Sunday, 13 October 2013

TK Maxx: Aintree

There's a lot of store redevelopment going on in Liverpool at the moment. Liverpool One sprung up a few years ago now, chock full of all sorts of shops and restaurants, and the rest of the city centre is gradually being revamped too. We've got a Forever 21 now! Matalan have just opened a flagship city centre store and the TK Maxx on Bold Street, which I blogged about here, is huge and ace! They're spreading the love into the suburbs too and have just opened a shiny new store in Aintree, so off I popped last weekend to pay it a visit.

We all know what a bargain you can pick up there, especially when it comes to clothing and shoes. I tried on a beautiful designer coat (the eagle eyed may be able to spot it in the middle of the above photo) which was £210 down to £49.99. My inner bargain hunter shed a little tear at leaving it behind but I do not need any more coats. I just don't. Stop it, Alex.

If I had one slight complaint it would be that the selection of frocks wasn't fantastic, other than sparkly party frocks, but I suppose it's that time of year, isn't it? The gorgeous array of knitwear more than made up for it. Had this specs jumper not been quite so high necked it would have been coming straight home with me.

I don't want this to be a tale of what didn't come home with me but argh, how I would have liked these ruby red slippers! Such are the misfortunes of having a popular foot size. There were some truly beautiful knee high boots too but alas not in a wide calf option (such are the misfortunes of having fat legs too!)

The homeware aisles are totally my happy place. I don't know why people automatically head to Ikea when they've got a house to fill. There is so much lovely stuff (esp. kitchenware) at TK Maxx. Shiny copper pans and gorgeous stoneware and more spatulas than you can shake a stick at.

This set of hat boxes would have been perfect for Maria. I'm weird though and can't buy things with initials on them if they aren't an "A".

Forget #wardrobezoo, I now want a housezoo!

So what did I actually buy? Presents for people, some coffee, knee high cosy socks and a hat!

I'd given up hope of ever finding a cloche type hat that suited me but I found one! I may have made indiscreet whooping noises in the middle of the shop. So happy!

*TK Maxx invited me along to visit the store and very kindly supplied me with a gift card to make a purchase or two. All opinions are my own. What can I say? I like it there!*


  1. I love that hat and it looks fantastic on you!

  2. Well, you know how much I love TK Maxx!
    The hat looks amazing! I'm thinking super-sleuthing with Poirot!
    And horsey butter life is incomplete without one of those.
    Z xx

  3. I love TKMaxx for home stuff......especially candles xxx

  4. I do love good rummage in that store, always find some great homeware in there x

  5. OOOOOOOOOOH! Excitement! My mum lives in Aintree (well, near Aintree) so I'll be able to pop into TKMaxx as well as Matalan now to pick up some bargains. Except I often can't find stuff in TXMaxx - sigh. I don't think I'm dedicated enough to go through all the racks so I just flick. I have picked up some shoes there though.

  6. Your hat looks amazing, very femme fatale! And you know me so well, I love a good novelty storage container, especially if it has my initials on!

    Maria xxx

  7. I spend hours in TK Maxx, there is just so much of interest! Great hat, looks perfect for you x

  8. TK Maxx is one of my favourite places to raid for furniture and homewarey goodness, although I kind of preferred my old store, which was much more like treasure-hunting through a jumble sale than the new, sensibly organised one.

  9. LOVE that hat. Why must I be stuck with a tiny head that looks so silly be-hatted- is that a word?

    I'm coming around to TK Maxx since their stores seem to have become easier to navigate, and I've had (oh bugger, I'm about to become the biggest cliche ever- forgive me?) some brilliant sportswear bargains there, which now it's chilling down a bit, were much needed- autumnal cycling is awesome, but requires appropriate dressing!


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