Friday, 14 December 2012

Winter Wool

I'm sure there are many varied and hilarious lists out there entitled "You Know You're A Fashion Blogger When..."

Well, I'd like to start off a new list entitled "You Know You're A Crazy Fashion Blogger When..." and start it with:

  • You voluntarily take outfit photos outside when it's minus 4.  And you take off your coat. And your gloves.
Because I was (relatively) snuggly warm when I was dressed like this:

But then I stripped off the layers and it was COLD. 

Like I said, crazy fashion blogger.  Mind you, had I not been wearing this jumper then I would have been chillier still.  I do enjoy wearing plus size tops in winter, especially when they're as snuggly as this one.  You can chuck all sorts of layers on underneath (you can't see the long sleeved top and a band tshirt under this) and if it's a good jumper you manage to get away with looking like you've deliberately worn it that way, rather than bearing a striking resemblence to someone in their dad's clothes.

The boots might not look it, but they're actually quite a sensible choice. My feet are further away from the cold ground and they're lovely and easy to walk in! Plus there's room for some festive odd sock action underneath.

Coat - Kookai, via car boot sale
Jumper - Primark
Shorts - Gap
Boots - Aldo, via ASOS
Scarf - unknown
Mittens & hat - Dorothy Perkins


  1. Hee hee, love it!!!! Yes, you do know you're a fashion blogger! BUT, not as crazy as the short-sleeves and tulle skirt-wearing (in the winter) ones!!!! Or girls in Newcastle on a night out wearing a strapless dress sans coat that I've spied once or twice!

  2. I am such a fan of big jumpers with plenty of layers underneath. Adore your coat x

  3. I know I mention it almost every time you photograph it but that coat is lush!
    Love the look with the big snuggly jumper I need more of those. Boots, almost forgot, love them, my most comfy shoes are wedges, they are a bit sexy. x

  4. loooove those boots. I make my brother take photos and he's complaining that its cold and I just shout 'shup up and take photos!' ;)

  5. Those boots have always been a fave! Very envious of your snuggly jumper xxx

  6. I have a lot of respect for fashion bloggers at this time of year, I'll stick to warmth and food blogging! Absolutely love the colour of your cosy jumper and your festive socks.

  7. Ahh you do look very snuggly! I've taken to buying my jumpers from the menswear departments as the ladies' ones just aren't big enough for me in the sleeves and shoulders. Now, if only Topman would start doing dresses that skim my knees rather than my bum :\

  8. Hi
    Amazing boots! I love the whole outfit. Got yourself a new fan :)


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