Thursday, 24 January 2013

Work Wear

It's not my usual style, I'm the first to admit that.  We have no dress code at work, thank god, so I can and do wear pretty much whatever I want. If you've seen an outfit post of mine with a brick wall background, that means I've worn it to work.  So that can range from 6 inch tapestry wedge boots to vintage cherry print dresses to almost anything #wardrobezoo related.

Matalan asked me to take part in their January Style Project and obviously I said yes please. I love looking at their monthly challenges and seeing how varied the four outfits manage to be.  If you haven't seen the project series before, it's fairly simple: they arm four bloggers with £50 and a theme, then set them loose.  This month's theme was Work Wear and that meant quite a challenge for me. As I've already said, it's not what I usually choose.  I have a morbid fear of black polyester and I just don't suit pencil skirts and fitted dresses.  But work wear doesn't have to be any of those things.  I think as long as it's smart and appropriate, you're fine.  Why not let a bit of personality shine through in terms of colour and pattern?

I had a whale of a time zooming round my local Matalan store and trying armfuls of things on.  Eventually I narrowed it down to this:

I was already out of my comfort zone so thought I'd go the whole hog and pick a colour I don't usually wear either.  It was too cold when I took the photos to dare taking off the blazer so you can't really see the full effect of the sleeves or back of the dress but it's purple all over, with the exception of a black panel down the middle (a gorgeous aqua and black version is available online) and is both super comfy and rather smart.

Add a pair of shoes that look like my sadly now-departed ballet pumps but with heels and I was good to go!

Love the purple stitching against the black panel!
Dress, blazer, shoes, ring and bag - c/o Matalan (and well under the £50 limit!)

I love everything, but especially the fab doctor's bag. Such a nice shape and it holds all my general handbag rubbish very nicely indeed. Plus it has a strap and a handle. Perfect!

So if you approve of my choices, I'd be much obliged if you'd hop over to the Matalan blog and vote for me!


  1. Oh those shoes are fab, and I'm not usually a fan of chunky heels!

  2. I really like that blazer, so different and unique! Like you, the very words "work wear" make me shrink back in horror thinking of black trousers and striped shirts, but this couldn't be further from that. I'm lucky I guess in that I wear a uniform to work so no thought has to go into my daily workwear!
    Hopping over to vote now!

  3. I think you look awesome, I voted for you :)

    Maria xxx

  4. it looks brilliant, smart but interesting!

  5. I love your outfit, that dress is gorgeous I think I would have picked it too xxx

  6. Great outfit!
    I especially love the blazer :)

  7. You should win, Alex! You look so good in purple and those shoes are gorgeous. x

  8. love the shoes, very Chanel. I don't wear typical workwear, I'm wearing my Horrors t-shirt today and leopard print shoes. If I ever wear a pair of those hideous black trousers you have permission to shoot me xx

  9. Love the bag! My work is similar, there is no code and people dress quite casual but I'm never knowingly underdressed so I always look a bit OTT

  10. Great outfit, I especially love the blazer. My work can be quite physical, so it's jeans and trainers all the way. xx


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