Friday, 29 November 2013

All Is Well When You Wear Red Shoes

Blogging is hard when you're poor.

Ok, so poor is a relative term. Let's just say that there hasn't been any money to spend on clothes recently and that makes fashion blogging a tad difficult. You don't want to see things I've already blogged about 50 times, do you?

Much as I loathe the term "shop your wardrobe" (what's the big deal about wearing stuff you already own? Don't need to justify it with a silly phrase!), my existing pile of clothes is all I've got and is all I'm likely to have for the next month or two. Alas, getting my winter clothes out of storage didn't reveal anything magically awesome but there are one or two nice things that I'm happy to be wearing again.

Case in point, the mystery frock. And my Irregular Choice Rosepea shoes. Despite having owned them for years (they're the second pair I ever bought!) I've only actually worn them once. Why, I don't know. They're brilliant.

Dress - charity shop
Jumper - H&M
Shoes - Irregular Choice Rosepea
Belt - Dubrovnik market


  1. Yes, they're lovely. I totally need to start actually wearing some of the things I own.

  2. I've been looking at al these 'Black Friday' deals and I don't want or need anything. It's payday and I always buy something but have said no this time. I booked a trip on a steam railway in Brecon instead. I can't even close my wardrobe door so I certainly don't need new dresses.
    Those shoes are rather lovely xx

  3. those are such beautiful shoes! I'm ignoring Black Friday!

  4. I quite like outfit post of different ways of styling stuff, who can afford that many new clothes?!

  5. The top and shoes are very striking!!! X

  6. YOUR SHOES ARE ABSOLUTELY SPECTACULAR. I love them. You look awesome!


  7. Your shoes are amazing. And so is your blog. So much I had to come back now I'm kind of in the swing. Also, I can't think of anything better than seeing the same dress over and over again. I'm sure you can re-mix it a bunch of ways and that will help keep me on track with the no spending thang. Seriously, a gal such as yourself doesn't have to spend money to look fashionable! I got your back Alex.


  8. Style blogging is far superior to fashion blogging. I'd rather see the same dress and read a well written post than a load of vacuous fluff. You look fab, that dress looks splendid on you and the shoes need to be worn more! x

  9. Those shoes are fab.
    You could do loads of posts around those shoes and I'd never get bored of them!
    Z xx


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