Monday, 3 December 2012

Cracking Christmas Giveaway: Day Three

Day Three brings literary gifts.  To be precise:

A Neverland to Wonderland poster from The Literary Gift Company

And a Folio Society copy of All Quiet on the Western Front

How beautiful is the poster please? Utterly perfect for anyone with a love of children's literature or just maps in general.  And words can't express how much I love the Folio Society.  This is a wonderful book and the illustrations and cover make it even better.  Who wouldn't want this gracing their bookshelves?

I very strongly wish I could keep both of these for myself but they're all yours.  Enter below, you lucky, lucky things.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Alice in Wonderland, I always enjoy reading a fairytale at Christmas xxx

  2. In December I turn either to Harry Potter - Hogwarts always feels festive to me! Or I'll re-read Little Women swiftly followed by an Austen - usually Persuasion or Pride and Prejudice :-) Old favourites are the best at this time of year!

    Jem xXx

  3. I always enjoy reading A Christmas Carol. I know it's cliche but it makes me feel literary and warm inside. Plus in my head it's read by Simon Callow :)

  4. I love reading fairytales at this time of year so I bring out my Grimm anthology! It's dark and creep and perfect!

  5. Oh the poster is so pretty! Perfect for the empty space above my mantlepiece.

    Shopped and Dropped

  6. I'm heading off to the lakes to snuggle in a cottage, taking the night circus by Erin morgenstein

  7. December for me is all about celebrity biographies! It may not be cool or very literary, but I just love reading all the salacious details of famous people's lives! To be honest, I don't even have to particularly like the person! I'm currently reading The Prince Of Wales by Jonathan Dimbleby, a veritable tome of a book, although I am a total Royalty geek so I'm sure I will plough through it in no time!

  8. At the moment I'm reading The Great Gatsby, in anticipation for the film release. :)
    Also The Night Circus as I've heard so many good things.

  9. Heard great things about this book.

  10. Read at Christmas? I honestly can't think of a book I've ever been drawn to festively. I supposed I'd have to go for carols then! x

  11. Planning to dust out the Hobbit :-) In preparation for the hobbit which im hugely excited about seeing!!
    Loving the poster! fiona

  12. The Snowman, although technically "read" isn't quite the right word

  13. I have my Alice in Wonderland collection that I sometimes read again this time of year - the poster would be so fitting!

  14. Love that poster- and what a gorgeous book x

  15. I love my Roald Dahl short stories, bit of creepy-weird on a chilly night :)


  16. its when all the celebs start bringing out their biographies - you will find me geeking out on these

  17. I do a lot of rereading in December. I reread "A Christmas Carol" almost every year. Also children's books, especially those with Christmas scenes or chapters. The Little House books are great for that, as is Noel Streatfeild.

  18. What gorgeous prizes. I have been reading a lot of modern classics lately like The Great Gatsby and Nineteen-Eighty-Four. I don't know what took me so long!

  19. I always read Roald dahl novels around christmas time. Especially BFG

  20. I don't have any specific books i read in Decemeber although any christmas story i.e A christmas carol puts a smile on my face :).

  21. I read The Great Gatsby and some Enid Blyton recently!

  22. whatever fancies my kids, i read that to them..

  23. I am reading The Life of Pi at the moment, can't wait for the film but bet it won't be as good as the book

  24. i always end up re-reading Little Women at christmas. :)

  25. This is 100% the best prize you've given away in one of your giveaways. I know I'm taking a risk saying that on Day 3 but I feel strongly about this. ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!! IT'S AMAZING!

  26. I got a strange yearning for Harry Potter, very nostalgic for me as I read the first book when I was about 9 and I more or less grew up alongside harry after that :)

  27. I usually read a light Christmassy fiction novel but I haven't got a new one yet! I'm currently reading J.K. Rowling's The Casual Vacancy :)

  28. Always has to be The Snowman!

  29. AAAARGH BOOK STUFF! I like to re-read Harry Potter because it was a big part of Christmas growing up and I try to get around to reading things that I've bought in charity shops all year and let pile up x

  30. I spotted that map on The Literary Gift site just the other day, and as a children's lit fan, I fell in love! I tend not to re-read but spend time picking a special book I've been meaning to read for ages but haven't got round to - two years ago it was Wicked, last year Discovery of Witches (which left me a bit disappointed, sadly!) Not sure this year - am thinking of giving Game of Thrones ago. Fantast fic fan much, me?

  31. I love reading the old classics like Dickens (although not particularly happy Christmases) but they do paint a picture of the country covered in snow ready for the holiday season.

  32. Literary Christmas specials never really work for me, in the run up I've usually got exams and essay deadlines forcing me to push back the present buying, but then I get a pile of books for Christmas and the week between Christmas and New Years is for me and my books.

  33. Eek how did I miss this one?! BEAUTIFUL MAP!! Every Christmas Eve I get out my ancient (well, as old as me) copy of The Night Before Christmas :) The illustrations are gorgeous x

  34. Night before Christmas only my little girl likes it about 29 nights before Christmas!

  35. I don't have any particular Christmassy books that I read, but I'm currently reading Down & Out In Paris and London. :)

  36. The poster is sooooooooooooo beautiful. I've entered the giveaway (hope I've done it right!). xx

  37. My ultimate Christmas book is The Box Of Delights by John Masefield.

  38. I like reading Christmassy stories to the kids. I used to love the winter edition of the Brambley Hedge series where they celebrate Christmas with a big feast.

  39. In December I like to read the classics - currently reading "The Hobbit!"

  40. How lush is the Literary Book company! I'd love love love this prize. I love their book-bags too.xx

  41. Every single Christmas Eve night I read "A Visit from Santa Clause" (aka Twas the Night Before Christmas) aloud to my parents.

  42. A Christmas Carol of course ;)


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