Tuesday, 1 January 2013

The Best Bits of 2012

2012, on the whole, was a good year.  I was rifling back through the past 365 days worth of diary entries yesterday and although according to that I spent a fair proportion of the year being cross (this is the problem when you use your diary as a venting space), I spent much more of it having a lot of fun.

Here is a random selection of some of the best bits. I'm sure I've forgotten something...

- Went to the Olympics!  Also became, as per usual, massively obsessed with the Olympics and Paralympics and did little else except watch sport and cheer madly all summer.

- Watched 35 films at the cinema.  And interestingly, I didn't see a really bad one (although Anna Karenina was Not Good). J. Edgar was definitely the dullest but the homoerotic subplot saved it slightly.  Even more interestingly, James Nesbitt (who I loathe) was in two of my top films of the year: Coriolanus and The Hobbit.  I think The Artist just about wins the award for my favourite film of the year (to the extent that I don't really want to watch it again in case it's not as good second time round) but The Raid and Looper deserve honourable mentions too, just for being different.

- Started up A Blogging Good Read which has been wonderful fun and has really expanded my reading horizons.  Thank you so much to everyone that has taken part so far.  I need more contributors for this year so do please let me know if you're interested, even if you've done it before!

- Holidayed in Wales:




And Derbyshire:

- Got new specs:

- Had a truly amazing time at Bestival:

- Took up fence judging at British Eventing competitions. Definitely one of the best things I did during 2012.

- Went to the zoo for the first time!

- Had the best pre-Christmas treat ever at Olympia.  Amongst many amazing things, I finally got to see the Shetland Pony Grand National!

- Bought my first pair of Converse.  Am now a total convert and own a bright green pair and a tweed pair as well!

And here are some of my favourite photos from the year.  Cos it turns out that things are better when I smile instead of looking at the floor!


  1. you've definitely done a lot Alex :) Happy New Year! xx

  2. I love the photo of you smiling away Alex and it looks like you've had an amazing year, I bet Olympia was fantastic - I've always wanted to go there. xxx

  3. Wow what a full year it's been for you! Very jealous of you Olympics frolics and as always, the amount of books you've managed to read! I'd definitely be interested in signing up for a blogging good read, will drop you an email : ) ps you look lovely in the photos, particularly loving your hair in the one with you holding a cocktail! Happy new year lovely xx


  4. Sounds like you had an amazing 2012, I hope I get to see you again in 2013!

    Maria xxx

  5. What a great year Alex, one to remember certainly xxx

  6. Love your photos, looks like you've had a busy 2012! I was on holiday for most of the Olympics, but I loved the Paralympics; I think goign to see the athletics was one of my best days of 2012. I'd love to contribute to A Blogging Good Read if you still need people. xx

  7. Ooh, your year sounds brilliant!!!! I'd love to do the Goodread again if you need someone! Happy New Year Alex!
    And ha ha ha ha, you know the SMILE is the way forward!!!

  8. Looks like a good year was had by you! I didn't realise you'd been up in the 'Burgh (on account of my lax blog reading). How does the Blogging good read work? I'm on resolve to read more this year - that could be something to spur me on! Have a great start to 2013 xx

  9. Wow you've done so much! Loving the travels and the Shetland Ponies in particular :) And you're so right - life is better when you smile! I think I might embroider that and put it on my wall! Happy New Year! xx

  10. You got up to some great things, I hope 2013 is just as good (if not better)!

  11. You did so many fun things! Hurrah for pictures of a smiley Alex x

  12. Happy New Year, hope 2013 is a good one for you x

  13. Love your retrospective - what a fab sounding year. How did I not know of the shetland pony Grand National??

    Happy New Year, I think 2013 is going to be great. xx

    New Year's Resolutions of the Stars!

  14. Happy New Year 2013 Alex, I hope 2013 is just as much fun for you- if a little less cross.


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