveaway: Day Six

Day Six sees me calling all crazy cat ladies (and gentlemen. Wouldn't want to discriminate!) and #wardrobezoo fans.  On offer today are:

A cat bag and ring, purchased by me (both from ASOS)

And this fabulous Puss In Books book provided by the British Library gift shop

Raise your paw if you want to win them!  Gosh, I really need to stop picking giveaway prizes that I want to keep for myself.  This ring is adorable, the bag is beautiful (and big! I love a big clutch) and the book looks fascinating, with a whole host of feline themed nursery rhymes, poems, stories and gorgeous illustrations.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have two cats, a black and white grumpy one called Dracula and a cross persian called Igor who has a brain the size of a pea but is so fluffy that cuddling him makes up for all the stupid things he does.

    Clare Robinson

  2. My cat Tuna, well he's still a kitten really, he's an amazing ball of energy and since we've put up the Christmas tree it's been attacked on an hourly basis x x

  3. Ah these are so cute, those cat studs are amazing!
    I wish I could have a cat but we adopted one and my parents (despite owning cats when they were young) both turned out to be terribly allergic D=
    I have my extremely lovely guinea pigs though- Vuitton and now the little babies Luella and Betsey =)

    Florrie x

  4. No pets for me, too many allergies but I do have a mischievous 10 month baby boy called George who raises havoc all over the house!

  5. Argh I am the original crazy cat lady! My three girls Georgie, Chloe and Willow would attest to this! That bag is amazing, can't believe I haven't seen it before. SUCH a great giveaway, Alex! Xxx

  6. They are beautiful prizes, but i think i can say they wouldn't be mine very long, my little girl it cat crazy!

  7. No pets for me, i must confess to watching the film Garfield (orange cat ) last week whilst snuggled up!! it was quite fun!! ;-) fionaH

  8. Aw yay good giveaway Alex!! the ring is lovely... cat lovers of the world unite! I'm sure my cat Mr B would be very impressed xx

  9. Long-time of your blog who is so desperate for today's prize that I'm finally posting! I too am a Chalet School fan, which is how I first found you, and recently completed my collection. I live in Melbourne Australia but I'll pay postage if I win! I love the bag! And book! And ring!

    I've just moved into my own place and will be getting myself my own kitties for Christmas. My mum has a cute little ginger and white boy, Topie. My dad has a Russian Blue, Bruce. And my sister has a tortie and white with Addison's disease, Holly, and a healthy silver tabby, Mr Darcy.

    1. We have a Chinchilla Persian called Lulu and a Ragdoll called Kira. My son has tropical fish and 2 Giant African Land Snails called Sonic and Shadow!

  10. I love heading home to Lincolnshire to see my family, because there reside three furry lovelies: one canine two feline. Belle is a large, friendly, waggy doggy - she's my shadow when I'm home and I adore her and miss her. Lily is an imperious Siamese x Tabby who talks to you like you would to another human, Tom is her more mischievous, thuggish but loveable brother known for his obsession with plastic bags and a tendency to hide under the bath tub (old fashioned-y claw foot job) and peek over the shower curtain (perv).

    Jem xXx

  11. I have a black and white cat named Spaghetti, three hens and a cockerel.

  12. I have four grey, white and black fluffy cats (mum, dad and two girl kittens) They are a proper part of the family and the cutest things...Apart from when they run under ym feet first thing in the morning and I nearly go flying!

  13. On comment alone, I do believe Jem (and her perv cat) should win this. I just laughed my way thru' it!
    I have Tabby who we gave a home to and her daughter Rene who she gave birth to a month later. I was on the phone to a lady called Rene at the time, hence the name. Odd that she only gave birth to one kitten. They are both teenagers now but still behave like nutters sometimes (in that one hour a day when they are not asleep on the bed!)
    Z xx

  14. You probably know mine already! Two grey lady cats, Sally who looks like a fat version of the Sheba cat and Mavis who is grey and white and long haired and leaves fur everywhere. I love them.

  15. I have never really had a pet, due to most of my family, including myself, being allergic to virtually everything. I would love a pet Panda as they are so beautiful, or maybe a tiger, providing I could find a fluffy, tame child-friendly one!

  16. We can't have pets, sadly (landlord's rule and also my partner is allergic to cats). But in our dreams and future plans there feature a Boston terrier, and perhaps a retired Greyhound. ~ Sara

  17. We have a black Miniature Schnauzer called Poppy - mad as a box of frogs but we love her soooooooooooooooooooo much! X

  18. We have no pets at the moment but the pressure is on with 4 kids wanting a dog !

  19. We did have a goldfish but he died a while ago :( I'd love a Westie one day but the mr won't let me have a dog at the moment as we've just had our third child (fair play I suppose).

  20. I have an 18yr old cat named after an escapologist... for good reason!

  21. Ahwww, so cute! Love these prizes! Hope you are well and happy!

  22. I only had a cat when I was baby but my dads always had them, we'll since he's been with my step mum. They have a gorgeous tabby called smokey and he's the man of the house xxx

  23. We don't have any pets at all at the moment :( But are seriously considering getting a cat or kitten in the new year! :) :) :) :)

  24. We have a little ginger kitty called Ambrose with a tail that's not even as long as his leg which sticks out sideways. Needless to say he's got character, bless his cotton socks! <3

    Ps) He doesn't really wear socks. I wouldn't have any fingers left if I tried that one. :')


  25. We all want a pet pig :)

  26. Book stuffs again, niiiiiiiiiice! xx

  27. Ralph was my baby. I'll miss him always, but he still visits ocationally in my dreams.

  28. WE have a canary without a name

  29. we don't have a pet yet but would like a cute little white dog after a few years may be..

  30. i have two staffie crosses riddick (3 years) and rio (nearly 6 months)we call her meep meeps as she makes a sound like a baby bird when she wants something which at the moment is everything especially my hubbies tea she is a total tea jenny.she rules poor riddick with an iron rod she even has him washing her ears every night when there cuddled up on the sofa :)

  31. my cat is called taz we call her catdog as she is a cat but acts like a dog, my sister cant come to my house as she is seriously allergic to her hehe

  32. Hiya,I have two Hamsters named Ron and Reg, there v.cute and are nearly 3 years old! I then have my Tibby the cat he is my baby, yes i know it's a cat but he is beautiful and we have an amazing bond. He keeps me smiling and definately rules the house lol.

    1. I have two dogs, Tara & Billy. Both are rescues and are real characters. Tara is my rock, she's like a true friend. Billy came to us in October after our old dog died :( but he's cheered us all up with his scamp of a nature. x

  33. I love giraffes!! We have cats :Pepper and Smudge, both are pretty grumpy!

  34. I have a fur-baby called Hudson who is my dog that I love so much. I'm so with you on wanting a giraffe though!

  35. my cat is called george and i love him more than i love most people

  36. I have 3 chickens called Charlie, spotty and sooty

  37. The only pet I ever had was a fish named Ron (of Harry Potter fame)...he died after a week. I'm actually allergic to cats! I do want a dog though....I love puppies!

  38. I had a fish called Glenda and a cat called tigger so Glenda was shortly replaced with Glenda 2.

  39. No pets at the moment but I'm longing for a little Bijon Frise puppy! Unfortunately no pets are allowed in my building!

  40. I miss having a dog to walk....but we have a couple of neighbourhood cats that think they belong to us!

  41. You generous thing you. Mmmmm pets. Two out of three of our pets (rabbit and guinea pig) popped their clogs last weekend *sad face* and the remaining guinea pig has stopped eating (again). So not a happy pet time in our house at the mo! xx

  42. I have 2 babies - my pusscats witty and eddie who i haven't seen since september because of uni but just oneeeee more week til i get to snuggle them again! xx

  43. I have one Maine coon! He is a senior citizen but I love him!

  44. I have four cats! Two black and white ones called Beany and Latte, a black one called Nando and a white longhaired called Tizz. I love them to bits xxx

  45. I have a rescue dog, Sammy, a turtle, Copper, and two birds, Zane and Coco.

  46. Well you totally already know about the Fred and Lily. But I can tell you I have a new cat friend. I call him Tubs. I meet him most mornings on my way into work because he likes to hang out at the Butty Van because the man who runs it gives him bits of bacon!

  47. The cat ring is absolutly gorgeous

  48. I think you already know of a black and white dribbly monster... our little fresian, who runs my parents lives?! Monty, the old man. I'm giving serious consideration to having a pet of my own now, as I get quite lonely having moved out- T is away or out a lot. I'd love to be able to rescue a cat- something a bit older, who just wants to be loved, and wants to curl up of an evening.

  49. I love the purse and the ring is just adorable. Thank you for hosting this great giveaway)

  50. I always considered myself to be a 'dog' person but after rescuing an abandoned kitty I've been swayed.

  51. My dearest Jasper rules our house, he's the most handsome (totally bias) Russian Blue cat I've ever met. Such a devil when it comes to wrapping paper, shoe laces and wallpaper, but I wouldn't swap him for the world! xxx

  52. My boyfriend surprised me with a kitten as a moving in together gift, i named him Kitten. Not so cute now hes a big cat hah

  53. Sadly my house is desperately quite without my little boy Comet. He was such a character, always getting under feet and sleeping in random places. Left a legacy of dog hair...

  54. I've become a proper crazy cat lady! We started out with one stray we adopted 'Cat' as she looked a bit like the one from breakfast at tiffanys. Then one day she dropped what we thought was a mouse on the kitchen floor, it wasn't it was a tiny black kitten 'Barry' it was like having a baby, she couldn't look after him so we had to hand rear him, feeding him every three hours with a tiny syringe and formula milk! He's nearly two now! And I'm a very proud cat mum! Ha ha


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