Monday, 27 May 2013

The Benefits of Being Messy

I'm not a naturally tidy person.

You know what? There are benefits to this. Admittedly there are mostly negatives to it - having to hurdle and leap your way into bed because there's no visible carpet, being constantly surrounded by towering piles of stuff, having a purse that looks brilliantly full of money until you realise it's just six months worth of receipts, getting your foot stuck in the handle of a bag you've left lying on the floor and faceplanting the carpet, knowing that you own approximately 6 million bobbles but not ever being able to locate one when you need it... the list goes on.

BUT. When you do eventually get round to tidying up those pile of stuff, you find awesome things! Books you've forgotten about, USB sticks and stray earrings that have been lost for ages, lovely notebooks and the pièce de résistance: Arcadia vouchers!

Tidy people will never understand the joy I felt.  Those vouchers would long since have been neatly filed away in their purse, not languishing in a heap of stuff for months and months.  My way is the messy way, but it's definitely more fun.

What did I buy? This pretty yellow frock, which I spotted and then whipped out of a rail of discarded dresses in the changing rooms at my local Dotty P's store. There were no others to be spotted anywhere in the shop. I do love a good random find.

Dress - Dorothy Perkins sale
Cardi - H&M
Pumps - Primark
Necklace - c/o Naive Melodies
Earrings - Wolf & Moon


  1. I understand your joy as a previously messy person, but living in confined space, means I'd lose my mind if we didn't keep our room relatively sorted. I love finding things in handbags that haven't been used for a while though. Love the random find though, lovely shaped dress.

  2. I'd say I'm pretty tidy, I always get jealous when people find money in bags or pockets, that's never happened to me xxx

  3. That dress is lovely - I've often found hidden gems in DP, lurking all alone by themself. Being messy does have it benefits xxx

  4. As a fellow VERY messy person, I understand what you are saying but therefore you must recognise the pain I experienced this week when I found £35 worth of Tescos club card vouchers that were expired!!!!! I was SOOOOOO angry with myself!x

  5. LOVE it when you rediscover a previously lost and forgotten thing! also like the dress, I want something in a similar shape for a wedding later in the year!

  6. Ha, this was reading from my brain - I'm also terribly messy! The downside is, it's not unusual that I go out and buy a book, only to find the same unread book in a pile of stuff that needed sorting six months later. Which is why I'm buying a lot more books/magazines digitally these days :)

  7. Wow! What a find - much better than finding a rogue fiver down the side of the couch!

    Also, necklace looks lovely - glad you like iT!

  8. I'm messy too. What I hate is tidying only to never know where anything is after that! I like an organised chaos. Cute dress.

  9. This dress is BEAUTIFUL! I am far too messy for my own good put refinding treasures is always amazing!

    Maria xxx

  10. Result! Gorgeous frock long live being messy.

  11. I'm not a tidy person but only ever find junk laying about :/
    The dress is very pretty Alex x

  12. Lovely dress & they are such cute earrings! I'm an untidy person too & can totally understand your joy in finding those vouchers!!

  13. My mum is super tidy and a neat freak so I have rebelled and filled my life with clutter and mess. Best way too be, don't have time to organise my life... to busy looking at David Tennant on tumblr obviously. Love this dress, very good find!

  14. I'm so shocked you are messy, I don't know why but I imagined you to be very tidy. But yes I can comprehend the joy. Great purchase with the find xx

  15. random finds are the best! Though I am a reformed messy person at the moment!


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