Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Crazy Hair

Let me tell you a hair-raising tale.

It starts out with me, utterly worn out last night after five days of Guide camp. I mustered the energy to get in the shower but that was clearly all too much for me as I then fell asleep sitting up in bed with a towel on my head. Eight hours later I woke up looking like Sideshow Bob.

Several bobbles were hastily yanked into action and it was tamed into something approaching order:

But then a bobble actually snapped under the pressure of the crazy hair:

So I gave up and embraced the mayhem:

My face is behind there somewhere.

As crazy hair demands some equally eyecatching shoes, I gave this new pair their first outing. Pretty, aren't they?

Dress - Matalan
Cardi - Hawkshead
Heels - Irregular Choice Fresh Cut Grass


  1. I have to say I like the mayhem!

    I also like those shoes. A lot.


  2. I rather like the mayhem hair as well - if I could get mine looking that good AFTER work, that would be great, mine is one giant knot if I leave it to it's own devices :(

  3. those shoes are amazing. And your hair looks amazing too- I would definitely embrace such swishy wavy hair! x

  4. I really like your hair like this, I look like an electrified sheep when I sleep on my hair!

    Maria xxx

  5. I have crazy hair all the time - now I know that I need to get some eyecatching shoes to distract people.

  6. Haha your hair looks awesome, definitely embrace it! :)

  7. those shoes!! I always think I couldn't pull off IC shoes but these are just up my street x

  8. Those shoes are so cute x

  9. Pmsl at that hair story, oops! It looks good though! I wish those shoes had a slightly higher heel (for me) because I really like them.


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